Preparing for the STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preparing for the STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment


Title: Preparing for the STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment Subject: Preparing for the STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment Author: Pearson Last modified by: Kelli Crain – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Preparing for the STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment

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STAAR Alternate 2 Preparing for the STAAR
Alternate 2 Assessment 2015
STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment
  • STAAR Alternate 2 Overview
  • Updates
  • Important Dates
  • Eligibility and Participation Requirements
  • Subjects Assessed
  • Test Design
  • Accommodations Information
  • Who can Administer STAAR Alternate 2?
  • Test Administrator Responsibilities

STAAR Alternate 2 Overview
  • STAAR Alternate 2 is
  • an assessment based on alternate academic
  • designed for students with significant
    cognitive disabilities
  • receiving special education services.
  • a standardized assessment (redesigned based on
    state legislation) administered individually to
    each eligible student.

  • State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
    (STAAR) Alternate 2 will now be a paper-based
    assessment and individual student responses will
    be transcribed into the TestNav online form.
  • Participation counts must be entered during the
  • (Sept. 22 Oct. 24).
  • Districts will need to submit their own student
    data files. Pearson will not load previous year
    STAAR Alternate 2 students.
  • The End-of-Course (EOC) Code field (CSV location
    AI) is mandatory for STAAR Alternate 2 grades

Updates (continued)
  • The Alternate Assessment Assistant and Alternate
    Assessment Teacher roles will no longer have any
    permissions associated with them beginning
    December 2014.
  • Alternate Assessment Teachers no longer have to
    be assigned to students in the assessment
    management system.
  • Test sessions must be created and students added
    to test sessions.
  • Student responses will be transcribed into
  • The STAAR Alternate 2 assessment window is

Important Dates
STAAR Alternate 2 Important Dates STAAR Alternate 2 Important Dates
9/22/2014 10/24/2014 Participation counts window
11/5/2014 2/27/2015 SDU submission window Registration available
12/29/2014 - 03/27/2015 Additional order window
1/9/2015 Materials list posted online
1/19/2015 Test session creation
1/23/2015 Materials due in district
2/2/2015 Proctor caching available
2/9/2015 2/20/2015 STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment
3/6/2015 Return nonscorable materials
5/20/2015 Grades 3 8 reports due in district
6/5/2015 EOC reports due in district
Eligibility and Participation Requirements
The admissions review and dismissal (ARD)
committee determines whether a student with a
significant cognitive disability is eligible to
take STAAR Alternate 2 based on specific
criteria. Please review the Educator Guide for
STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2 for additional
information on eligibility and participation
Subjects Assessed
Test Design
Six clusters comprise a test form resulting in 24
scripted questions per test. The test materials
will include a test administrator booklet and a
student booklet. The test administrator booklet
contains scripted questions and guidelines for
how the test will be administered. A student
booklet contains stimulus images and text needed
for the student to select answers. This design
allows for standardization of the assessment and
eliminates the need for teachers to prepare tasks
or materials.
Accommodations Information
  • The accommodations must
  • maintain the integrity of the assessment,
  • avoid leading to or providing the student with a
    direct answer,
  • be used routinely in instruction,
  • reflect the students learning styles, and
  • allow a student to respond using a mode that is
    appropriate for the student.

Who Can Administer STAAR Alternate 2?
  • The STAAR Alternate 2 test administrator
  • should be the students teacher for the subject
    being tested, and
  • must have a high level of familiarity with the
    student so that testing accommodations can be
    prepared appropriately and the students typical
    response modes can be understood.

Test Administrator Oath
The STAAR Alternate 2 test administrator must
initial and sign the test administrator oath
following training on test security and general
testing procedures and before handling secure
test materials.
  • Certified and noncertified paraprofessionals who
    may serve as test administrators or test
    administrator assistants are
  • currently employed by the district, and
  • routinely work with students in the classroom.
  • Paraprofessionals must be supervised by a
    certified professional on the same campus
    throughout the test administration.

Test Administrator Responsibilities
  • Include
  • maintaining security of test materials while in
    their possession,
  • preparing test materials for each administration,
  • implementing the test administration processes
    and procedures stated in the manuals,
  • monitoring and maintaining test security,
  • viewing secure test materials,
  • reporting any suspected violation of test
    security to the campus coordinator,
  • transcribing student responses into TestNav (can
    also be done by other designated individuals),
  • preparing test materials for return to the campus
    coordinator at the conclusion of test

Test Administrator Assistants
  • The test administrator assistant can provide
    assistance including
  • preparing allowable accommodations,
  • manipulating materials during the testing
  • translating or signing information for the
    student, and
  • managing student behavior.
  • All test administrator assistants
  • must be trained in test security and
    administration procedures prior to the
    assessment, and
  • must sign the test administrators oath of test
    security and confidentiality.

Participation Counts
  • Participation counts must be entered in the Texas
    Assessment Management System, delivered through
    PearsonAccess, beginning September 22, 2014, and
    submitted no later than 1100 PM (CT) on
  • October 24, 2014.

  • Materials list posted online by 1/9/2015
  • Due in district by 1/23/2015
  • Additional Order window 12/29/2014 - 03/27/2015
  • Return secure nonscorable materials to Pearson
    by 3/6/2015

Materials (continued)
  • Return all nonscorable materials
  • test booklets grouped by grade for grades 38
  • test booklets grouped by course for EOC
  • STAAR Alternate 2 test administrator manuals
  • photocopies of secure test materials, if used

Pack STAAR Alternate 2 materials either by campus
or by district. If you are packing by campus, be
sure that all the materials for a single campus
are grouped together and packed in the box before
adding materials from another campus. Do not mix
STAAR Alternate 2 materials with STAAR or TELPAS
materials in the same shipment.
Texas Assessment Management System Tasks
  • Enter or Upload Student Data
  • Create Test Sessions
  • Print Student Authorizations
  • Transcribe Student Responses into TestNav
  • Enter Score Codes
  • Verify Accommodation Categories

Enter or Upload Student Data
  • There are two options for entering student data
    to the Assessment Management System. Districts
  • upload student data using a file created locally,
  • enter student data manually.

Create Test Sessions
  • In order to transcribe scoring information into
    TestNav, students must be assigned to test
  • Test sessions are electronic groupings of
    students that are specific to each grade,
    subject, course and test form (five forms in most
  • Campus testing coordinators should create test
    sessions at least one to two weeks before
  • After sessions have been created, students can be
    added individually or by group.

Print Student Authorizations
  • Student authorizations may be printed after
    students have been placed into a test session.
  • The student authorizations contain the URL that
    will be entered into a browser to access TestNav
    and the unique username and test code needed to
    log in to transcribe scoring information for an

Transcribe Student Responses into TestNav
  • After student authorizations have been printed,
    student responses can be added into TestNav.
  • The test administrator will log in to TestNav
    using the students authorization ticket and
    transcribe student responses.
  • A students transcribed performance information
    is automatically scored when the Final Submit
    button is clicked at the end of the test. It is
    not necessary to make a selection in the Score
    Code menu for performance data to be scored.

Enter Score Codes
  • If a student does not complete the test, one of
    the following score codes must be selected when
    marking the students test complete.
  • A Absent
  • Student is absent throughout the testing window.
    A student should not be marked absent if the
    student was absent on the testing days but also
    fits one of the score designations below.
  • M Medical Exception
  • Student does not participate in the STAAR
    Alternate 2 assessment on the basis of the
    students medical condition, as determined by the
    ARD committee and documented in the students
    IEP. A decision not to assess a student based on
    a medical exception should be rare.

Enter Score Codes
  • N No Authentic Academic Response
  • Student does not participate in the STAAR
    Alternate 2 assessment on the basis of the
    students disability, as determined by the ARD
    committee and documented in the students IEP. A
    decision not to assess a student based on the
    students disability should be rare.
  • O Other Student Not to Be Scored
  • Student experiences a test administration
    irregularity or illness during testing and cannot
    complete the assessment.

Verify Accommodation Categories
  • Additionally, test administrators or other campus
    personnel will complete the accommodations
    information for each assessment after the student
    performance data has been transcribed.

Test Results
  • Score reports will include the individual
    performance level ratings of students, scale
    scores, and number of questions answered
    correctly within each reporting category for each
    of the assessed grades and content areas.
  • Score reports are due in district
  • 5/20/2015 (Grades 3 8)
  • 6/5/2015 (EOC)

  • Educator Guide for STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2
  • Users Guide for the Texas Assessment Management
  • 2015 District and Campus Coordinator Manual
  • STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manuals
  • STAAR Alternate 2 Sample Items
  • STAAR Alternate 2 Administration Participation
    Collection (broadcast e-mail)
  • STAAR Alternate 2 Medical Exception Eligibility
  • STAAR Alternate 2 No Authentic Academic Response
    Eligibility Requirements
  • Texas Education Agency http//

Texas Education Agency (TEA) Phone (512)
463-9536 Email Pearson
s Austin Operations Center Phone (800)
627-0225 Email
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