- Marija Erl Šafar
- Dinka Kovacevic
- Jasmina Lovrincevic
2 Towards curriculum guidelines in general
- Development and educational system plan (2005)
- Croatian national educational system
(HNOS)(2005/2006) - 3) National curriculum frameworks
- State target education quality in Croatia
- State target school aligned to students
- State target competentional approach the main
target are learning results
3Where are school libraries in those important
documents ???
- Do they have their role in the KNOWLEDGE
- Commitees which made the documents did not
include school librarians - In the original versions of the documents, school
libraries are merely mentioned or are not
mentioned at all - The commitees did not have information how and in
which way school libraries really work
5Is there a curricular approach to education
program in school libraries???
- Or Who made it and who wrote it down???
6The curricular approach to education program in
school libraries exists since the 1980s
- authors are school librarians - practitioners
7The role of school library in school programs
- To provide wide range of educational technologies
in order to offer retrieval possibilities - To provide materials, to create original works
- To organize data and solve problems
- To help and organize interdisciplinary learning
- To offer programs for professional training of
teachers (according to the new working methods) - Continuous modernization of library collections
- To help cooperation between different schools
concerning similar programs and needs - To help students in learning and writing papers
8Croatian school librarianship
- Transformation of school libraries into
Library-information centres the project led by
Veselko Veljcic, National and University Library,
Zagreb, 1982 - Multimedia orientated school libraries in
sense of spatial organisation to collection
management/development - Development of new activities (students teaching
9The beginnings of the curriculum approach in the
Croatian school libraries
- Audio and video materials
- Photos
- Documentaries
- Films
- Exhibitions
- Internet
- Learning based on the knowledge resources
- Adjustment to different learning styles
- Intermedia approach to learning
- Higher learning results achieved by research and
multimedia learning - Development of the students creativity
MMC GGŠ Osijek 1984.
10Three important educational achievements taught
only by libraries
- Information literacy
- Guided inquiry(Kuhlthau model)
- Correlations (working on projects)
- The basis of acquisition of the life-long
learning concept
11PapersSpring school of school librarians
Proceedings (Crikvenica 91./92. Rijeka, 1993.)
- Lasic-Lazic, J. Školska knjižnica i mogucnosti
razvoja samostalnog istraživackog rada ucenika - Stanicic, S. Strucno-razvojne službe u školi i
školska knjižnica - Šeta, V. Metodologija istraživanja i izrada
ucenickih radova - Karbic, T. Uloga BIC-a u primjeni televizije
zatvorenog kruga i video-rekordera u
odgojno-obrazovnom procesu - Pavešic, M. Miroslav Krleža uz 100-tu
obljetnicu rodenja (izložba) - Jednacak, J. Stari prostor, stare knjige nove
zavjese, nove brige video zapis o školskim
knjižnicama Opcine Sisak - Križ, J. Strukturiranje programskih odrednica
kulturne i javne djelatnosti školske knjižnice - Šeta, V. Biblija oznacitelj kulturne funkcije
školske knjižnice - Laszlo, M. Racunalna pismenost u školskoj
12Research results show...
- important role of a librarian in teaching
information literacy and guided inquiry - importance of pedagogic and curricular approach
to education process in school library - that school libraries are prepared to participate
in modern learning approaches
13Conclusion /1
- School librarians are the first within the school
(and the system) who thought through and applied
curricular approach to education - Already in the 1980s there were many professional
and scientific papers - School librarians are the authors of the document
- Library-information education in primary and
high school which is a supplement to the
Proposal of the Strategy for the creation and
development of the National curriculum frameworks
for preschool and compulsory, and universal
secondary education
14Conclusion /2
- School librarians in Croatia are thoroughly
prepared for the changes brought by modern times - School libraries competently take over the
responsibility of adjustment to new ways of
learning - School libraries emphasize pedagogic approaches,
qualitative methodic- and educative role which
are all part of the curricular approach to the
education programs within school libraries
- Strategija za izradbu i razvoj Nacionalnog
okvirnog kurikuluma za predškolski odgoj i opce
obvezno obrazovanje u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi.
Zagreb Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i
športa, 2007. - Prijedlozi školskih knjižnicara za izmjene i
nadopune Prijedloga nacionalnog okvirnog
kurikuluma za predškolski odgoj i opce obvezno
obrazovanje u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi
(usuglašeno na sastanku 19. ožujka 2009. godine u
Školi za cestovni promet u Zagrebu) - Nastavni plan i program za osnovnu školu. Zagreb
Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa,
2006. - Funda, Dragutin. Potpuno upravljanje kvalitetom u
obrazovanju. Zagreb Kigen, 2008.
- 1. Kovacevic, D., Lasic-Lazic, J., Lovrincevic,
J. 2004. Školska knjižnica korak
dalje. Zagreb Filozofski fakultet, Zavod za
informacijske studije Odsjeka za informacijske
znanosti Altagama. - 2. Plan razvoja sustava odgoja i obrazovanja
2005. 2010. Zagreb Ministarstvo
znanosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske
(2005). Dostupno na URL - http//public.mzos.hr/Default.aspx?sec2420.
(28.06.2006) - 3. Prijedlog Nacionalnog okvirnog kurikuluma za
predškolski odgoj i opce obvezno - obrazovanje u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi
- http//public.mzos.hr/Default.aspx?sec268
5 -
- 4. Shaw, Marie Keen. Block Scheduling and its
Impact on the School Library Media Center.
Greenwood Professional Guides in School
Librarionship, Greenwood Press. Westport,
Connecticut. London, 1995. - 5. Znanjem do znanja prilog metodici rada
školskog knjižnicara. 2005. Jasmina - Lovrincevic, Dinka Kovacevic, Jadranka
Lasic Lazic, Mihaela Banek Zorica. - Zagreb Zavod za informacijske studije
Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti - Filozofskog fakulteta Sveucilišta u