The Invest and Earn Problem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Invest and Earn Problem


The Invest and Earn Problem Problems of this type have one or more initial negative cash flows - followed by positive cash flows to the end of the project – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Invest and Earn Problem

The Invest and Earn Problem
  • Problems of this type have one or more initial
    negative cash flows - followed by positive cash
    flows to the end of the project
  • Standard Solution
  • Sweep cash flow back into pot at time of decision
  • Basic solution
  • use NPV and required rate of return directly
  • all other measurement devices are variations on
    the NPV

Evaluating Invest and Earn Problems
  • NPV directly incorporates your required rate of
    return and allows you to decide based on whether
    0 or greater
  • PVR can be used but it requires more work and not
    much better an indicator (this time you decide
    whether its 1 or greater)
  • IRR is just playing with the NPV problem i value
    until the NPV is zero
  • a lot of work if you already know your critical
    rate of return.

Variations on the Invest and Earn Problem
  • The problem goes on for an indefinite length of
  • Response - the first 20 or 30 years pretty much
    establish the NPV / just truncate the problem
  • The problem starts with a negative cash flow -
    goes positive - then goes negative at the end.
  • Example - mine development problems are usually
    like this because the land must be restored when
    mining ceases

Negative Begin and End Variations
  • This case challenges what people mean by a
    project rate of return because the project
    obligates money that will never be used in the
    profitable part of the project
  • Raises havoc with the IRR because part of the
    investment will never be invested in the project
    to obtain a return from within the project
  • How can a rate be internal?

Responses to the Negative End Challenge
  • Use NPV
  • many companies set a required rate of return to
  • They have many opportunities to invest and only
    take those that meet the required rate
  • if you have all these investment opportunities
    you just put your negative end money in another
    project and earn your required rate until you
    need it.
  • If you have all these opportunities NPV answer is
    simple and hassle free

The IRR Bombshell
  • Cash flows times magic numbers have the form of a
  • we know from math that polynomials have as many
    roots as axis crossings
  • that means there is more than 1 interest rate
    that makes the NPV zero!
  • From a physical standpoint because some of the
    negative cash flow money grows inside the
    project, and some of it grows outside its just
    telling you about rates of growth inside and
    outside of the project that make NPV zero
  • Of course that means the whole concept of
    internal growth is crap

Multiple Roots and NPV
  • As long as you have plenty of opportunities to
    invest at your required rate of return NPV is not
  • Who really cares whether the money grew in the
    project as long as your getting your return
  • Problem comes up when money or opportunities to
    invest at the rate are not a dime a dozen
  • To make answer make sense the money outside the
    project must be growing at required rate

What if it Doesnt?
  • Situation can occur often
  • Many businesses have developed specialties in one
    type of business or another - they are good at
    handling that type of risk
  • They may not be able to handle risk well in other
    lines of business
  • Money outside of project may not be able to be
    locked into long term commitments
  • Many businesses can make 2 or 3 times more in
    their field than in the general market

The External Rate of Return
  • Plan to divert some money to lower rate
    investments just as you would in real life
  • This may allow you to have sinking funds etc.
  • Because the money you grew outside the project
    grows at a different rate - where and how much
    you put out when does impact the answer
  • in general minimize the amount of cash you run
    outside the investment
  • You remember Herby and Hanna Housings cash flow
    had the foul characteristic
  • 40 was the right answer if they could invest
    some of their savings from renting at 40

ERR Example
  • Herby and Hanna Housing Cash Flow for buying
    instead of renting

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Year 4 Year 5
Year 6
The ERR Method
  • Take all initial negative cash flows and discount
    them back to time zero
  • Herby and Hanna Housing Example
  • -3560 at time zero
  • Drops directly into the pot without any discount
  • If you have multiple negative cash flows you will
    have several P/F factors to discount these back
  • Since the interest rate is unknown you have to
    just put in the formula for now

More ERR Method
  • Look at your opportunities for short term fluid
    investments and select a rate of return for the
    growth of money outside the project
  • Lets say Herby and Hanna Housing decide to put
    their savings in a Money Market at 4
  • All positive cash flows are discounted forward to
    the end of the project at 4 rate of return.

Discount some forward - some back
Discounting Positive Flows Forward
Later Negative Flows Also Discount Forward
Savings Discounted Forward at 4
Initial Investment
ERR Problem Set Up
Future Savings and Costs Discounted forward at 4
Initial Investment
Solving the ERR
Now discount the future pot back into the big pot
at time 0. Note this makes for a very easy IRR
Future Savings and Costs Discounted forward at 4
3560 1/((1i)73 ) 21,482
Solve for i
(1i)73 21,482/3560
Initial Investment
(1 i) 6.034(1/73)
(1 i) 1.0249
i 0.0249/month
Adapt to 1 year (1.0249)12 1.3437 or 34.37
Teachers Attitude Problem
  • Im a Mining and Mineral Resources Engineer
  • Every project I do will have negative cash flows
    to build and negative at the end to reclaim
  • I never see IRR work smoothly - so I dont like
  • IRR assumes money outside the project grows at
    the same rate as money in the project
  • I sell mining projects because they are better

More Bad Attitude
  • I dont like ERR either
  • I took all my money from the project and put it
    into CDs and never invested in another project
  • If the company is for real it invests in certain
    types of projects repeatedly - projects are not
    one and onlys
  • ERR invested all earnings outside the project -
    how stupid

The Tweeked IRR
  • Problem is that committing to the project means
    committing not only money now but money in the
  • I will have to cover that future commitment by
    taking some of my earnings and setting them aside
    to meet that expense (probably in lower earnings
    - low risk short term fluid investments)
  • Its kind of like a sinking fund
  • Im certainly not going to set all my earnings in

How to Tweek
Take Just Enough of Your Future Earnings to
offset the future negative cash flow
How do I do that?
  • Determine what rate you can get on secure, fluid,
    short-term investments
  • For Hanna and Herby it was 4
  • Create a temporary pot at the beginning of the
    negative cash flow

Tweeking Procedures
  • Discount the future negative cash flows back into
    the temporary pot at the chosen rate.

Discounting Back
Next Step
Now discount part of your positive cash flow
forward into the pot at 4 to balance the red ink.
How much and when?
  • Part of the project earnings are to be discounted
    forward to cover the red ink
  • Because the rate of return on this sort of
    sinking fund money is less than the project
    itself we want to use as little as late as
  • The simple approach is to use the last so many
    savings flows to cover the red ink
  • In practice one may not want to turn in zero
    earnings quarters
  • They spend more for a good investor smoke screen

Ill Use the Simple Approach
I will sweep enough future earnings forward at an
available external rate to cover the future red
ink commitment.
My New Cash Flow
Now sweep the rest of the cash back into the main
Future Negative Cash Flow is cancelled by
positive cash flows swept forward.
The Sanitized IRR
Note that I now have a classic cash flow problem
- invest and make money there after.
I can get a regular trick free IRR on this thing.
IRR on this cash flow is 39.01
Three Answers - 1 Problem
  • Regular IRR was over 40
  • but to get it - Herby had to invest his savings
    at over 40 (I dont think so)
  • ERR was 34.37
  • If Herby diverts funds into a money market to
    cover the payments after he graduates he will get

Summary of the Invest and Earn Problem
  • Problem has a negative cash flow of initial
    investments and then positive cash flows in the
  • Can determine if investment is worth it using
  • IRR
  • NPV
  • PVR (PVR is really designed for something else)

Sabotaged Invest and Earn Problems
  • These problems have a negative cash flow at the
    end (it costs both to get in and to get out at
    the end)
  • IRR becomes meaningless because some of the money
    will not grow in the project
  • The numbers from the IRR may do funny things
    (with no guarantee it will be obvious)
  • The IRR will be Sabotaged
  • The NPV may or may not be.

How do I know what rates are Sabotaged?
  • If doing an IRR - your sabotaged so forget it
  • If doing an NPV
  • Look at your required rate of return (its the i
    value you use in your magic numbers)
  • How many opportunities does your company have to
    get this rate?
  • Very few - Your sabotaged
  • A lot - Maybe your ok

Continuing Exercise
  • Your doing NPV and your company has many
    opportunities to get the rate of return i
  • Do these opportunities provide regular and
    reliable means for your company to come up with
    the negative cash flow amounts in their
    individual projects internally?
  • No - your NPV is sabatoged
  • Yes - your ok - do a regular NPV problem solution
    and forget it.

Reasons Why You Need to Know this Stuff
  • Financial planning and structure of your projects
    is always one of the biggest factors in
    determining their earnings potential
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