Title: Christy Herren
1Earth, Air, Water and Fire Multi-media concept
mapping to promote ocean literacy in rural and
inland audiences
- Christy Herren
- University of Maine
- COSEE Ocean Systems (OS)
- Since 2005, COSEE-Ocean Systems has been creating
testing models of collaboration - Goals include
- Reaching rural inland audiences
- Engaging ocean researchers
- Creating transferable activities for maximum
3Rural Inland Audiences
- Through its workshops, COSEE-OS has made strides
reaching rural inland audiences - 48 of 125 educators from 25 states were rural
4Engaging Researchers
- Goal
- Increase the capacity of scientists to
efficiently translate their research into
compelling and relevant content for various
audiences - Methodology
- Help deconstruct knowledge into concepts to
create concept maps - Thus far, trained 30 scientists to concept map,
- Recently, 66 said they use COSEE-OS tools
5Engaging Researchers
- Evolution of one scientists concept maps
- Original
6Engaging Researchers
- Digital version of original map
7Engaging Researchers
- Consensus map created with educators
8Engaging Researchers
- Who created this consensus map?
- Dr. Fei Chai three educators from rural areas
9Engaging Researchers
- Educators felt concept mapping helped them
- Think through topics learned at workshop
- Share ideas / communicate with scientists
10Transferrable Activities
- The hands-on activity you will do today is to
start a concept map based on the Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill - Lemons into Lemonade?
- Goal is to use a recent environmental event to
help students (inland or coastal) connect with
complex ocean topics
11Transferrable Activities
- The hands-on activity you will do today is to
start a concept map based on the Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill - - Newsweek article What the Spill Will Kill by
Sharon Begley (June 6 or 14, 2010) pg 24-6.
I am not too worried about oil on the surface,
says chemist Ed Overton of LSU. Its the things
we dont see that worry me the most.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill will enter the
record books for not how much, but for
where an enormous amount of crude oil not
only onto vulnerable shorelines and fragile
marshlands, but into the largely unexplored
depths of the sea.
MODIS Terra Satellite image July 12, 2010
12Transferrable Activities
13Transferrable Activities
Lets do the concept mapping activity!
For oil spill map and article email
14Transferrable Activities
Time to Share
For oil spill map and article email
15Transferrable Activities
Heres an example I created in the COSEE OS
Concept Map Builder
16Transferrable Activities
Available to you at http//cosee.umaine.edu/cfuse
r/cmb USERNAME nmea_2010 Password nmea (cap
sensitive) See handouts for this session
17Sustaining Activities
Building a community map Would you be willing to
- Construction Add concepts and linking phrases?
- Hyperlinks Suggest educational resources for
concepts? (images/ videos/ news items/ lesson
plans) - Feedback Review the map before we share with
NMEA community and beyond? - Test drive Share with your students and
audiences? -
IF YES Please sign-up on the COSEE OS handout
sheet or contact Christy Herren
18Sustaining Activities
- Discussion and Sharing
- How can (or do) you as an educator?
- Reach out to scientists in your own regions?
- Incorporate ocean science content to teach
standard biological, chemical and physical
concepts? -
19Thank you!
- If you have any questions or comments, feel free
to contact us - Christy Herren ltchristy.herren_at_gmail.comgt
- Annette deCharon ltannette.decharon_at_maine.edugt
- Please check out COSEE OS website
- http//cosee.maine.edu
20Other Transferrable Activities
- Another activity you can try is based on our
recent publication - Goal is to use physical sciences inquiry to
connect with ocean topics
Download for free http//www.tos.org/hands-on/tea
ching_phys.html (Karp-Boss et al., 2009))
21Other Transferrable Activities
- Another activity you can try is based on our
recent NSTA presentation - Goal is to illustrate transferability between
ocean science content and terrestrial ecological
Wolves Sharks
Email christy.herren_at_gmail.com for handouts