Title: The Internet Book
1The Internet Book
2Chapter 25
3Description Of Functionality
- An automated search service allows one to find
information that resides on remote computers.
4Browsing Vs. Automated Searching
- The size of the Internet makes it impossible to
find specific information by searching one
computer at a time. - Called Browsing
- The solution is to use an automated search engine.
5A Search Engine Helps Users Get Started
- Automated searching is especially helpful when a
user first begins to explore a topic.
6A Search Tool Can Help Recover From Loss
- Automated search tools help users recover
quickly when the location of information is
7Automated Searching By Name
- One can search by specific name or content.
8How An Automated Search Service Operates
- Search engines
- gather information
- store it locally
- Servers do not have to search the entire Internet
when responding to a users request.
9Figure 25.1
Figure 25.1 An illustration of the two-step
process an automated search service uses. (a) A
spider program automatically contacts web sites
and obtains a list of available items. (b) When
someone uses a browser to contact the search
engine, the server consults the database on its
local disk.
10Modern Systems Search Web Page Contents
- Users can assume the search will look for Web
pages matching the topic specified.
11How A Web Search Appears To A User
- Search services are
- Accessed through a Web site
- Search services
- Require user interaction
- Use forms technology
12Figure 25.2
Figure 25.2 An illustration of how the Web page
for a search service might appear.
13How A Search Engine Returns Results
- The search engine creates a Web page that has a
link to each found topic. - Uses cgi technology to create pages dynamically
14Figure 25.3
Figure 25.3 Illustration of the main part of the
users screen after a search engine returns the
results of a search.
15Automated Search Services Use String Matching
- The simplest automated search mechanism is string
matching. - The user enters a topic, the search engine finds
Web pages that contain that topic string.
16String Matching
- Advantages of string matching
- Simplicity
- Disadvantage of string matching
- Lack of semantics
- Inability to tell meaning of word
17Advanced Search Programs
- Some search engines offer multi-key search
service. - Group synonyms with a common theme together
18Advanced Services- More Sophisticated Matching
- Some services offer the opportunity to give more
detailed specifications. - Use plus sign to denote a required term
19Personalized Search Results
- Search engines keep information about users and
use the information to select and order search
results. - Results in users getting different search results
20How An Automated Content Search Works
- The search service runs a program called a
spider. - Explores Web
- Compiles a list of topics
- Stores list on server disk
- This is one way to avoid useless information.
21Searches Are Restricted
- Automated search services search only the
beginning of each page. - Use the META tag
- Allows specific keywords that do not appear in
the browser
22Advertising Pays For Searching
- Web searching appears to be free.
- Uses advertising to generate revenue
23Example of Automated Search Services
Figure 25.4 Examples of automated search services
available on the World Wide Web. Although most
services provide a general index to Web pages, a
few are restricted to specific types of
24Significance Of Automated Web Search
- Automated search engines have become an essential
part of finding information. - Growing rapidly on the Internet
- How do search engines help users find information
on the Web?
26(No Transcript)
- Personalized Search Results
- Results from a search engine that are
personalized to the user who makes the request.
Personalization depends on a history of searches
and web accesses.
- Wide Area Information Server
- (WAIS) An early automated search service tht
permitted one to locate documents that contain
key words or phrases.