Cellular Biophysics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cellular Biophysics


Cellular Biophysics The world you live in An inertial world- objects that are moving tend to keep moving even after force is removed- inertia This is the basis of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cellular Biophysics

Cellular Biophysics
The world you live in
  • An inertial world- objects that are moving tend
    to keep moving even after force is removed-
  • This is the basis of motion in our world
  • Fima

The Viscous World
  • In fluids, viscosity becomes important
  • The force imparted by the fluid is dependent upon
    its viscosity

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Things get weird when viscosity increases
  • Consider a cylinder containing corn syrup
  • Add a dot of dye in corn syrup
  • Stir the syrup/dye in one direction
  • Reverse the direction of stirring
  • The dot reforms
  • Viscous fluids do not flow or mix
  • No turbulence, no inertia

Now consider density and viscosity
Fluid Density Viscosity
Air 1 2x10-5
Water 1000 .0009
Olive oil 900 .08
Glycerine 1300 1
Corn syrup 1000 5
Reynolds Number-the ratio of inertal to viscous
Inertial Force Fma (l3r)v2/l
Viscous Force hl3v/R2
Re Inertial Force rvR/h Viscous Force
  • Reynolds numberinertial force/viscous force
  • rdensity (of medium), llength, Sarea,
    v/tvelocity over timeacceleration µviscosity
    (of medium)
  • Inertial is densityxvolumemass x accel (v/t)
  • Viscous is Force/area viscosity x the velocity

What does it mean?
  • As size goes down, Re goes down
  • As viscosity goes up, Re goes down
  • At high Reynolds numbers- inertial forces
  • At low Reynolds numbers- viscous forces dominate
  • Small objects in fluids are affected by the
    frictional drag of the media to a great extent

Sample Reynolds numbers
  • Bacterium swimming (organelle) 10-6
  • Sperm swimming 10-2
  • Fruit fly in flight 100
  • Small bird flying 105
  • Whale swimming 2x108

What does it mean
  • The forces associated with molecules of water
    interacting with each other and solutes become
  • To a small molecule (bacteria) moving through a
    fluid is like you trying to move in a highly
    viscous liquid. Imagine yourself living in
    asphalt (Berg experiment)
  • Being small is equivalent to being in a very
    viscous environment
  • Water is highly ordered around you-you are the
    boundary layer
  • surfaces nearby create boundary effects that
    alter the properties of water significant
    distances away
  • There is no inertia- if a bacteria stops
    swimming, it glides about the distance of a
    hydrogen atom
  • drag is irrelevant (shape is irrelevant) so
    streamlining is irrelevant

What does it mean to Cell Biology?
  • A small predator cannot catch a prey by swimming
    at it, because it pushes the prey away as it
  • A bacteria cannot swim by waving a flagella or
    cilia- it would return to the same place after a
    cycle of motion

  • What is diffusion?
  • The random movement of molecules due to thermal
  • The fundamental principle underlying all life
  • Determines the rate of enzyme reactions
  • Determines the size and shape of cells
  • Determines the speed of signal transduction

  • Until the early 1900s, the idea of molecules was
  • In 1828, Robert Brown observed movement of pollen
    particles in suspension (Brownian motion)
  • What was driving the motion?
  • Hypothesis 1- they were alive
  • But they never stopped!
  • Lifeless particles (soot) did the same

  • Hypothesis 2 (1860s)- movement was caused by
    collisions of water molecules with the pollen
  • At higher temperatures, they moved faster!
  • But- particles are much larger than water
    molecules- how can water move particles?
  • The speed of water molecules is 103m/s and there
    would be about 1012 collisions/sec. Too fast for
    the eye to see
  • How to resolve this???

Einstein strikes again
  • Clarified the stochastic nature of molecular
    motion- there are many events happening very
  • If you take the look at the probabilities, then
    with that many collisions with water molecules
    with a range of velocities, then periodically you
    will get a displacement of the particle by many
    more collisions on one side than another
  • The process will lead to a 3D random walk of the
    particle Diffusion

The Diffusion Law
  • mean square displacement x26Dt
  • This is stochastic, not the behavior of a
    individual molecule
  • Any molecule might not move at all
  • Others may move a great distance
  • There is no rate of diffusion
  • x/tv6D/x or the rate gets slower the farther
    you are away
  • So if you follow a certain concentration of
    molecules, that concentration will move rapidly
    away from a source, and the farther you get from
    the source, the slower that concentration will
  • If the source only produces a limited number of
    molecules, then at some distance, you will never
    reach that concentration

Diffusion of Biological Molecules
  • Substance M D (cm2/sec) time to diffuse 1µ
    diffuse 10µm
  • bacterium 5x10-9 1 sec 100sec
  • TMV 4x107 3x10-8 0.1 sec 10 sec
  • albumin 7x104 6x10-7 10 msec 1 sec
  • sucrose 3x102 5x10-6 1msec 100msec

Diffusion and Signalling
  • If you want to send a signal inside a cell, how
    do you do it?
  • IP3 or Ca release at the membrane
  • You assume there is a threshold for the effect-
    ie. you need above a certain concentration of the
    signal molecule to activate the effectors
  • Do you want the response to be local or general?
  • Do you want it to continue or terminate?

fusion of Pulse vs. Continuous signal

Diffusion of Pulse vs. Continuous signal

Signaling in large cells (multicellular organisms)
  • If you release a signal in a cell (Ca ions) and
    they diffuse from the site of release, it will
    take time for signal to reach other parts of the
    cell, and the concentration will be lower, the
    farther you get from the site of release
  • If there is a threshold for action, you might not
    exceed it at distant sites- allows for local
  • It would take about 10 minutes for a Ca wave to
    get across a 1mm Xenopus egg and it would never
    reach as hi a concentration because it would be
  • Reaction diffusion waves- you relay the signal so
    that the size of the signal remains constant

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What is cytoplasm like
  • Cells are about 20mg/ml protein
  • You cant dissolve 20mg/ml of most proteins
  • How do you do it in a cell?
  • Based upon this, it was hypothesized that most of
    the cellular water was tied up in coating
    proteins, and thus the cytoplasm had limited
  • This would affect diffusion

FRAP of cytoplasm
  • Introduce a fluorescent molecule into the
    cytoplasm of the cell
  • Microinject fluorescein dextran
  • Shine a very bright light source as a small spot
    onto a stained region to bleach the dye
  • Produces a dark spot on a light background
  • Now measure the fluorescence intensity of the
    spot over time as fluorescence recovers
    (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching)

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Figure 2 JCB 138131
  • Dc/Dw is constant over a range of sizes and
    locations in the cell
  • The ratio is about 0.25 diffusion in cytoplasm
    is about 4x slower than in water for
  • At these rates it would take a large
    macromolecule about 7 seconds to diffuse across a
  • For large macromolecules, there is little
  • Reason is controversial
  • Immobile obstacles?
  • Cytoskeletal mesh?
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