Networked Gaming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Networked Gaming


Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Frost,Dan Last modified by: Frost,Dan Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Networked Gaming

Networked Gaming
  • Networking
  • Bandwidth
  • Security/Cheating
  • Dynamics

Communication Architectures
Split-screen Console - Limited players
  • All peers equal
  • Easy to extend
  • Doesnt scale (LAN only)

Server pool -Improved scalability -More complex
  • One node server
  • Clients only to server
  • Server may be bottleneck

Distributed Interactive Application (DIA)
  • Networked components on different machines
  • Collaborative multiple users working together
  • Distributed parts of environment on different
  • allows a group of users connected via a network
    to interact synchronously with a shared
    application state.
  • DIS is the name of a family of protocols used to
    exchange information about a virtual environment
    among hosts in a distributed system that are
    simulating the behavior of objects in that
    environment. It was developed by the US DoD to
    implement systems for military training,
    rehearsal, and other purposes.

  • Consistency
  • Every entity must have the same view of the
    global state as every other entity in the entire
  • Scalability
  • An increase in users does not affect the
    efficiency of the network
  • Security
  • No node can have advantage over another node
  • Robustness
  • A failure of any participant has no effect on any
    other participant
  • Availability
  • The network is perpetually accessible
  • Real-Time
  • Processes are delivered no later than the time
    needed for effective control

Interactive Gaming
  • common requirements
  • low latency (200 ms end-end)
  • loss tolerant
  • potentially large scale
  • many-many, most players both send and receive
  • group structure (e.g., locality in communication)
    among players
  • applications
  • distributed interactive simulation
  • virtual reality
  • distributed multi-player games

  • Consistency is the similarity of the view to the
    data in the nodes belonging to a network.
  • Inverse Responsiveness is the delay it takes for
    an update event to register throughout the
  • Both are affected by bandwidth
  • How do we maintain consistency and responsiveness
    with limited bandwidth?
  • Bandwidth reduction
  • Bucket Synchronization
  • Dead Reckoning

  • Why do we need consistency?
  • Why do we get inconsistency?

Example for Delay-Induced Inconsistency
Distributed SimulationVehicle Example
  • Virtual environment simulation containing two
    moving vehicles
  • One vehicle per simulator
  • Each vehicle simulator must track location of
    other vehicle and produce local display (as seen
    from the local vehicle)
  • Approach 1 Every 1/30th of a second
  • Each vehicle sends a message to other vehicle
    indicating its current position
  • Each vehicle receives message from other vehicle,
    updates its local display

Consistency Bandwidth
  • LAN 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps
  • Limited size and scope
  • WANs tens of kbps from modems, to 1.5 Mbps (T1,
    broadband), to 55 Mbps (T3)
  • Potentially enormous, Global in scope
  • Number of users, size and frequency of messages
    determines bandwidth use

Communication Requirements Vehicle Example
  • Multiple players on 10 Mbits/sec Ethernet LAN
  • DIS each packet contains 144 bytes (1152 bits)
  • Each vehicle generates position update every 1/30
  • 34,560 bits per second
  • Upper bound support 289 entities
  • Above is extremely optimistic
  • Cannot utilize all of the Ethernets bandwidth
  • Entities generate other packets (e.g., weapon
  • Multiple entities per human player (synthetic
  • 56Kbits/sec modem at best, only one vehicle!

Communication Issues
  • Requires generating many messages if there are
    many vehicles
  • we need to economize on communication bandwidth
  • Position information corresponds to location when
    the message was sent
  • doesnt take into account delays in sending
    message over the network
  • Need to address lack of information (missing or
    intermittent packets)
  • Bandwidth reduction
  • Interest Managment
  • Bucket Synchronization
  • Dead Reckoning

Reducing Bandwidth
  • Packet compression
  • reduces the number of bits needed to represent
    particular information.
  • A lossless technique preserves all information
    while a
  • lossy technique leaves out less relevant
    information so that when data is reconstructed
  • Packet Aggregation
  • merges several packets and transmits content in
    one larger packet, resulting in lower overhead
    caused by packet headers.

Reducing Bandwidth
  • Interest Management
  • only distribute packets to nodes who are
    interested in them.
  • comprised of a players aura
  • subspace where interaction occurs, so when two
    players auras intersect, they need to be aware
    of each others actions.
  • In gaming, aura is further divided into focus and
    nimbus, which translate into a players
    perception and perceptivity.
  • While player A may see player B, player B does
    not have to see A.
  • nodes transmit changes to a subscription manager
    that holds all nodes information interests.
  • The subscription manager is responsible for
    transmitting only relevant information to nodes.
  • reduces bandwidth, it also increases processing

Interest Management Focus and Nimbus
  • nimbus must intersect with focus to receive
  • Example above hider has smaller nimbus, so
  • cannot see, while hider can see seeker since
  • Seekers nimbus intersects hiders focus

Addressing Latency Bucket Synchronization
  • All calculations are delayed until the end of
    each cycle
  • The bucket cycles are typically 100ms (bucket
  • Bucket frequency is set as a constant value which
    is equal to the rate that a human vision
    perceives smooth motion.

Incomplete DataDead Reckoning
  • If a packet is lost or received too late, dead
    reckoning is used to estimate the most probable
    state or position of the object.
  • The success of Dead Reckoning is based on the
    intelligence of the algorithm design
  • There is inconsistency between the actual and
    expected states.

Dead Reckoning
  • Send position messages less frequently
  • DRM predicts the position of remote entities
    between updates
  • based on last position and velocity

Re-synchronizing the DRM
  • Compare DRM position with exact position, and
    generate an update message if error is too large
  • Generate updates at some minimum rate, e.g., 5
    seconds (heart beats)

Dead Reckoning Example
  • Potential problems
  • Discontinuity may occur when position update
    arrives may produce jumps in display
  • Does not take into account message latency

Time Compensation
  • Taking into account message latency
  • Add time stamp to message when update is
    generated (sender time stamp)
  • Dead reckon based on message time stamp

  • Reduce discontinuities after updates occur
  • phase in position updates
  • After update arrives
  • Use DRM to project next k positions
  • Interpolate position of next update
  • Accuracy is reduced to create a more natural

Dead Reckoning Summary
  • Managing communications is a major issue in
    implementing distributed simulations
  • Dead reckoning model (DRM)
  • Extrapolate current position based on past
  • Send update messages when DRM error becoming too
  • Reduces interprocessor communication
  • DRM based on equations of motion
  • Time compensation to account for message latency
  • Smoothing to avoid jumps in display

Real-Time Case Study Age of Empire
  • Age of Empire study
  • 250 milliseconds of command latency was not
  • Between 250 to 500 msec was playable
  • People develop a 'game pace' or mental
    expectation. Users would rather have a constant
    500msec command delay rather than one that
    alternates between fast and slow.
  • In excited moments users would repeat commands
    which would cause huge spikes in the network
    demand so a simple filter was placed to prevent
    reissuing of commands

Centralized vs. Distributed
  • Pros
  • Simplified administration
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Ease of locating resources
  • Cons
  • Difficult to scale
  • High cost of ownership
  • Little or no redundancy
  • Single point of failure

  • Pros
  • Highly extensible and scalable
  • Highly fault tolerant
  • Dynamic addition of new resources
  • Cons
  • Difficulty in synchronizing data and state
  • Scalability overhead can be large
  • Extremely difficult to manage all resources

Security and Cheating
  • Unique to games
  • Other multi-person applications dont have
  • In DIS, military not public and considered
  • Cheaters want
  • Vandalism create havoc (relatively few)
  • Dominance gain advantage (more)
  • Distributed applications are more prone to
    cheating than centralized due to the fact that
    there is no authority supervising the actions of
    the users
  • Security bears a trade-off of efficiency vs.

Packet and Traffic Tampering Suppress-correct
  • Reflex augmentation - enhance cheaters reactions
  • Example aiming proxy monitors opponents movement
    packets, when cheater fires, improve aim
  • Packet interception prevent some packets from
    reaching cheater
  • Example suppress damage packets, so cheater is
  • Packet replay repeat event over for added
  • Example multiple bullets or rockets if otherwise

Information Exposure
  • Allows cheater to gain access to replicated,
    hidden game data (i.e. status of other players)
  • Passive, since does not alter traffic
  • Example defeat fog of war in RTS, see through
    walls in FPS
  • Look ahead cheat
  • Players makes decision after receiving all
    updates from participating players.
  • Cannot be defeated by network alone

Design Defects
  • Distribution may be the source of unexpected
  • Features only evident upon high load (say,
    latency compensation technique)
  • Age of Empires example
  • When both a villager and a farm selected, issue
    the Stop command. Because valid for a villager,
    it was allowed to go through, but listed both
    objects as target of command.
  • The villager would stop working reset
  • The farm would also reset, something never
    normally done, replenish its food supply.
  • Half-Life example.
  • firefight with another player, both using the
    same weapon
  • opponent was able to reload much more quickly

Cheating Solutions
  • Install a mechanism in the game that verifies
    that each player is using the same program and
    data files.
  • Changing from a game engine that issues commands
    to one that issues command requests
  • Each player's machine creates a status summary of
    the entire game simulation on that computer.
  • The status is in the form of a series of flags,
    CRCs, and checksums
  • Look for hacking side-effects Can that player
    see the object he just clicked on?"
  • Synchronization strategies

Cheating Solutions
  • Lockstep Protocol No host receives the state of
    another host before the game rules permit
  • Player decides but does not announce its turn t
  • Each player announces a Cryptographically secure
    one-way hash of its decision as a commitment.
  • After all players have announced their
    commitments, players reveal their decisions.
  • Each host can verify revealed decisions by
    comparing hashes.

Cheating Solutions
  • Asynchronous Synchronization Relaxes
    requirements of lockstep synchronization by
    decentralizing game clock
  • Player determines its decision for the turn and
    announces the commitment of the decision to all
  • Commitments that are one frame past the last
    revealed frame of a remote player are accepted.
  • Before revealing its commitment, the local player
    must determine which remote players it is waiting
  • intersection with the SOI dilated from the last
    revealed frame of the remote player.
  • The SOI is calculated using the base radius of
    the last known position plus a delta radius.
  • If no remote hosts are in the wait state
  • the local host reveals its state turn for turn
  • updates its local entity model of each other
    player with their last known state
  • advances to the next turn.

Cheating Solutions
  • AS with Packet Loss players can skip missing
    packets and accept new, out-of-order packets from
    other players when the missing packets represent
    state outside a SOI intersection. Missing packets
    that represent intersection of SOI cannot be
    dropped or skipped.
  • AS represents a performance advantage over
    lockstep, rather than contact every player every
    turn, players need only contact players that have
    SOI intersection.
  • Downside of all previous protocols
  • Performance Penalty All nodes must slow down to
    the speed of the slowest user.

  • Overview of problems with MOGs
  • Networking resources
  • Distribution architectures
  • Compensation techniques
  • Security

  • Users can join or leave the network at any time,
    without having any negative effects on other
  • A failure of any participant has no affect on
    any other participant.
  • Participants joining an ongoing session have
    missed the data that has previously been
    exchanged by the other session member.
  • What to do? Late Join Algorithms

Late Join Algorithms
  • Necessary algorithms to distribute the current
    state of the session to new users.
  • Two Approaches Transport protocol. Application
  • Transport Protocol Request ALL previous session
    information (rollback)
  • Pros
  • Robust
  • Application Independent
  • Cons
  • Inefficient
  • The state of some applications cant be
    reconstructed. (Networked action games)

Late Join (cont.)
  • Application based The late join algorithm varies
    by the type of application. (e.g.- networked
    games vs. whiteboard)
  • Efficient Only need the current state of the
  • Lack of reusability
  • Setup for Late Join
  • New node must determine the priority of the
    subcomponents of the state (e.g. You want to
    transfer the most recent page for a whiteboard)
  • New node (client) needs to select one or more of
    the existing nodes as a server.
  • Information must be transmitted to the new node.

Late Join (cont.)
  • Late join policy differs based on the application
  • Different proposed policies
  • No late join
  • Immediate late join
  • Event-triggered late join
  • Network-capacity-oriented

Late Join (cont.)
  • Distribution of Data
  • One network group (base group) Broadcast the
    state to the whole group. Unnecessary packets get
    sent to existing nodes. (Beneficial if the ratio
    of late joins to the existing users is very high)
  • Two network groups All late join clients join
    the client group.
  • Three network groups In addition to the two
    network groups, the late join servers form an
    additional multicast group.
  • Problems
  • Who should be selected to act as a server??

  • Like robustness, no single point of failure will
    affect the entire network.
  • This is one of the major advantages over
    centralized networks, where the failure of the
    server causes the entire network to fail.
  • If a node fails, it gets disconnected from the
    network, but game/session continues with
    remaining nodes.
  • After N packets of a failed node are not
    received, other nodes determine that this node
    got disconnected, and stops using dead reckoning
    on its messages.
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