Welcome to Year 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to Year 5


Welcome to Year 5 Class 5 Mr Hancock Class 6 Mrs Morrish, Mrs Dowling – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5
  • Class 5 Mr Hancock
  • Class 6 Mrs Morrish, Mrs Dowling

  • Some of the topics we will be focusing on this
    term are
  • Film Narrative After watching The Piano by
    Aidan Gibbons, the children will explore
    approaches made by the film maker to create
    moods, pace and viewpoint. The children will
    develop their understanding of how colour, light,
    sound and camera angles have been used to tell
    the narrative. They will use drama strategies to
    explore characters in depth.
  • Instructions The children will identify the key
    features of instructional texts. They will
    evaluate sets of instructions (for purpose,
    organisation and layout, clarity and usefulness.
    Finally, children will write an instructional
    text using appropriate form and features.
  • Traditional stories, fables, myths and legends
    Children will compare and contrast the features
    of myths and legends. They will perform a version
    of Theseus and the Minotaur, orally. They will
    then plan and write their own myths and legends
    at the end of this unit.
  • Poetry (Poetic Style) Children hear, read, and
    respond to a range of poems from a range of
    contrasting writers.

  • How can you help your child at home?
  • Read with your child as often as possible,
    discussing the book and making predictions about
    what will happen next. Encourage your child to
    read aloud to you, as well as hearing you read to
  • The whole school has adopted a national approach
    to spelling (Support for Spelling). Please
    encourage your child to learn their weekly
  • When your child is writing at home, please
    encourage them to write as descriptively as
    possible where appropriate to punctuate
    correctly and to use paragraphs to organise their
    writing. Their handwriting should be cursive and
    in black or blue ink pen.
  • Please also encourage them to read their work and
    edit where possible.
  • Try to get your child to talk about their school
    day or about anything else that interests them.
    Speaking and listening are key skills that can
    help to widen their vocabulary and understanding.

  • Working mathematically
  • By the end of year 5, children will apply their
    mathematical experiences to explore ideas and
    raise relevant questions, constructing complex
    explanations and reasoned arguments. They will be
    able to solve a wide variety of complex problems
    which require sustained concentration and demand
    efficient written and mental methods of
    calculations. These will include problems
    relating to fractions, scaling (times as many),
    converting between units of measure and employ
    all four operations (, -, x, ).
  • The termly Curriculum Plan will provide you with
    more information about each area and what your
    child will be learning.
  • We will also be providing an outline of that
    weeks homework tasks on the school website.

  • How can you help your child at home?
  • Learn and rehearse times tables facts from 1 12
    times tables. Extend your child by recognising
    the related division facts.
  • Help your children to learn and use time, using
    both analogue and digital clocks.
  • Children need to read scales accurately. They can
    practise these skills when cooking at home.
    Encourage your child to measure accurately when
    completing craft activities. Extend your child by
    converting these measurements into different
    units e.g. centimetres in metres or millimetres
    and millilitres into litres.
  • When children bring home maths homework involving
    written strategies, encourage them to model and
    explain the method and complete examples to
    extend and consolidate their own understanding.

Ancient Greeks
  • The first term is spent studying the Ancient
  • We start by learning about the location, terrain
    and climate of ancient Greece and by discussing
    what we know, and what we would like to know.
  • We look at examples of primary and secondary
    evidence and draw conclusions from these about
    the Ancient Greeks.
  • We compare Athens and Sparta.
  • We spend time looking at Greek wars and warfare.
  • We look at what life was like for Ancient Greek
  • We also learn about some of the famous Ancient
    Greek battles and how they were fought.
  • We will be learning that modern events may have
    connections with the past.
  • We will be organising a Year 5 Ancient Greek Day
    in school this term. Your child will need to wear
    an appropriate costume and be given a Greek name
    for the day! More details will follow.

  • During the year we cover 4 different topics.
  • All Living Things Including Humans
  • To understand how to classify living and
    non-living things.
  • To begin to understand that animals can also be
  • Know that in the life cycles of plants and
    animals there are distinct processes and stages.
  • Children begin to understand how reproduction
    is important to the survival of the species.
  • Children relate their knowledge and
    understanding of science to their personal
    health, growth and development.

  • Properties of materials
  • compare and group together everyday materials on
    the basis of their properties.
  • know that some materials will dissolve in liquid
    to form a solution.
  • use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to
    decide how mixtures might be separated.
  • give reasons, based on evidence from comparative
    and fair tests, for the particular uses of
    everyday materials, including metals, wood and
  • demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes
    of state are reversible changes
  • discover that some changes result in the
    formation of new materials, and that this kind of
    change is not usually reversible.

  • Earth, Sun and Moon
  • Recognise that the Earth, Sun and Moon are
  • Explain in terms of the rotation of the Earth why
    shadows change and the Sun appears to move across
    the sky during the course of the day
  • Recognise that it is daylight in the part of the
    Earth facing the Sun.
  • Understand that the Moon orbits the Earth
  • Understand that the changes in the appearance of
    the Moon over a period of 28 days arise from the
    Moon orbiting the Earth once every 28 days
  • Forces.
  • Understand that unsupported objects fall towards
    the Earth because of the force of gravity acting
    between the Earth and the falling object
  • Identify the effects of air resistance, water
    resistance and friction, that act between moving
  • Recognise that some mechanisms, including levers,
    pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have
    a greater effect.

Design Technology
  • Throughout the year we investigate three main
    topics. These are
  • Cooking The children will be investigating a
    range of foods linked to a curriculum topic and
    evaluate them to see which they like best. The
    children then design and make their own product.
  • Frame structure we link this to our Science
    topic Properties of materials and the children
    investigate different materials used to create a
    sound structure. They then design and make their
    own structure.
  • Moving Parts This will be linked to a
    curriculum topic where the children will
    investigate how to operate cams to make an object

Year 5 Weekly Routine
  • Homework will be handed out on a Friday and is
    due back in school the following Tuesday.
  • If the children lose their homework, spare copies
    are available at school, on the Year 5 notice
    board outside Class 6. It is also often available
    on the school website.
  • Spellings are tested on a Thursday and a new
    spelling set is given out the same day to learn
    for the following week.
  • We also have a weekly multiplication test, that
    also tests the related division facts.
  • Outdoor PE will be on a Tuesday afternoon (class
    5) and Friday afternoon (class 6). Our indoor PE
    will be on a Tuesday afternoon for class 6 and a
    Friday afternoon for class 5.

General Information
  • We have advised the children to a bring a full
    bottle of water to school with them each day.
  • Children also have access to the drinks fountain
    at break and lunch times.
  • Finally, please can you ensure that your child
    has the right equipment with them in school each
    day, including their school reading book and
    their PE kit on the appropriate days.

If you have any issues or concerns about your
child, please come and speak to us as class
teachers so that we can deal with any concerns.
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