Title: Pyramids on the Nile
1Pyramids on the Nile
2Land of Egypt
3Importance of Geography
- Nile floods created
plentiful harvests (predictable) - Nile acted as unifying factor (N/S)
- Desert was a natural barrier
4The River Nile
5Egypts Historical BackgroundI. Archaic Period
- Unification of Upper Lower Egypt in 3100 BC by
King Menes - First dynasty was founded
6Hieroglyphics were introduced about 3000 BC
7Rosetta Stone
- Hieroglyphics
- Demotic
- Ancient Greek
- Interpreted by Jean Francois Champollion in
mid-19th century (20 years)
8Rosetta StoneBritish MuseumLondon
- A paper-like material made from reeds.
10Old Kingdom 2770-2200 BC
- Time of prosperity splendor Founded by Zoser -
3rd dynasty - Age of the Pyramids
- Time when pharaohs power became absolute divine
11Role of Pyramids
- Represented royal authority
- Monumental architecture
- Tomb for mummified body of
the rulers
12The Afterlife and Ka
- Ka (soul of the body?) could live on after death
but must be provided for with all the things
necessary for life
13Khufus pyramid aka Great Pyramid
14Giza The Great Sphinx
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17Pyramid comparison
- Rooms stocked with supplies for the next life.
- Chairs Dishes
- Boats Food
- Games Clothing
- Weapons Chariots
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20Tuts Tomb
21Howard Carter
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26Vulture collar from Tuts tomb
Vulture Collar from the tomb of Tutankhamen
27Collapse of the Old Kingdom
- Too much investment in pyramid building
- Series of poor harvests
- Nobles usurped power
28First Intermediate Period
- Time of anarchy chaos
- No central authority/feudal
- Desert tribes invaded
- 11th Dynasty restored order in 2050 BCE
29Pharaoh ruled as a god(Theocratic government)
- Head of religion, government army
- Full responsibility for prosperity
- Caused rain to fall, sun to rise
- Nile to flood , crops to grow
30Main Gods
- Re - the sun god
- Amen - the god of Thebes
- Osiris - judge of the dead
- Egyptians hoped for life after death
31OsirisJudge of the Dead
- Personified the growth of
force of the Nile - Weighed hearts of
- the dead
32Triumph of Good over EvilThe Cult of Osiris
- Paternal qualities of Osiris
- appealed to emotions
- Promised immortality
- to those who led moral lives
- Love, magic, motherhood, children, medicine and
peace were her human realms
- Jackal head
- God of
35Mummy at The British Museum
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37Step 1 Washing the body anointing with oils
38Step 2Removal of organs
39Canopic Jars held organs
-Represented the four sons of Horis -Vital
organs were stored
40Brain Probe
- The brain was thought to be useless, a producer
of mucus. It was liquefied and removed through
the nostrils. - Probe from The British Museum
41Step 3 drying body with salts
42Step 4 Body cavity stuffed with linens and other
43Step 5 rewashing after 70 days
44Body preserved for eternity
- People of all classes planned for their burials
- Tombs filled with all that would be needed in
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46Mummified Remains of King Tuts Granny
- Queen Tiy, wife of Amenhotep III
47The Middle Kingdom 2050-1652 BC
- More socially responsible
- Swamps drained
- Canals dug
- Pharaoh allied with middle classes
- Classical or Golden Age
48Middle Kingdomcontinued
- Expansion into Palestine Syriafollowed by weak
rulers - Religion democratized
- Cult of Osiris gains momentum
- Idea of personal salvation
49Second Intermediate Period ends the Middle
Kingdom, 1640 BC
- Takeover by Hyksos, nomads from Western Asia
- Secret weapons the
chariot bronze - Adopted by Egyptians
50Hyksos driven out after 70 years!
- Warlike rulers restored Egypts power built an
empire - Queen Ahhotep
- Pharaoh Kamose
51The New Kingdom 1560-1075 BC Third Period of
- Mighty military machine was source of pharaohs
power - Professional army
- Power of nobles reduced
52Map of Egypt
53New Kingdom
- Ruled by the 18th, 19th and 20th Dynasties
- Thebes (in the south) was capital
54New Kingdom pursued aggressive imperial policies
in the Fertile Crescent
55New Kingdom VIPs
- Hatshepsut first woman ruler
- Thutmose III - expansionist
- Amenhotep IV - monotheist
- Tutankhamun boy king
- Ramses II The Great builder, peace-maker,
Moses, 19th dynasty
- Declared herself pharaoh 1472 BC
- Encouraged trade not war
- May have been killed by her step son
57Amenotep IVaka Akhenaten
sandstone bust 1375 BC
Musee du Louvre,
58Akhenatenreligious revolution monotheism
- Elevated the status of sun god Aten
- Monotheism opposed by priest/people
- Moved capital to Akhenaten in middle Egypt
59Nefertitiwife of AkhenatenDaughter of the
vizier State Museum, Berlin
60Akhenaten Family
61 Funerary Maskof Tutankhamen(Egyptian Museum)
62New Kingdom King Tuts solid gold inner coffin
63King Tutankhamen
- Probably the son of Akhenaten
- Died at age 18
- Succeeded by Nefertitis father, Ay
- Restored the old gods / capital
64Ramses IIruler of Egypt r.(1290-1224 BC)
First Ruler of 19th Dynasty
65Ramses II with warcaptives
66Egyptian QUEEN One of Ramses IIs 200
wives concubines
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68Temple of
Ramses IIatAbu Simbel
- Died aged 99
- 150 children
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- Michelangelo,
1512, Rome - Might have lived during the time of Ramses II
72Egyptian Economy
- Agriculture mainly
- Wheat, barley, flax
- Raised sheep cattle
- Glassware metalworking
- Weaving Pottery
- Luxury goods for the wealthy
73Plowing (ceramic from tombs)
74Egyptian flat bread found in tomb
75Egyptian Pottery
76Egyptian Glasscosmetics container
- For kohl
(eyeliner) - Example of a
- luxury item
- The Egyptians were the first to produce glass
- Used for Mehandi and as hair dye
- Shaved heads were common for males females
79Empire Fades After 1200 BC
- People of the Sea caused destruction
- Palestine rebelled
- Libyans invaded
- Ruled 950 -750 BC
80Piankhi of Kush took control in 751 BC
- Unified Nile from Napata to the delta
- Established 25th dynasty
- Reigns for 80 years
- Overthrown by Assyrians
- Royalty flees to Meroe
81Greek Rule begins330 BC
- 323 BC to 30BC ruled by Ptolemy family
- Egypts authority, wealth independence remained
intact - Cleopatra VII was the last ruler before takeover
by Rome
82Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra VII
83Contributions to Civilization
- Architecture Engineering
- Art
- Hieroglyphics
- Solar calendar based on 365 days per year
introduced in 4200 BC
84The End