Title: Climatic
1Climatic Phenomena
2Whats a phenomena?
- An event that impresses one as out of the
ordinary sometimes unexplainable
Elementary my dear Watson? Sherlock Holmes
3Strange phenomenon occur during an El Nino and
La Nina like...
4Brush fires caused by drought
5Increased Tropical Storms
6Hurricane Floyd was HUGE!
7Causing devastating floods in NC, 1999
8Peruvian anchovy populations declined
9Regions of the US Pacific coast were severely
changed due to heavy rains and flooding
10What causes an El Nino?
11What causes an El Nino?
12Sea surface anomalies associated with El Nino
13SST differences between El Nino and La Nina
14QUIZ! Which is whichNormal, El Nino, La Nina?
15Were youre predictions correct?
16How can we predict an El Nino or La Nina event?
17Need measurements to make predictions
18NOAA drifting buoys
- Measures...
- temperature
- currents
- winds
20TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P)
21TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) helps predict El Nino and La
22(No Transcript)