Title: Human%20needs,%20Happiness%20and%20Sustainability
1Human needs, Happiness and Sustainability
- The role of markets and participatory democracy
- CALS students, May 13 deadline
- Richard Aplin Scholarship Fund
- Charles Dana and Edith Bennett Scholarship
- Richard Holzer Memorial Scholarship Fund
- NAFTA course in Guadalajara next January
3What is the goal of sustainable community
- A high quality of life for this and future
generations? - How do we define quality of life?
- Happiness/satisfaction with life?
- Our ability to satisfy our needs and wants
- Assumption is that this requires the 4 capitals
4Quality of Life fulfillment of basic Human Needs
5What institutions will fulfill our needs and make
us happy?
- Markets?
- Participatory democratic processes?
6The Smile Factor
- Who are the happiest/most satisfied people in the
world? - Are Americans getting happier over time?
- Then what is the justification for consuming 25
of the worlds resources?
7(No Transcript)
8Human Development Index
9(No Transcript)
10What makes people happy?
- Money?
- (Not very, and only relative wealth once basic
needs are met) - Desiring less
- The aspiration gap
- Friends
- Marriage
- Religion/community
- Helping others
- Getting old
- Keeping lists of things for which youre grateful
11What makes people unhappy?
- Pursuit of material gainyoung adults who focus
on money, image and fame tend to be more
depressed, have less enthusiasm for life and
suffer more physical symptoms such as headaches
and sore throats than others. - Comparing yourself with others
- Status is a never-ending tread-mill
12So what should our policy priorities be?
- From a happiness perspective, a government's
priorities should be to reduce unemployment and
job insecurity, improve mental healthcare,
encourage direct democracy and discourage the
pursuit of status - All of these are extremely compatible with
sustainability - Why are our current priorities so different?
13Information and Preferences
- Where do we get our information in a market
economy? - What is advertised?
- What impact does this have on our preferences and
policy priorities?
14Impacts on happiness and QOL
- Is Advertising likely to make people happy or
unhappy? - What is its impact on quality of life?
15How does the status treadmill affect happiness?
- Whats the impact of economic growth on status?
- On ecosystem services?
- Whats the net effect?
16Information and preferences in a Participatory
- Where would we get our information in a
participatory democracy? - What impact would this have on preferences and
policy priorities? - On happiness?
- On quality of life?
17Is Sustainability a Sacrifice?
18How do you use this knowledge?