Title: The Nervous System
1The Nervous System
2Nervous System
- Nervous System Collects information, processes,
and responds to internal and external environment
3Overview of Nervous System
- Stimulus Something in environment causes a
response - Neuron Cell that receive, conduct, and transmit
impulses - Response Reaction to environmental conditions
4The Neuron
- Neurons build into nerves!
5Parts of the Neuron
- Dendrites
- Receive messages from previous neurons
- Send message to cell body
- Cell Body
- Contains nucleus and cytoplasm
6Parts of the Neuron Contd
- Axon
- Long fiber that carries messages away from the
cell body - Myelin Sheath
- Insulating membrane helps send the signal down
the axon - Nodes of Ranvier
- Gaps between Schwann Cells
- Impulse jumps from one node to next
- Schwann Cells
- Supporting cells that wrap around the myelin
7Parts of the Neuron Contd
- Axon Terminals
- Branches at the end of an axon
- Contain synapses where neurotransmitters are
- Synapse
- Space between neurons
- Carry messages or impulses from one nerve to the
next - Neurotransmitters
- Chemical messages sent between neurons
- Diffuse to next neuron
9How does a neuron work? Summary
- Neurotransmitter received from another neuron in
dendrites through cell body - Impulse travels down the axon
- Neurotransmitter released into synapse
- Neurotransmitter received by protein receptors in
dendrites of next neuron
10A closer look at how an impulse travels down the
- Polarization- differences in charge ( or -)
- Electrical charges are different inside a neuron
compared to outside - Caused by K and Na
- K and Na can move through channels within the
axon membrane
11A closer look at how an impulse travels down the
- Impulse is carried down the axon
- Resting
- Negative inside (-70 mV)
- Active- Impulse in progress
- Positive inside (40 mV)
12How does a neuron work?
- http//outreach.mcb.harvard.edu/animations/actionp
13Types of Neurons
Motor Neuron (Spinal Cord and Brain ? Muscles and
Receptor Sensory Neurons (Sensory Organs
?Spinal Cord and Brain)
Interneurons Sends Messages between Nerves
(Sensory, Receptor, Motor, and other Interneurons)
14Reflex Arc
No brain involved!
Afferent Neurons
Sensory Neuron
Spinal Cord
Efferent Neurons
Motor Neuron
Effector (Muscle)
15Central Nervous System (CNS)
- Consists of the brain and spinal column
16Spinal Cord
- Gray Matter
- Consists of cell bodies
- White Matter
- Consists of axons
17Parts of the Brain
Meninges- protective covering of the brain/spinal
Corpus Collasum
18Brain Area Function
Meninges Protection of spinal cord and brain
Cerebrum Memory center
Cerebellum Coordination and balance
Medulla Involuntary processes
Spinal Cord Nerves from brain
Thalamus Relay center between brain and spinal cord
Occipital Vision Hearing
Hypothalamus Homeostasis- hunger, thirst, hormones Links endocrine to nervous system
Corpus Collasum Connects left and right brain
19Peripheral Nervous System
- Peripheral Nervous System- connects the central
nervous system to the rest of the body - Somatic- voluntary
- Autonomic- involuntary
- Parasympathetic- at rest
- Sympathetic- fight or flight
- Meningitis- swelling of meninges
- Cerebral Palsy- birth defect, affects muscle
coordination - Stroke- blood clot to the brain
- Polio- viral illness
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)- break down of myelin
sheath- impairs movement
- Drug Addictions
- Stimulants
- Increase the number of neurotransmitters
- Depressants
- Decrease the number of neurotransmitters