Title: Crisis and Home Treatment
1Crisis and Home Treatment
- Sinead Mc Aree
- Consultant Renfrewshire IHTT
2Development and driversModelsRelevant
policy documentsWhat does a team
doRenfrewshire teamResearch outcomesReal
world!Vignettes and experiences
3 Why?
4In whose interests?
5Crisis vs Home Treatment
- What constitutes a crisis?
- What is the overlap between illness and crisis?
- Does an individual need to be in crisis to have
input? - Is there a consistency in approach?
6Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, Nov 2003
- Social systems approach
- Distinct from what admission can offer
- Real world/ whole situation
- ?medicalisation
- Regression vs growth
7- Networks
- Collaberative approach and info gathering
- Social systems meeting
- Hierarchical- short and longer term goals
- Practical aspects
- Dynamics
8Operational Policy IHTT Renfrewshire
- Presentation of an individual whose normal
coping mechanisms and resources have become
overwhelmed by the onset or relapse of a severe
mental illness, or through experiencing
significant situational change. - The crisis renders the individual and carer
unable to manage their changed circumstances,
presenting a risk to themselves or others thus
requiring a same day specialist assessment of
their mental health needs.
9Policy documents
10British Journal Psychiatry, Oct 2004
- Other alternatives
- acute day hospitals
- crisis houses
- other crisis accommodation
- adult fostering
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12Shared aims
- Alternative to admission
- Facilitate early discharge
- Manage/ gatekeep beds
- Assessment and treatment
13What would a perfect team look like?
- TEAM MEMBERS time on books capacity
- Base interfaces roles and responsibilities
physical care - Hours of operation risk medication outcomes
- Referral pathways team development and
supervision - Exclusions communication conflict
- eligibility criteria PR work new ways working
14- Base in hospital
- 7 days - M to F 9am-10pm
- - S/S/hols 9am-6pm
- - shift system
- Assessment within 24 hours
- Team makeup
- 10-15 patients
15- Who do we see?
- 18-65 years
- Renfrewshire CHP area
- Crisis
- Immediate and significant risk
- harm self /- others
- and/or
- admission is being considered
- Early discharge
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17- GPs
- Mental Health Professionals
- A and E
- NHS 24/Emergency Duty Services
- Health Social Care Community Teams
- Addiction Services
- Other agencies within Mental Health
- Police and Emergency Services
- Triage
- Assessment
- Treatment
- Outcome measures
19Risk management
202 slides omitted as discussed at lecture
22Research base
- Previously US studies
- Hetrogeneity of services
- Ethics- ?retrospective or observational
- Generalisability
23BJP, July 2005, Johnson
- Outcome of crisis pre and post CRT
- Inner Islington- 63 000
- 2 recruitments- pre CRT n77, 6/12
- post CRT n123, 9/12
- Reduction in adm rate after crisis 71 to 49
(6/52) - No effect invol adms, symptoms, social
functioning, - quality of life
- High patient satisfaction
24BJP, Nov 2006, Glover
- CRT/HTT and adm rates in England
- Observational- 229/303 health districts
- 1998/99- 2003/4
- Decrease in admissions in general, esp younger
working - age adults
25- CRT- particular reduction in older working age
adults (!) - 24 hours- additional decrease in older males and
younger females - 10 reduction in 34 areas with CRT since 2001
(34) - 23 reduction if 24 hours (12vs130 without team)
2004 -
26Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc, Jan- Mar
2008, Killaspy
- Evaluation of ACT vs CRT
- Both increase patient satisfaction
- Only CRT reduces inpatient stays
27Psychol Med, April 2002, Catty
- Systematic review
- RCTS and non RCTs (91 studies)
- Inconclusive findings
- Reg home visiting
- Combined responsibility for health and social care
28Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc, Jan-Mar 2009,
Mc Crone
- Economic evaluation
- Adm considered- randomised CRT or standard
services - Inpatient days over 6/12 period
- CRT- 768 higher
- Include inpatient stays- 2438 lower
- Patients like it
- Reduces inpatient days
- Hours matter
- Cost effective
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