The New Immigrants - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The New Immigrants


The New Immigrants – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The New Immigrants

The New Immigrants

Where did the immigrants come from?Old
Immigration New Immigration
  1. Between 1820 and 1920, about 33 million people
    immigrated to the United States.
  2. Members of the Old group came to the US between
    1840-1890. Most of the these people came from
    northern western Europe. Majority were
    Protestants. Several thousand Chinese also came.
  3. New Immigration grew rapidly after 1890. Many
    came from southern eastern Europe. Mostly were
    Catholics Jews. It also included people from
    Mexico other nations in Latin American and
  4. New Immigrants were even different from Old
    Immigrants in their clothing religion and

Why did they come?Push factors or Pull factors
  • Push factors (negative)
  • Injustice
  • Poverty
  • Religious or political persecution
  • Pull factors (positive)
  • Democracy
  • Freedom of religion
  • Economic opportunity

Life in the New Land
Most immigrants boarded a ship at a European port
and were then directed to the ship's steerage. 
The majority of people could not afford first
class or cabin passage.  In 1910 a steerage
ticket cost between 10.00 to 35.00.  Steerage
was near the bottom of the boat, very cramped,
offering little light, ventilation or privacy. At
worse, it condemned individuals to 10-15 days of
total misery.
Onboard Ship
Lady Liberty
The millions of immigrants who sailed to America
were greeted by the Statue of Liberty.  The
statue was a gift from France in 1884.  Frederic
Bartholdi designed and sculpted the statue.  He
decided to make the statue a symbol of
liberty.  Lady Liberty would face the ocean with
a greeting and a promise.  The seven spikes in
the statue's crown stand for seven liberties 
civil, moral,  national, natural, personal,
political, and religious.
Ellis Island
  • Ellis Island served as the portal for a majority
    of new immigrants from 1892 till it closed in
  • More than 12 million immigrants were processed

Baggage Room
  • The arriving immigrants checked most of their
    heaviest baggage in the first-floor baggage room
    before heading to the great hall for processing
    by U.S. Immigrations Inspectors.

The Great Hall
The Great Hall cont.
  • Also known as the Registry Room, this is where
    millions of immigrants were processed for
    admission to the United States.
  • After waiting in line for hours, an interview
    with the inspector would determine the applicants

  • With the huge numbers of immigrants, inspectors
    had just 2 minutes to complete the process and
    many immigrants had their last names changed by
    the inspectors because they didnt have the time
    or patience to struggle with the foreign

Stairs of Separation
  • As the immigrants walked up the staircase, U.S.
    Public Health Officials watched them for signs of
    a number of illnesses.

The Inspection Line
The Waiting Is Over
  • Now began a series of tests that would determine
    your fate
  • Only 2 were sent back
  • 2 of 12 Million
  • Would you like to have 2 of 12 Million Dollars?

Medical Exams
  • The Inspector would take about 7 seconds to
    determine if the immigrant had any infectious
  • Some would be sent back and some detained in
  • Only two percent of the arriving immigrants were
    excluded from entry.

The Medical Exam
  • Medical Inspectors watched the people marked
    them with chalk
  • The exam was frightening embarrassing
  • Many varied ailments could send you home

Chalk Marks Used at Ellis Island
  • X Suspected Mental Defect
  • Circled X- Definite Signs of Mental Defects
  • B Black
  • C- Conjunctivitis
  • CT Trachoma
  • E- Eyes
  • F- Face
  • Ft- Feet
  • G- Goiter
  • H- Heart
  • K- Hernia
  • N- Neck
  • L- Lameness
  • P- Physical Lungs
  • PG- Pregnancy
  • SC- Scalp
  • S- Senility
  • SI- Special Inquiry

The Questions
  • Asked a Series of 29 Questions
  • The Same as Were Asked Before Leaving Europe
  • To See if Your Story Remained the Same

  • Immigrants that were detained for medical or
    other reasons stayed in these rooms, tightly
    packed with rows of bunk beds.

Making it
  • Once All the Testing Was Done, You Were Allowed
    to Leave the Island Become an American
  • Or Become a Bird of Passage intended to
    immigrate temporarily to earn money and then
    return to their homeland.

The Kissing Post
  • After immigrants were approved for admission,
    they would walk down the stairs to meet their
    loved ones.
  • This area became known as the kissing post.

Angel Island
  • Asians immigrants arriving on the west coast went
    through Angel Island in San Francisco.
  • The inspection process on Angel Island was more
    difficult than on Ellis Island.
  • Immigrants endured harsh questioning and a long
    detention in filthy ramshackle buildings

Immigrants adjusted by settling in communities
with people of their own ethnic group. This made
them feel more at home.
A Jewish vendor in Lower East Side, New York City
Little Italy, New York City
Adjusting to a New Land
Most immigrants stayed in the cities where they
By 1900, lower Manhattan was the most crowded
place in the world.
Hester Street, ca. 1900
Americans Reaction to Immigration
  • 1. They did not like the idea of so many
    immigrants living in their country.
  • 2. The arrival of so many immigrants led to the
    growth of nativism xenophobia.
  • 3. Nativism is the preference for native-born
    Americans. Xenophobia is the fear or aversion of
  • 4. It gave rise to anti-immigrant groups.
  • 5. It also led to a demand for immigration

Immigration Restriction
  • By the turn of the century some observers called
    America a melting pot. The blending of many
    different cultures and races in the United
  • Many new immigrants refused to give up their
    culture to become part of American society.

Anti-Asian Sentiment
Many Americans feared they would lose their
jobs to the Chinese. As a result labor groups
pressured politicians to restrict Asian
Asians were prohibited from buying land in
Chinese immigrants were frequently attacked,
and occasionally killed, by racist mobs.
Seattle's anti-Chinese riot of February 8, 1886
Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act
- In 1882 it closed the door on Chinese
immigration for 10 years. Only students
teachers merchants tourists and government
- It was renewed several times by Congress before
being repealed in 1943 by the Supreme Court.
The Gentlemens Agreement (1907)
  • Americans showed prejudice against Japanese
    immigrants as well.
  • In San Francisco the local school board put all
    Chinese Japanese and Korean children in special
    Asian schools.
  • This led to anti-American riots in Japan.
  • Under the Gentlemens Agreement Japans
    government agreed to limit immigration to the US
    in exchange for the repeal of the San Francisco
    segregation order.

Quota System (1924)
  • This system established the maximum number of
    people who could enter the United States from
    each foreign country.
  • The goal of the quota system was to cut sharply
    European immigration to the United States.
  • Favors desirable immigrants over others
  • The system achieved that goal!

The End
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