Title: Secondary Osteoporosis
1Secondary Osteoporosis
- Tuan Van Nguyen and Nguyen Dinh Nguyen
- Bone and Mineral Research Program
- Garvan Institute of Medical Reseach
- Sydney, Australia
- Definitions
- Causes
- Corticosteroid Induced Osteoporosis
- Machanism
- Magnitude of the problem
- Patient managements
3Secondary osteoporosis
- Results from chronic conditions that contribute
significantly to accelerated bone loss. - Treatment of secondary osteoporosis is more
complex than that of primary osteoporosis. - Prognosis depends on the underlying disease.
4Forms of secondary osteoporosis
Endocrine or Metabolic causes
Collagen/genetics disorders
Secondary Osteoporosis
Nutritional disorders
5Endocrine or metabolic causes
- Hypogonadism
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Cushing-syndrome
- Acidosis
- Diabetes (type I)
- Androgen insensitivity
- Hemochromatosis
- Gauchers disease
- Corticosteroids
- Thyroid
- GnRH antagonists
- Anti-neoplastic agents
- Cyclosporin, methotrexate
- Phenobarbital
- Phenothiazines, Phenytoin
7Collagen/genetic disorders
- Ehler-Danlos syndrome
- Glycogen storage diseases
- Homocysturina
- Hypophosphatasis
- Marfan syndrome
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Alcoholism
- Calcium deficiency
- Chronic liver disease
- Gastric operations
- Malabsorption syndromes
- Vitamin D deficiency
9Corticosteroid-induced Osteoporosis (CIOP)
10Corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis
- CS used in many underlying diseases
- Benefits effects on the underlying disease vs.
detrimental effects on bone. - High percentage of osteoporosis and fracture
- Dose-dependent effect ? difficult to define
- Prevalence of use of oral corticosteroids
- Population 0.5
- Among women aged 55 1.7
- Main indications
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Polymyalgia
- 14 of patients taking any treatment of
L J Walsh et al, BMJ 1996313344-6
12CIPO Burden
- Most common of drug-related osteoporosis in men
and women - Occur at any age, in both sexes, across races
- Up to 50 patient of chronic steroid therapy
sustain osteoporotic fractures and/or develop
osteonecrosis. - Significant bone loss can occur in as little as 3
months. - 50 chance of developing osteoporosis if on
steroid for 6 mo.
13Corticosteroids-effect on bone
Calcium loss
Bone resorption
Gonadal hormone
Calcium absorption
14Who is at high-risk of CIPO?
- Prior fracture - Premature menaupause at lt
45y - Age gt 65 y - Planned or current use CS gt
6 mo- Low weight - Other causes of Osteoporosis
Eastell R et al, J Intern Med 1998244271-92
Tobias JH, Rheumatology 199938198-201
15CIPO and fracture
(Source van Staa TP et al., 2000)
16Patient assessment
After 1 y
In 3-5 y
BMD measurement
High-risk of CIOP?
or with CS gt15mg/d
or with CS 7.5mg/d x 6mo
0 to -1.5
lt -1.5
- Thoracic and lumbar spine X-ray
- FBC, ESR S-Electrophoresis if necessary
- Serum Ca, P, AP, Albumin
- Thyroid function
- Men testosterone an women FSH, LH
- Lifestyle
- modification advice
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Physical activity
- Prevent fall
Eastell R et al, J Intern Med 1998244271-92
- Primary prevention, PP (treatment started at the
time initiation up to 3 mo of CS therapy) - Secondary prevention, SP (treatment started gt1y
after the time initiation of CS therapy)
18Pharmacological therapy
Agent PP SP Dose
Calcium Vit D v v 1000mg/d 50000U/w
Calcitrol v NA 0.6µg/d
Alfacalcidiol v NA 1µg/d
Calcitonin v NA Conflicting results (200U/d, nasal)
Fluoride v v 25mg BID plus Calcium
Etidronate v v marginal effect
Alendronate v v 5mg/d
Pamidronate v v Intermittent IV
Risedronate v v 5mg/d
Testosterone (men) NA v
19Key messages
- Secondary osteoporosis is common
- Patients on CS therapy should be consider the
need for therapy to prevent or treat CIOP - Data on CIOP fracture reduction with treatment
remain sparse
20L?i C?m t?
- Chúng tôi xin chân thành cám on Công ty Du?c ph?m
Bridge Healthcare, Australia là nhà tài tr? cho
h?i th?o.
21Thank you!