The%20Greenhouse%20Effect - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... methanogen. Natural wetlands, enteric fermentation (wild animals), termites, biomass burning, ocean/fresh water Man-made: rice paddies, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The%20Greenhouse%20Effect

The Greenhouse Effect
  • Good or Bad?

(No Transcript)
Global Climate History
Geologic evidence clearly indicates relative
long-term climate stability that has allowed
liquid H2O to exist for most of geologic history.
Earths Atmosphere
77 N2, 21 O2, 1 Ar, trace gases (CO2, CH4,
Absorbs incoming solar radiation and warms the
planet. Important component of global climate.
Without atmosphere, average Earth temperatures
would be a cool 17C!!
Natural Greenhouse effect
The natural greenhouse effect causes the mean
temperature of the Earth's surface to be about
33oC warmer than it would be if natural
greenhouse gases were not present.
Glass, the material that greenhouse is made of,
1) transmits short-wavelength visible light, 2)
absorbs and redirects the longer wavelengths of
energy. These two aspects make the greenhouse
warmer than outside air temperature.
Greenhouse effect of the atmosphere
  • Light from the sun includes the entire visible
    region and smaller portions of the adjacent UV
    and infrared regions.
  • Sunlight penetrates the atmosphere and warms the
    Earths surface.
  • Longer wavelength infrared radiation is radiated
    from the earths surface.
  • A considerable amount of the outgoing IR
    radiation is absorbed by gases in the atmosphere
    and re-radiated back to Earth.

The gases in the atmosphere that act like glass
in a greenhouse are called greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse Effect Global Warming
  • The greenhouse effect global warming are not
    the same thing.
  • Global warming refers to a rise in the
    temperature of the surface of the earth
  • An increase in the concentration of greenhouse
    gases leads to an increase in the the magnitude
    of the greenhouse effect. (Called enhanced
    greenhouse effect)
  • This results in global warming

Enhanced greenhouse effect
When concentrations of greenhouse gases increase,
more infrared radiation is returned towards the
Earth. ? The surface temperature rises.
Climate Change vs. Variability
Climate variability is natural.
Even in a stable climate regime, there will
always be some variation (wet/dry years,
warm/cold years) A year with completely average
or normal climate conditions is rare
The challenge for scientists is to determine
whether any increase/decrease in precipitation,
temperature, frequency of storms, sea level, etc.
is due to climate variability or climate change.
The Last Ice Age
30 of the land surface was covered by ice (only
10 is covered today)
Northern Idaho was covered by 1 km thick ice
Selected Greenhouse Gases
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • Source Fossil fuel burning, deforestation
  • Anthropogenic increase 30
  • Average atmospheric residence time 500 years
  • Methane (CH4)
  • Source Rice cultivation, cattle sheep
    ranching, decay from landfills, mining
  • Anthropogenic increase 145
  • Average atmospheric residence time 7-10 years
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O)
  • Source Industry and agriculture (fertilizers)
  • Anthropogenic increase 15
  • Average atmospheric residence time 140-190 years

What determines the contribution of a greenhouse
gas to global warming?
  • Concentrations
  • H2O and CO2 are the two biggest contributors to
    the atmospheric warming because of their higher
  • Lifetime
  • The longer-lived a gas is, the higher the
    contribution. e.g. N2O contribution gt CH4
  • Effectiveness as an infrared absorber
  • For example, CFC-11 and CFC-12

CO2 Concentrations at Mauna Loa, Hawaii
The average atmospheric CO2 concentrations
observed at Muana Loa, Hawaii increased
approximately 40 ppmv between 1958 and 1995. The
small fluctuations in the curve are seasonal
variations due primarily to the withdrawal and
production of carbon dioxide by terrestrial life.
Notice that minimum values occur during the
northern hemisphere summers (when global
photosynthetic activity is greatest) and maximum
values occur six months later.
The concentration of greenhouse gases,
particularly CO2, is important global climate
What regulates the amount of CO2??
The Earths Climate System - very complex!!
Sources and sinks of CO2
  • Sources
  • Natural respiration of vegetation and soil
  • Man-made Fossil fuel combustion, deforestation
  • Sinks
  • slow exchange of carbon between surface waters
    and deep layers of ocean.
  • (Seawater is alkaline while CO2 is acidic ? The
    oceans are a vast reservoir of CO2).

Rate of increase 0.9 annually
Atmospheric methane has increased steadily to
present day levels this increase is highly
correlated with human population growth and with
related activities, including agricultural
Sources and sinks of methane
  • Sources
  • Natural end-product of the metabolism from an
    anaerobic bacteria, methanogen.
  • Natural wetlands, enteric fermentation (wild
    animals), termites, biomass burning, ocean/fresh
  • Man-made rice paddies, gas drilling and
    transmission, landfills, coal mining, biomass
    burning, enteric fermentation (domestic animals)
  • Sink OH CH4? CH3. H2O

Temperature over the past one century
The global air temperature at the Earth's surface
has increased about 0.5oC during the past
Temperature over the past 1000 years
Short-Term Climate Change
  • Climate change over short time scales (lt1,000,000
  • Related to complex, poorly understand
    interactions between atmosphere, hydrosphere, and

Possible Causes
  1. Orbital Parameters of the Earth
  2. Changes in Atmospheric Composition
  3. Changes in Ocean Circulation
  4. Sunspot Activity
  5. Changes in Reflectivity (albedo)

Recent Global Warming
Consequences of global warming
  • Sea level rise
  • Beach erosion
  • Coastal wetland loss
  • Loss of low-lying territories
  • Water resources change
  • Precipitation pattern shift
  • Increases instances of heavy precipitation
  • New burdens on water capture, storage and
    distribution system to be expected.
  • Effects on agriculture
  • Changes in the length of growing season
  • Growth of undesirable plant species

Consequences of global warming (Continued)
  • Effects on air quality
  • Increase in reaction rates and concentrations of
    certain atmospheric species? increase in O3 in
    urban areas
  • More droughts? widespread forest fire? worsen air
  • Change in how pollutants are dispersed.
  • Impacts on human health
  • Changes in patterns of sickness and death.
  • Respiratory problems affected by air quality
  • Biodiversity
  • Some species may grow too quick and overshoot
    their reproductive period (e.g. reef corals)
  • Forest could be devastated if the rate of climate
    change outpaced the rate at which forest species
    could migrate.
  • Change in the pattern of ocean current
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