Title: NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq (NCCI)
1NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq
(NCCI) Operating in High Risk Environment NGOs
intervention adapted to insecurity in Iraq
Overview Challenges  July 2010 / ECOSOC New
2Operating context for NGOs in Iraq
- Ongoing Instability and Insecurity
- Despite the important increase in security over
the past few years when compared to the levels of
2006 and 2007, violence still affects the country
and has a considerable impact on civilian lives. - High political instability which does not allow
the Iraqi government to address crucial
challenges, necessary for the country
stabilization, such as - - The formation of a new government
- - The ongoing withdrawal of foreign troops
- - The political disagreement over the disputed
territories - - The administration and ownership of oil
resources - - The disarmament of armed groups and militias
- The integrations of some of those groups into the
Iraqi security forces - Without addressing seriously those concerns,
stability security would not be guaranteed
3Operating context for NGOs in Iraq
- Risk of confusion humanitarian/militaries roles
- Most of the NGOs in Iraq regard the combination
of military and humanitarian roles within the US
forces as a serious operational constraint
bringing confusion in people minds. - The misperception of being affiliated with the US
Forces in Iraq undermines their acceptance by
local communities and limits their ability to
respond to humanitarian needs - NGOs are careful to keep their distance from the
military forces so as not to appear affiliated
with, or co-opted by, an unpopular party to the
conflict. However the perception of many Iraqis
is that western aid agencies are affiliated with
what they regard as the occupation.
4Operating context for NGOs in Iraq
- Limited UN operations in the field
- The international communitys efforts to address
humanitarian needs improve the situation in
Iraq have also been hindered by the limited
presence involvement of the UN in the country - 7 years after Canal Hotel bombing, UN OCHA Iraq
main office is still based in Amman lack viable
presence in Iraq - especially at community level.
This has critical implications for its ability to
accurately assess humanitarian needs, coordinate
monitor projects on the ground - For many NGOs, the UN still have serious
difficulties today to ensure humanitarian
coordination in Iraq because of security
challenges and major restrictions.
5Modus operandi of NGOs in Iraq
- NGOs situation in Iraq
- Today, there are around 70 INGOs working in Iraq
directly or indirectly (through Iraqi NGO
partners) - 2. In 2010, it is believed that there are between
10,000 and 12,000 NNGOs of whom 6000 are
registered at the NGO Directorate.
6Modus operandi of NGOs in Iraq
- International NGOs
- INGOs have been playing a significant role in
providing humanitarian assistance to vulnerable
people (some have been working in Iraq since the
mid-1990s) - Their engagement in Iraq is absolutely necessary
for several reasons - There are still huge humanitarian and development
needs in Iraq that the government does not yet
have the capacity to effectively address. - They build the capacity of the Iraqi NGOs
through partnership in the field. - They involve community members in a way that
promotes their ownership over decision making.
This is fundamental to ensure an adequate and
sustainable recovery process. - Most INGOs do not use armed protection,
preferring to utilize a security model that
relies on seeking acceptance support of the
communities where they work.
7Modus operandi of NGOs in Iraq
- The Iraqi NGO community
- Iraqi NGOs made a significant contribution to
delivering humanitarian and development
assistance. - Most Iraqi NGOs were established when
International NGOs withdraw from Iraq as security
conditions began to deteriorate (2003-2005)
8Modus operandi of NGOs in Iraq
The Iraqi NGO community With little or no prior
experience, Iraqi NGOs accepted high levels of
risk and adapted to deteriorating conditions and
changing needs. Most programs addressed needs
related both to post-2003 conflict and long-term
deprivation from basic services dating back to
the Iran-Iraq War. However, as the Iraqi NGOs
still lack capacity and experience, the
supportive role of INGOs remains essential to
empower the Iraqi civil society to effectively
respond to the needs of their communities.
9Modus operandi of NGOs in Iraq
How do NGOs Operate in Iraq Over the past years,
NGOs had learned how to adapt and re-adapt their
operations to the changing context and were
providing effective assistance and protection
even in areas where insecurity had persisted or
worsened. Like all key stakeholders involved in
aid delivery in Iraq, NGOs also face multiple
obstacles in responding to the needs. However the
key comparative advantages that they have are
their streamlined approaches, and their ability
to react quickly to respond to the needs, to
develop strategies and ensure sustainability by
- Adapting their modus operandi and activities
to the volatile context - Building trust and
acceptance with the communities they serve -
Involving communities in the processes of
deciding upon, investing in, implementing and
maintaining projects that meet their most
pressing needs.
10Modus operandi of NGOs in Iraq
NGOs perception of security Staff security
without access achieve little or no humanitarian
impact Several large, well guarded humanitarian
agencies have maintained a presence in security
bubbles due to continuing security risks.
Agencies operating from enclosed compounds or
those that move under armed protection lose
meaningful access to communities in need because
of the way their affiliations with such security
actors are perceived by the population in much of
Iraq. Access without safety is
unsustainable Some organizations have succeeded
in gaining temporary access to volatile crisis
areas then have lost it suddenly sometimes
tragically to the point where they have been
forced to cease operations, release their staff,
and close programs.
11Key elements of success for operating in Iraq
Neutrality, Clarify roles between NGOs
Military, Impartiality
Do no Harm, Experienced Staff, Flexibility,
Mobility, Keeping Reasonable size
Networking and Community Participation, Capacity
Building , Local Ownership
Networks, Needs Assessments, Needs based Programs
and Field Presence