Title: Who
1Whos afraid of the Digital World
2What does digital mean anyway?
- Noun / Adjective
- of or pertaining to a digit or finger.
- manipulated with a finger or the fingertips a dig
ital switch. - of, pertaining to, or using data in the form of nu
merical digits. - Computers . involving or using numerical digits e
xpressed in a scale of notation to represent discr
etely all variables occurring in a problem. - of, pertaining to, or using numerical calculations
. - available in electronic form readable and manipul
atable - by computer.
- Using or giving a reading in digits a digital
clock. - Characterized by widespread use of
computers living in the digital age - http//dictionary.reference.com/browse/digital
- www.thefreedictionary.com/digital
3Digital Nation
- Within a single generation, digital media and
the World Wide Web have transformed virtually
every aspect of modern culture, from the way we
learn and work to the ways in which we socialize
and even conduct war. But is the technology
moving faster than we can adapt to it? - http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/digitaln
43 Things You Need to Know to Become a DIGITAL
- Technical thing
- Digital thing
- Educational thing
5Technical you need to know how to
- turn on the computer
- turn on the projector
- connect the laptop to the projector
- access your file(s) from the computer,
disc-on-key or the Internet - upload/download files or pictures
- download/install/update programs
- Troubleshooting all of the above!
- Who do you call or do you teach yourself?
6Digital you need to know
- what programs are available for education
purposes - what programs can be adapted for education
purposes - how do you use the programs
- what new programs or Internet sites are
appropriate for your specific students - what are the new trends in digital education
- how or if you can/should adapt them to your
teaching methods and syllabus - You have to take the time to practice and learn.
7Educational you need to know
- does the digital program/activity supports your
curriculums pedagogy - is the aim of the digital program/activity to
help - enrich / reinforce /supplement something you are
teaching in class? - have you provided your students a means to focus
on the main point of digital program/activity? - how do you integrate the program/activity into
your syllabus?
8Before you use a digital program/activity asked
What will my students gain from this?
9Internet Sites to Integrate
Name of Internet site Aim of the site Teacher/Classroom use(s)
Tricider.com To ask a question / make a statement and get feedback suggestions. Class discussions Give opinion Agree/disagree
Transl8it To change your text to sms messages. Writing practice
Telscopictext To show students how to add detail and expand sentences Writing development
Pimpampum To relate words to images Writing development
10Name of Internet site Aim of the site Teacher/Classroom use(s)
Cueprompter You can develop students reading skills Developing faster reading skills
Audioboo record and share audio Record yourself / phone app
Twurdy You can ?nd texts based around key topics for lower levels far more easily Site searching
Storify Choose sites and images to create themes Develop a story based on a variety of multimedia.
11Educators believe
- We do not doubt that the digital future will
transform education along with practically
everything else. But rather than seeing it as a
painful (and politically volatile) trade-off
between technology and teachers, we propose that
digital education needs excellent teachers and
that a first-rate teaching profession needs
digital education. - http//educationnext.org/like-peanut-butter-and-ch
-well-together/ - Students in elementary school now will most
likely graduate high school in a world where
digital content has, by and large, completely
replaced print content, said Doug Levin, CEO of
the State Educational Technology Director's
Association - http//blogs.edweek.org/edweek/DigitalEducation/20
12Technology for Learning - Chapter 1, Part 2
- Researchers report that integrating technology
affects students motivation, autonomy, access to
diverse sources of information, development of
technology skills, and engagement. - These are all important aspects of the learners
experience that can lead to academic success. - But does technology integration lead to greater
academic achievement? - The answer is that it depends. It depends on
whether the technology is implemented in a way
that changes the behavior of teachers and
students so that it leads to increased academic
achievement. - Simply employing technology in the classroom does
not necessary change the way that teachers teach
and students learn. - Technology for Learning - Chapter 1, Part
2Published by TeachLearning - sponsored by
Intel and HP
13- Thank you
- Ann Shlapobersky
- ashlapo_at_ecb.co.il