Title: The Field Act: Protecting California
1The Field Act Protecting Californias Schools
from Seismic Hazards
Timothy DawsonEngineering GeologistCalifornia
Geological Survey, Menlo Park
2Du Bin for the New York Times
Xinjian Primary School Kindergarten (left) and
Hotel (right) survived with little damage
3(No Transcript)
41933 Long Beach Earthquake
- Occurred March 10, 1933, 554 PM
- (timing is everything)
Newport Inglewood fault zone
- 120 schools in Long Beach area, 70
- destroyed
5(No Transcript)
6Long Beach Polytechnic High School, Long Beach
7Alexander Hamilton Junior High School, Long Beach
8Jefferson Junior High School Worst of the worst?
9Compton School
10Compton School. Note rain of bricks at the
11Stanford School, Long Beach A reinforced
concrete seismic survivor
12Franklin Junior High School, Long Beach
1933 - Enactment of the Field Act. Enacted as
an on April 10, 1933 one month after the
earthquake. 1939 - Enactment of the Garrison
Act. Enacted in order to protect public school
children in structures built before 1933.
However, school districts not required to make
necessary inspections. 1967 to Present -
Various amendments. Schools required to make
necessary inspections and retrofitting or
abandonment of unsafe structures. Geologic
investigations required in Alquist-Priolo
Zones. Many other modifications.
14Provisions of the Field Act
- Authorizes the State Architect to develop
state-wide building code. - Division of the State Architect (DSA) given
authority to approve or reject plans for
construction of new schools and alterations to
existing buildings. - California-licensed architect or structural
engineer responsible for preparation of plans. - DSA reviews plans and issues certificate of
compliance once project is approved. - Violation of the provision of the Act is a
15CGS Role in the Field Act
Under contract to DSA to review geotechnical and
geological aspects of school sites
Seismic Design (Ground motion)
Surface fault rupture
17Weblinks to photo sources are in the notes
window (Click View and Notes page in main
Powerpoint Menu
18Juyuan Middle School