Title: Ch. 2, Part-II Rocks, Rock Materials
1Ch. 2, Part-IIRocks, Rock Materials Geologic
2Chapter (Section) Objectives
- Review of some of the important mineral and rock
types and their environmental significance - Relationships between atoms, minerals, rocks,
rock materials - Basic silicate building block(s)
- Properties of rocks minerals
- Basic rock types, basis for classification,
- Why this stuff is important the types of
information they provide - Appreciation/significance of geologic structures
- Layering
- Folds
- Faults
- Other structures (joints, dikes/sills, etc.)
3- Rock
- A solid, cohesive aggregate of grains of one or
more minerals - Mineral
- Naturally occurring crystalline inorganic
substance with a definite chemical composition
element or compound with a systematic arrangement
of atoms / molecular structure (e.g., sulfur,
salt, silicates such as feldspar) - Crystallinity
- Atomic arrangement imparts specific physical and
chemical properties - Physical properties of minerals
- color, hardness, cleavage, specific gravity,
streak, etc.
4- Minerals
- Systematic groupings of atoms
- e.g., salt (NaCl)
5- Relationship between
- Atoms
- Molecules
- Minerals
- Rocks
- Landforms
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7Basic Silicate Structure The silica tetrahedron
8Silicate Mineral Structures
9Main Rock Forming Minerals
- Fewer than 20 minerals account for the bulk of
the earths crust Most are silicates (See
Hand Specimens)
Percent in Crust Mineral (formula)
Igneous Sedimentary
Metamorphic 51 Feldspar (Na, K, Ca)
(Al,Si)4 O8 X X X (39) Plagioclase (Na, Ca)
(Al,Si)4 O8 (12) Alkali feldspar (Na, K)
(Al,Si)4 O8 12 Quartz- SiO2 X X X 11
Pyroxene- (Ca, Mg, Fe) Si2 O6 X X 5
Amphibole- X X 5 Mica- X X 5
Clay- X 3 Olivine (Mg, Fe)2 Si O4 X 8
Others (non-silicates)- X X X halides,
sulfates, sulfides, carbonates, Fe-Ti oxides,
phosphates, native elements, etc.) Minor and
trace elements Minor element minerals (sulfides,
uranium mins., heavy metals, trace element
10Rock Materials Properties
- Rock materials
- Composed of one or more component minerals
having discrete physical and chemical
characteristics - The physical (e.g., color, hardness) and chemical
characteristics of rocks and rock material
reflect the combined characteristics (properties)
of the discrete component materials (i.e.,
minerals) -
11Rock Strength Stess-Strain Relationships
12Three (3) Major Rock Types
- Igneous
- Formed from molten material (e.g., lava, granite)
- Sedimentary (including sediment)
- Formed from the weathering of other rocks, as
chemical precipitates, or biologic material
(shells) - Metamorphic (including hydrothermal rocks
minerals) - Rocks modified/changed by heat and/or pressure
13Relationship between Rock Types and Plate
14- Rock Cycle- Cycle of melting, crystallization,
weathering/erosion, transportation, deposition,
sedimentation, deformation metamorphism, repeat
of crustal materials.
15Igneous Rocks
- Definition
- Rocks formed from high-temperature silicate
liquid (molten) rock material (magma)
high-temperature ? 800oC to
1300oC - Igneous rock material
- Formed by solidification of molten material
- Usually with the formation of high-temperature
minerals (as crystals) that form from the magma
as it cools
16Classification of Igneous Rocks
- By Physical Criteria, i.e., grain size
- Cooling rate where cooling occurs (determines
grain size) - Chemical Criteria, i.e., Composition
- Mainly by relative amounts of iron (Fe),
magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si), water - Primary Materials
- Material from which magma is formed (mantle,
crust) - Material that is melted to form magma
17Classification of Igneous Rocks By Physical
- Slow cooling ? produces large crystals (minerals)
? Coarse-grained rocks - Example Granite
- Slow cooling due to intrusive, thermally
insulated emplacement of magma - Rapid cooling ? produces small, or no crystals ?
Fine-grained rocks - Example lava, ash
- Rapid cooling due to extrusion, i.e., eruption
of magma at surface
18Relationship between Rock Types and Plate
19Classification of Igneous Rocks By Physical
20Correlations between composition and physical
properties, such as eruptive style of volcanic
- Silica Content
- Si-poor magmas (Hawiian-type) are fluid (low
viscosity) - Si-rich volcanic magmas (St. Helens-type) are
viscous (sticky) - Explosiveness
- Explosive eruptions result from Si-rich magmas w/
water, gases - Explosiveness depends on how well gases and water
are released from the magma - Lower viscosity, less gas ? non-explosive
eruptions - High viscosity gas ? violently explosive
eruptions - So where why do these types occur??? (more
21Chemical Physical Properties of Igneous Rocks
and Plate Tectonics
22Sedimentary Rocks
- Rocks form from
- The mechanical and/or chemical weathering of
other rocks - Material deposited/precipitated from water via
chemical or biological (organic) processes
23Types / Classification of Sedimentary Rocks
- Clastic Formed from the mechanical and/or
chemical weathering of other rock materials - Sandstone, shale
- conglomerate
- Chemical Formed as inorganic precipitates (i.e.,
water saturated with respect to chemical
compounds) - Limestone (Ca-carbonates (caliche)
- Other salts, e.g., sulfates, hydroxides, halogen
salts (e.g., NaCl) - Silica
- Organic Formed from (and including) organic
material such as - Fossil materials (typically shells, diatoms,
etc.) exoskeletons, or endoskeletons of aquatic
(e.g., marine) organisms - Organic and/or chemical cements (carbonate,
silica, phosphates) - Combinations
- e.g., Clastic or organic sediment with chemical
24Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Further classified by
grain size
25- Chemical Sediments
- e.g., evaporite salt deposits
26Organic Sediment Chalk
27Environmental Conditions Indicated From Sediment
and Sedimentary Rocks
- Environment in which they formed, e.g.,
- Marine
- Deep (limestone, shale)
- Shallow (deltas, reefs)
- Terrestrial
- Glacial
- River/stream
- Arid/desert
- Environmental conditions
- Source(s)
- Mode and distance of transport
- Depositional processes, e.g., near-source vs.
mature sediment (coarse sand vs. shale)
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29Metamorphic Rocks
- Formed from other rocks but modified
(e.g.,recrystallized) by heat and/or pressure - Types
- Foliated (alignment or banding of planar
minerals) - Slate
- Schist
- gneiss
- Non-foliated (no preferrential alignment of
minerals) - Quartzite
- Marble (sometimes foliated)
- Hydrothermal/baked rocks (skarn)
30Foliated Metamorphic Rock
31Significance of Rock Types to Environmental
- Type and origin of rocks provide insight into
present or past environmental conditions (e.g.,
flood deposits, volcanic mudflows) - Differences in rock types can have important
envirornmental implications (e.g., strata/layers)
- Physical Properties
- Strength
- Planes of weakness
- Porosity, permeability
- Chemical Properties
- Tendency to dissolve (solubility), leach, or react
- Limestone
- Typically formed in a reef or deep marine setting
- Highly stable in arid climates, unstable in wet
climates - Poor aquifer material
- Highly conducive to formation of ore deposits
when adjacent to igneous magmas or hydrothermal
fluids - Implications for finding them in high mountains?
33Examples cont
- Sandstone
- Formed as near-shore marine and desert
environments (w/ noteable differences) - Moderate strength
- Generally porous and permeable
- Foliated Metamorphic Rocks
- Implies formation under conditions of directed
tectonic forces - Have potential planes of weakness
- Others (See charts/figures)
34Relationship between Rock Types and Plate
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