The Anthropic Principle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Anthropic Principle


The Anthropic Principle References Patrick Glynn, ... Finely Tuned Constants The Butterfly Effect ... much less, God a paradigm issue The Controversy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Anthropic Principle

The Anthropic Principle
Is God Dead?
  • Patrick Glynn, God, The Evidence, (1997)
  • Gerald L Schroeder, The Science of God (1997)
  • Newsweek magazine, July 27, 1998, Science finds
  • Time magazine, December 4, 1995, Evolutions Big
  • Various articles from the Internet (Google
    produced 2,553 articles when searching on
    Anthropic Principle) and CD-ROM encyclopaedias

Evidences in Creation
  • For since the creation of the world, His
    invisible attributes are clearly seen, being
    understood by the things that are made, even His
    eternal power and Godhead, so that they are
    without excuse. (Romans 120)
  • His eternal power - as seen in the
  • His Godhead - as seen within man

Man - the Final Cause
So God created man in His own image
in the image of God He created him
male and female He created them. . . . .Then God
saw everything that He had made, and indeed it
was very good. So the evening and the morning
were the sixth day. (Genesis 127, 31)
  • Man made to reflect Gods glorious image
  • Gave man dominance over His Creation
  • Then God rested - man is the final cause, the end
    product, the crowning achievement

Man the centre of Creation
  • What is man that You are mindful of him, Or the
    son of man that You take care of him? You have
    made him a little lower than the
    angels You have crowned him with glory and
    honor, And set him over the works of Your hands.
    You have put all things in subjection under his
    feet. (Hebrews 26-8)

The Anthropic Principle
  • First coined by Brandon Carter, an ex-student of
    Stephen Hawking at Cambridge, at the 1973
    International Astronomical Union commemoration of
    the 500th birthday of Copernicus

Large Number Coincidences and the Anthropic
Principle in Cosmology
Anthropic Greek word meaning tending to bring
about the existence of human beings
What it is
  • Carters paper does not specifically address the
    question of God or a Designer, but with the
    coincidences that led to Mans existence
  • Addresses the question of whether they are truly
    coincidences, and how they relate to mans
    existence and how to interpret them
  • When there are billions  and billions and
    billions of coincidences, they are no longer
  • For theists, there really is no random universe

A Problem of Paradigms
The Atheist Paradigm
The Theist Paradigm
How to interpret the existence of Large Number
The Theists Paradigm
What the coincidences show
  • In order for life to occur, everything has to be
    pre-planned, all the right conditions and laws
    must be pre-determined before the beginning,
    before the Big Bang
  • Otherwise far too little time during
    the event for the right combination
    to be struck through random
  • Certain conditions have to be known by 10-43
    seconds into the Big Bang event
  • No trial and error - no room for errors

What the coincidences show
  • Not only pre-planned but fine-tuned too
  • All the laws in the universe have been fine-tuned
    for the universe and for life to occur - before
    they came into existence
  • One tiny variation in any of thousands
    of factors would have prevented the universe
    from forming - and hence life itself
  • In short, the random universe is expressly
    designed for life - more specifically, for man

Amazing Precision
  • The precision is as if one could throw a dart
    across the entire universe and hit a bulls-eye
    one millimeter in diameter on the other side.
    (Michael Turner, Astrophysicist, University of

Amazing Precision
  • Life as we know it would be impossible if any
    one of several physical quantities had slightly
    different values. (Steven Weinberg)
  • The really amazing thing is not
    that life on Earth is balanced on a
    knife-edge, but that the entire universe is
    balanced on a knife-edge, and would be total
    chaos if any of the natural constants were off
    even slightly. (Dr Paul Davies, Professor of
    Physics, University of Adelaide)

Precarious Balance
  • Physical, chemical and biological laws of
    nature so fine-tuned that they could not
    have occurred by chance
  • Delicate balance of nuclear forces that allowed
    nuclei of atoms to form
  • Size of the sun is just right so that it
    supplies the right amount of energy
    at the right rate
  • . . . . and many many more

Astonishing Luck
  • On the likelihood of having usable energy in the
  • This is an extraordinary figure. One could not
    possibly even write the number down in full, in
    our ordinary denary (power of ten) notation it
    would be one followed by ten to the power of 123
    successive zeros! (Roger Penrose, Professor of
    Mathematics, University of Oxford)
  • That is a million billion billion billion billion
    billion billion billion billion billion billion
    billion billion billion zeros.

Unanswered Science Mystery
  • The odds are heavily stacked against the
    occurrence of the entire universe and life if
    chance were the rule
  • How is it that so much matter managed to
    survive? . . . . Why is there something rather
    than nothing? (Scientific American, 1993)

Constants in a ConstantlyChanging Cosmos
Natural Constants
Constant Symbol Value
(approximate) archimedes' constant p 3.1415926
535897932385... natural logarithmic
base e 2.718281828... golden
mean F 1.618033989... ramanujan-soldner
constant µ 1.4513692349... speed of light in a
vacuum c 2.99792458 10 8 ms -1 gravitational
constant G 6.67259... 10 -11 m 3 s -2
kg universal gas constant R 8.314510... Jmol -1
K avogadro constant N A 6.0221367... 10 23
mol -1 boltzmann constant k 1.380658... 10
-23 JK -1 stefan-boltzmann constant s 5.67051..
. 10 -8 Wm -2 K 4 molar volume of ideal gas at
STP V m 2.241409... 10 -2 m 3 mol
-1 permittivity constant e 0 8.85418781762 10
-12 Fm -1 permeability constant µ
0 1.25663706143 10 -6 Hm -1 elementary
charge e 1.60217733... 10 -19 C plank
constant h 6.6260755... 10 -34 Js electron
mass m e 9.1093897... 10 -31 kg proton
mass m p 1.6726231... 10 -27 kg
More Natural Constants
Symbol Value (approximate) ratio of
proton mass to electron mass m p /m
e 1836.152701... electron charge-to-mass
ratio e/m e 1.75881961... 10 11 Ckg -1 neutron
mass m n 1.6749286... 10 -27 kg muon mass m
µ 1.8835326... 10 -28 kg electron magnetic
moment µ e 9.2847701... 10 -24 JT -1 proton
magnetic moment µ p 1.41060761... 10 -26 JT
-1 bohr magneton µ B 9.2740154... 10 -24 JT
-1 nuclear magneton µ N 5.0507866... 10 -27 JT
-1 bohr radius r B 5.29177249... 10 -11
m rydberg constant R 1.0973731534... 10 7 m
-1 electron compton wavelength ? C 2.42631058...
10 -12 m magnetic flux quantum F
0 2.06783461... 10 -15 Wb fine-structure
constant a 7.29735308... 10 -3 classical
electron radius r e 2.81794092... 10 -15
m electron magnetic moment in bohr magnetons µ e
/µ B 1.001159652193... proton magnetic moment in
nuclear magnetons µ p /µ N 2.792847386... faraday
constant F 96485.309... Cmol -1
Amazing Constants
  • Consider some of the physical constants
  • Why are there so many natural constants? Why
    do they assume the values they have?
  • Not invented by men, but are there in the natural
    order and discovered by men
  • Consider the mathematical beauty in them
  • Consider the diverse areas they appear in
  • Consider the intelligence
  • Consider the chaos if they changed

Constant Coincidences
  • p ( 3.141) is found in mathematics of circles,
    but it also appears in numerous equations
    unrelated to circles
  • F (1.618) can be mathematically
    described and can be found in
    clouds, in the galaxies, in
    plants, in sea-life, in art, in man

For more on p and F
Constant Coincidences
  • Einsteins famous E mc2 - matter and
    energy are inter-related and the speed of light
    determines that relationship!
  • Forces binding certain particles are related
    mathematically to the age of the universe
  • Question
  • Why are these relationships there?

Finely Tuned Constants
  • The Butterfly Effect demonstrates just how
    fine and delicate the balance is
    in Creation
  • It states that even a seemingly negligible
    infinitesimal change of one factor in a stable,
    predictable system can lead to a very different
    state, even chaos
  • No room for error!

nth Degree Precision
  • Ratio of gravity to the weak nuclear force has to
    be adjusted to the precision of one part in
    10100 for the cosmos not to suffer swift
    collapse or explosion.
  • The sun's luminescence would fall sharply, and
    hence too cold, were electromagnetism very
    slightly stronger (Brandon Carter)
  • Changes either in electromagnetism or in gravity
    by only one part in 1040 would spell catastrophe
    for stars like the sun. (Paul Davies)

nth Degree Precision
  • Were gravity ten times less strong, it would be
    doubtful whether stars and planets could form (R
    Bruer, 1983)
  • If the neutron-proton mass difference were not
    about twice the mass of the electron, elements
    would not exist (Stephen Hawking)
  • An electron-proton charge difference of more than
    one part in ten billion would mean that no solid
    bodies could weigh above one gram. (Rozental)

nth Degree Precision
  • Atoms could not exist if the electromagnetic
    constant were not just a small fraction
    (Barrow Tipler)
  • If the electric charge of the electron
    had been only slightly different, stars would
    have been unable to burn hydrogen and helium, or
    else they would not have exploded (Stephen
  • The fortuitous positioning of nuclear resonance
    levels in carbon and oxygen (Fred Hoyle)

nth Degree Precision
  • Formation of carbon - another vital element for
    life - also due to astonishing coincidence
  • If ratio of strong nuclear force to
    electromagnetism were just slightly off, its
    synthesis in an extremely short window of 10-17
    seconds would be impossible
  • The list goes on . . . . literally endlessly!
  • No universe today if any of these varied.

A Delicate Balance
  • Facts and observations supporting the
    Anthropic Principle
  • Fine-tuned parameters in the universe that
    support life cannot have occurred by random
  • These same parameters must be held constant in
    order to sustain the universe
  • Who determined their fine-tuned values? Who is
    now holding these values absolutely constant to
    sustain the universe?

But the heavens and the earth which are
now preserved by the same word (2 Peter 37)
Third Rock from the Sun
Distance from the Sun
  • Position from the sun is not where it ought to be
    if extrapolating from the positions of the other
  • Position has great implications for life
    on this planet
  • Perhaps other planets are there just to
    show us what it could have been like

Distance from the Sun
  • Mercury 58 million km from Sun
  • Venus 110
  • Earth 150
  • Mars 230
  • Asteroids 440
  • Jupiter 780
  • Saturn 1430
  • Uranus 2880
  • Take natural log of distances and plot

Distance from the Sun
Without Earth
With Earth
Earth is NOT where it is supposed to be!
Including Earths position in the plot of
planets distances (natural log) from the sun
upsets the linear pattern
Just Right!
  • Just the right temperature
  • Position from the sun is just right
  • Orbit is within 3 of being a circle, unlike
    other planets elliptical orbits - thus producing
    consistent planet temperatures
  • The tilt of the earths axis ensures that climate
    for the large part of the surface is just right
  • Earths crust just at the right thickness so that
    temperatures are just right

Just Right!
  • Just the right internal radioactivity to maintain
    a molten iron core - produces the magnetic
    field that protects life from deadly solar winds
  • Just the right size so that gravitational pull is
    also just right
  • Enough to hold needed gases but weak enough to
    allow harmless gases to escape into space
  • Produce the right weight
  • Just the right atmosphere to shield us from
    countless meteorites

The Essence of Life
A Life Necessity
  • Life is carbon-based, but it is also water-based
  • Water covers 70.8 of the earth
  • 60-90 of cell mass is water
  • Seeds remain dormant until watered

The Water Molecule
  • Consists of two atoms of oxygen and one atom of
    hydrogen - H2O

Take note of this!
A Unique Liquid
  • V-shape angle and molecular structure of H2O give
    rise to inter-molecular bonds
  • Bonds in turn give water special properties so
    essential to life
  • Ice density
  • Thermal properties
  • Universal solvent
  • Water molecules can form weak bonds with other
    molecules very important for stability in

One More Coincidence
  • Anomalous behaviour of water - its solid
    state (ice) floats on the liquid
  • First noted by Harvard biologist Lawrence
    Henderson in the 19th century

The Unique Property of Ice
  • Vast majority of matter expand in volume when
    temperature is raised. Hence, solid state is
    more dense than liquid state. Hence, solid sinks
    in liquid.
  • If above were true for water, what happens
    to the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers in
    winter? What happens to life?
  • Fortunately for life, ice floats on water.
    i.e. the solid floats on the liquid

The Unique Property of Ice
Structure of molecular bonding in ice
  • Inter-molecule bonding occurs - bond is stronger
    at lower temperatures
  • But bond creates rigid structures. From 0o C to
    4o C water density actually decreases instead of
    increases like other fluids.
  • Hence ice floats - and life in water is safe!

The Thermal Properties
  • Hydrogen bonding also affects specific heat.
    Because of bonds, heat required to raise
    temperature of water is relatively high.
  • Important for biochemical processes sensitive
    to temperatures
  • It absorbs five times more heat than soil -
    oceans keep the planet at the cool temperature,
    providing a stable living environment to sustain

The Thermal Properties
  • Heat for vapourising water is also higher than
    for other liquids - also because of need to break
    hydrogen bonding
  • Hence, serve as a good coolant to absorb heat
    from the body through perspiration

The Electrical Properties
  • Overall electrically neutral, but uneven charge
    distribution in O-H bond produces a permanent
  • Gives it properties of being the universal solvent

Why so many important and different
life-supporting properties in the essence of
life? Coincidental?
The Anthropic Principle
  • Ample evidence found in large numbers in
  • The Cosmos
  • The Earth
  • The Essence of Life
  • And still more . . . .
  • In Medical Science
  • In Human Philosophies

All Coincidences?
  • Far too many coincidences to be random -
  • Brandon Carters large number coincidences
  • Confirms what has long been revealed to man
  • Creation is the product of Intelligence, of
    Design - of an Intelligent Designer
  • Humanity is the final cause of the universe
  • The Anthropic Principle is a science-based
  • principle that supports the belief in God

Words of a convert
  • Dr Paul Davies, a former leader of the
    atheistic, materialistic worldview, who now
    believes in the Creator
  • There is for me powerful evidence that there is
    something going on behind it all. . . It seems as
    though somebody has fine-tuned natures numbers
    to make the Universe. . . The impression of
    design is overwhelming.
  • The laws of physics themselves seem to be the
    product of exceedingly ingenious design.

Man centre of Creation
  • Attention once again turned to final
    cause - a return to teleological arguments
    concerning God?
  • Similar, but not a re-hash - now backed by
    scientific methods, data and observations, and
    not merely philosophical discussions
  • Restores man to the centre of the cosmos -
    directly contradict the Copernican theory
  • Spells the end of the Copernican revolution? -
    Dont hold your breath!

The Atheists Paradigm
Rare Agreement
  • Coincidences cannot be satisfactorily explained
    by random probabilistic processes
  • Coincidences appear to be directed to bring
    about the existence of man (hence, anthropic)
  • But no agreement concerning Design much less,
    God a paradigm issue

The Controversy
  • Inevitable implications concerning the Designer -
    pose great difficulty for atheists
  • Disliked by many physicists because of this
  • Yet cannot deny coincidences and need to
    explain them
  • Attempt to argue that life results not by design,
    but from what happened before
  • Arguments gaining wide circulation with
    atheists accusing theists of abusing the
    Anthropic Principle

Carters View
  • Carters interpretation of the large number
  • what we can expect to observe in
    the universe must be restricted
    by the conditions necessary for our presence
    as observers.
  • In effect, anti-theistic

Thats the way things are
  • Barrow Tipler, The
  • Anthropic Cosmological
  • Principle, 1986
  • We are amazed at Creation, of the very fact that
    we exist but we should not be
  • Analogy Should we be amazed at the
    way a river runs its course? Why it twists here
    or turns there? Why its mouth is here, not there?
    Why it is this wide and not that? No need - all
    merely natural outcomes of how it had developed
    no design.

Thats the way things are
  • An attitude of surprise at the delicately
    balanced features of the universe essential to
    life is inappropriate we should expect the
    universe to look this way. While this does not
    explain the origin of those features, it shows
    that no explanation is necessary. Hence, to posit
    a divine Designer is gratuitous.

The way things are not
  • We can never observe conditions in the Universe
    that is incompatible with our existence if these
    conditions existed, we would not be here hence
    no explanation needed
  • Appears to imply if things had taken a different
    course, we would not be here. If so, so what?

We dont see what we dont know
  • We observe what we can observe but
    we are unable to observe everything
    hence, we must not conclude that there
    is a Designer because of what we do not
    yet know
  • It is essential to take into account the
    limitations of one's measuring apparatus when
    interpreting one's observations. (Barrow
  • Eg A ratcatcher who caught no rats may say
    that all rats are bigger than six inches
    because that is the size of his traps

  • We should emphasize once again that the enormous
    improbability of the evolution of intelligent
    life in general and Homo sapiens in particular
    does not mean we should be amazed we exist at
    all. This would make as much sense as Elizabeth
    II being amazed she is Queen of England. Even
    though the probability of a given Briton being
    monarch is about 10-8, someone must be. Only if
    there is a monarch is it possible for the monarch
    to calculate the improbability of her particular
    existence. Similarly, only if an intelligent
    species does evolve is it possible for its
    members to ask how probable it is for an
    intelligent species to evolve. Both are examples
    of WAP self-selection in action. (Barrow and
  • http//

Just One Natural Outcome
  • All these coincidences are not to
    be seen as such, but the conditions
    resulting from the actual, natural course
    the Universe has taken
  • These eventually led to our very existence.
  • Outcome could have been something else very
    different. This one just happened that way!
  • So, no need to assume there was something moving
    the Universe this way or that, or that Man is the
    final cause

But we should be amazed
  • If anyone claims not to be surprised by the
    special features that the universe has, he is
    hiding his head in the sand. These special
    features ARE surprising and unlikely. (Dr.
    David D. Deutch, Institute of Mathematics, Oxford

Basis for Amazement
  • Serious questions exist against such
  • atheistic interpretations.
  • Why should there be any physical laws?
  • Some scientists consider laws to be first cause
    like God not explainable
  • Why should there be any constants in the first
    place? And so many? Who dictated this?
  • Why should one constant exist, but affect
    multiple yet unrelated areas? (Eg p or F)

Basis for Amazement
  • Why should constants continue to be constants?
    Why should laws or constants not evolve like
    everything else? Why not change in properties and
  • If law or constants do change, even just one,
    life would vanish and the universe would collapse
  • Implication there IS an end-point, a final
    cause because critical changes are absent
  • Hence, we must be amazed at what or Who
    brought us here

More Atheistic Variations
  • Several variations have arisen
  • Weak Anthropic Principle
  • Strong Anthropic Principle
  • Final Anthropic Principle
  • Including some very weird science eg the
    Participatory Anthropic Principle, and the
  • All attempt to argue life did not result by
    design and hence deny God

Weak Anthropic Principle
  • The observed values of all
    physical and cosmological quantities
    are not equally probable, but they take on values
    restricted by the requirement that there exist
    sites where carbon-based life can evolve and by
    the requirement that the Universe be old enough
    for it to have already done so.

Strong Anthropic Principle
  • The Universe must have those properties
    which allow life to develop within it at some
    stage in its history. Because
  • There exists one possible Universe designed with
    the goal of generating and sustaining
    'observers'. Or...
  • Observers are necessary to bring the Universe
    into being (John Wheeler's Participatory
    Anthropic Principle). Or...
  • An ensemble of other different universes is
    necessary for the existence of our Universe

Final Anthropic Principle
  • Intelligent information-processing must come into
    existence in the Universe, and, once it comes
    into existence, it will never die out.

There is really no Anthropic Principle all
along, it has always been the e-thropic
Principle!!! ?
And A Very Weird Science
  • Atheists recognise that a fine-tuned universe
    cannot occur randomly which would imply a
  • Yet, some adamant to cling on to paradigm of a
    random cosmos which has no place for God
  • Hence, postulate the multiverse
    cosmos (a.k.a. world ensemble)
    billions of universes all random,
    of course and each has its own set
    of physical constants

A Tale of the Multiverse
  • If the Universe contains an exhaustively random
    and infinite number of universes, then anything
    that can occur with non-vanishing probability
    will occur somewhere.

A Tale of the Multiverse
  • Hence, by chance not by design, one of these
    countless universes contain a right combination
    of physical constants with the right values to
    permit life that universe being our own
  • Not limited by how many universes
    can possibly exist since none can
    be observed or measured.
    Therefore, overcome the limits that the laws of
    probability place on what random processes may or
    may not produce

A Tall Tale
  • How many universes must there be before one such
    as our own can occur by random?
  • Consider the large number of physical constants
  • Consider all the other large number
  • How scientific can it get if the rule is that we
    cannot observe or measure any one of these other
    billions of universes in existence?

Another Very Weird Science
  • John Wheelers Participatory Anthropic Principle
    (PAP) the universe creates man, but man through
    his observations of the universe brings the
    universe into real existence
  • the universe brought forth life in order to
    exist ... that the very cosmos does not exist
    unless observed.
    (George Greenstein)

Pure Sci-fi
  • Problems
  • Time never observed to travel backwards
  • Topsy turvy cause/effect relationship
  • Fiction due to misapplication of the laws of the
    quantum world to the macro world where Newtonian
    laws operate and plenty of imagination
  • The wisdom of the world, blinded to the true
    Wisdom, resorts to fables instead just so as to
    avoid acknowledging their Creator

  • Science is based on facts, observations and
    experiments (Bertrand Russell, 1935) hence,
    superior to medieval theology
  • But atheistic interpretations not based on fact,
    observations and experiments
  • More of a philosophical argument
  • More akin to the Ontological Argument of
    medieval theology
  • Even mythical!
  • What happened to the scientific objectivity?

An Objective Scientific View
  • Barrow and Tipler's attempt to stave off the
    inference to divine design by appealing to the
    Weak Anthropic Principle is demonstrably
    logically fallacious unless one conjoins to it
    the metaphysical hypothesis of a World Ensemble.
    But there is no reason for such a postulate.
    Their misgivings about the alternative of divine
    design are shown to be of little significance.
  • (Source British Journal for the Philosophy of
    Science 38 (1988) 389-395)

Words of another convert
  • Fred Hoyle, a British astrophysicist, so
    impressed by the string of coincidences that
    exist between particular numerical values of
    dimensionless constants of Nature without which
    life of any sort would be excluded

Words of another convert
  • I do not believe that any scientist who examined
    the evidence would fail to draw the inference
    that the laws of nuclear physics have been
    deliberately designed with regard to the
    consequences they produce inside the stars. If
    this is so, then my apparently random quirks
    have become part of a deep-laid scheme.

Which Paradigm for you?
  • Response once again shows the fundamental issue
    is not concerning science it concerns whether
    one adopts a theistic paradigm or an atheistic
  • What is your choice? Which is more objective?
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