March 5: more on quantifiers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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March 5: more on quantifiers


March 5: more on quantifiers We have encountered formulas and sentences that include multiple quantifiers: Take, for example: UD: People in Michael s office – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: March 5: more on quantifiers

March 5 more on quantifiers
  • We have encountered formulas and sentences that
    include multiple quantifiers
  • Take, for example
  • UD People in Michaels office
  • Lxy x likes y
  • m Michael
  • There is someone that Michael likes and
    everyone likes Michael
  • (?x) Lmx (?y) Lym

March 5 more on quantifiers
  • But there are also sentences that include
    multiple quantifiers of overlapping scope
  • UD People in Michaels office
  • Lxy x likes y
  • m Michael
  • So weve symbolized
  • Everyone likes Michael
  • (?x) Lxm
  • Now suppose we want to symbolize
  • Everyone likes someone

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope
  • And suppose our UD is now all people
  • UD all people
  • Lxy x likes y
  • Everyone likes someone
  • (?x) there is someone such that
  • (?x) (?y) such that
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope
  • Now suppose
  • UD all people
  • Lxy x likes y
  • And we want to symbolize
  • Everyone likes everyone
  • (?x) is such that for everyone
  • and we add (?y) for another universal quantifier
  • so that we have
  • (?x) is such that for all y (?y)
  • (?x) (?y) x likes y
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope
  • Suppose we keep
  • UD all people
  • Lxy x likes y
  • And now we want to symbolize
  • Someone likes everyone
  • (?x) such that for everyone y, x
  • We add (?y) for that everyone, and then
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope
  • Suppose we keep
  • UD all people
  • Lxy x likes y
  • And we want to symbolize
  • Someone likes someone
  • (?x) such that there is someone
  • We add (?y) for there is some y and get
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope
  • Pairs of quantifiers can occur in 4
  • (?x) (?y) There is an x and there is a y such
    that or
  • There is a pair x and y such that
  • (?x) (?y) For each x and for each y or For
  • pair x and y
  • (?x) (?y) For each x there is a y such that
  • (?x) (?y) There is an x such that for each y
  • Although we wont deal with them, there can be
    more than 2 (or more than a pair) of quantifiers
    of overlapping scope.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • The extension of a 3-place predicate (e.g., Bwxy
    w is between x and y), is a set of 3-ordered
    objects, and the extension of a 4-place predicate
    (e.g., Twxyz w between x, y, and z) is a set of
    4-ordered objects, and so forth each extension
    is a set of n-tuple sets (in the first case, a
    set of 3 ordered objects and, in the second, a
    set of 4 ordered objects).

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope the
difference a UD makes for symbolization
  • 1.
  • UD persons
  • Lxy x likes y
  • Everyone likes everyone
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy
  • Someone likes someone
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy
  • 2.
  • UD Everything
  • Lxy x likes y
  • Px x is a person
  • Everyone likes everyone
  • (?x) (?y) (Px Py) ? Lxy
  • Someone likes someone
  • (?x) (?y) (Px Py) Lxy

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope
  • One has to learn to read the sentences of PL
    into quasi-English to check out a
    symbolization. In doing so, it is crucial to
    identify the role of each logical operator. For
    example, in
  • (?x) (?y) (Px Py) ? Lxy
  • (?x) is the main logical operator and (?y) is
  • main logical operator of the subformula
  • (Px Py) ? Lxy
  • So we read (?x) first and (?y) second.
  • Every x is such that every y is such that or
    Every pair x and y is such that

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope
  • We read (?x) first and (?y) second.
  • Every x is such that every y is such that or
    Every pair x and y is such that
  • As the main logical operator of the next
    subformula, (Px Py) ? Lxy, is the ? we move to
    that next
  • Every x is such that every y is such that or
    Every pair x and y is such that IF

Multiple quantifiers with overlapping scope
  • (?x) (?y) (Px Py) ? Lxy
  • Every x is such that every y is such that or
    Every pair x and y is such that IF
  • x is a person and y is a person
  • THEN
  • Lxy (x likes y)
  • All together
  • Every x is such that every y is such that, if x
    is a person and y is a person, then x likes y
  • For every pair x and y, if x is a person and y
    is a person, then x likes y

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • In SL, the semantic notion we used to determine
    truth status was the truth value assignment.
  • This worked because the sentences of SL are such
    that their truth status is a function of truth
    functional assignments to their atomic components
    (atomic sentences) and, in compound sentences,
    the TVAs of atomic sentences and
    truth-functional connectives.
  • This doesnt work in PL, except for those
    sentences that are just the atomic sentences (A,
    B, C) of SL.
  • The basic semantic concept of PL is an

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • In PL, an interpretation interprets
  • each individual constant (if any)
  • each predicate
  • each sentence letter of PL
  • All of these are relative to some universe of
  • We can take symbolization keys as we have
    encountered them so far as embodying
    interpretations with the following caveat
  • In an interpretation, a UD is always some
    non-empty set, and so we classify them as sets
    when specifying an interpretation

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • There are 2 kinds of atomic sentences of PL
  • Sentence letters (A through Z with or without
    subscripts the semantics involve truth
    functional assignments)
  • A n-place predicate of PL followed by
  • What are its semantics?
  • Start with a one-place predicate, Fx, and the
    atomic sentence
  • Fa

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • The truth or falsity of Fa depends on an
    interpretation that interprets
  • the predicate Fx
  • the constant a
  • and a UD a set of objects over which the
    predicates and variables range, and from which
    constants pick out objects

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Atomic sentences of PL
  • Consider Fa on interpretation 1
  • 1. UD set of living things
  • Fx x is a human
  • a is Socrates (the historical figure)
  • On this interpretation, Fa is true

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Change the UD and/or the predicate and/or the
    constant, and the truth status of sentence on the
    interpretation also changes. Consider Fa on
    interpretation 2
  • 2. UD set of living things
  • Fx x is a potato
  • a Socrates
  • Assuming, again, that a denotes the historical
    person, Socrates, the sentence Fa is false on
    this interpretation.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Atomic sentences of PL involving 2-place
  • Lxy x is larger than y
  • And say the UD is the set of positive integers
  • A two place predicate is a relational predicate
    it picks out sets of pairs of members of the UD
    whose order often matters and in the case of
    this predicate, order does matter.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • 3. UD the set of positive integers
  • Lxy x is larger than y
  • a 1
  • b 2
  • Lba is true on interpretation 3.
  • The extension of Lxy on interpretation 3 are
    those pairs (4, 3 5, 2 201, 200 4000, 3999
    and so forth) of which it is true that the first
    member of the pair is larger than the second
    member of the pair.
  • So, the pair 2, 3 is not a pair that is an
    extension of Lxy on interpretation 3.

  • 4. The set of all buildings and all people
  • Lxy x is larger than y
  • a The Empire State Building
  • b George Bush
  • Lba is false on interpretation 4.
  • An interpretation may assign the same member of
    the UD to more than one constant
  • 5. The set of planets in our solar system
  • Cxy x is closer to the sun than y.
  • m Venus
  • n Venus
  • Cmn is false on interpretation 5.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Some interpretations of 2-place predicates mean
    that the extension of a predicate includes pairs
    in which the 1st and 2nd members are the same
  • 6. UD the set of positive integers
  • Exy x is less than or equal to y
  • The extension of the predicate Exy (as defined
    above) includes not only 2, 3 but also 2, 2 4,
    4 and so forth.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Compound sentences of PL that do not include
  • Cab v Cba
  • As the main logical operator is v, this
    sentence is true or false on an interpretation
    depending on whether at least either Cab or
    Cba is true on that interpretation. We use the
    characteristic truth tables for the connectives
    to determine whether a truth functional sentence
    of PL is true on some interpretation.
  • 7. UD the set of persons
  • Cxy x likes y
  • a Andrea
  • b Bruce

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Compound sentences of PL whose main logical
    operator is not a quantifier
  • (?x) (Wx ? Mx) (?x) (Ex Ox)
  • As the main logical operator is , this
    sentence is true or false on an interpretation if
    and only if both the right and left conjuncts are
    true on that interpretation.
  • 8. UD the set of all things
  • Wx x is a whale
  • Mx x is a mammal
  • Ex x is an even positive integer
  • Ox x is an odd positive integer

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • For quantified sentences of PL
  • (?x) (Wx ? Mx)
  • Here the main logical operator is a universal
  • So the sentence is true on some interpretation if
    and only if it is true that all xs that are Ws
    are Ms.
  • 9. UD the set of living things
  • Wx x is a whale
  • Mx x is a mammal.
  • (?x) (Wx ? Mx) is true on this interpretation.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Quantified sentences of PL
  • (?x) (Wx ? Mx)
  • Here the main logical operator is a universal
  • 10. UD the set of all things
  • Wx x has a brain.
  • Mx x is a car
  • The sentence is false on this interpretation.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Quantified sentences of PL
  • (?x) (Ex Ox)
  • Here the main logical operator is an existential
    quantifier and the sentence is true on an
    interpretation if there is at least one thing
    that it is a E and an O.
  • 11. UD the set of positive integers
  • Ex x is even
  • Ox x is odd
  • (?x) (Ex Ox) is false on this interpretation.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Quantified sentences of PL
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy
  • 12. UD the set of all persons
  • Lxy x likes y
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy is true on interpretation 12 if and
    only if for each person there is someone that
    person likes. (Everyone likes someone.)
  • It could just be him or herself.
  • 13. UD the sent of all persons
  • Lxy x knows y
  • It is likely that (?x) (?y) Lxy is true on
    interpretation 13.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Quantified sentences of PL
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy
  • 13. UD the set of all persons
  • Lxy x likes y
  • (?x) (?y) Lxy is true on interpretation 13 if and
    only each person likes every other person.
  • Unlikely!
  • 14. UD the set of all persons
  • Lxy x knows y
  • It is also unlikely that (?x) (?y) Lxy is true on
    interpretation 14.

(Informal) Semantics of PL
  • Summary of informal semantics of PL
  • The truth conditions for sentences of PL are
    determined by interpretations.
  • An interpretation consists of the specification
    of a UD, and the interpretation of each sentence
    letter, predicate, and individual constant
    relative to the UD designated. (Individual
    variables are not interpreted.)
  • Homework 7.8E Exercise 1 and more to be provided
    for semantics.
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