Tattoos%20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tattoos & Body Piercing s Tattoo History The word tattoo comes from the Tahitian tatu which means to mark something. Originally called painting or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tattoos%20

Tattoos Body Piercings
Tattoo History
  • The word tattoo comes from the Tahitian tatu
    which means to mark something.
  • Originally called painting or staining
  • Believed that the first known tattoo dates back
    to 4,000 B.C. (body of man, skin bears cross
    behind one knee and a series of lines above the
  • Egyptian and Nubian mummies (practiced around
    2000 B.C.)
  • Ancient Greeks used Tattooing for communication
    among spies
  • Ancient Romans used tattoos to mark criminals and

(Philippine Man)
Tattoo History cont.
  • 1700 Japan - escalated the tattoo to an aesthetic
    art form.
  • - At that time, only royalty were allowed to
    wear ornate clothing, so as a result of this the
    middle class adorned themselves with elaborate
    full body tattoos.
  • Ancient Japanese also marked criminals
  • - 1st offense marked w/ line across

  • 2nd was marked by adding an arch
  • 3rd marked by another line
  • Together the marks formed the Japanese character
    for dog.

(2500 year old Pazyryk mummies)
Modern Tattooing
  • Today, tattoos are created by injecting ink into
    the skin. Injection is done by a needle attached
    to a hand-held tool. The tool moves the needle up
    and down at a rate of several hundred vibrations
    per minute and penetrates the skin by about one
  • What you see when you look at a tattoo is the ink
    that's left in the skin after the tattooing. The
    ink is not in the epidermis, which is the layer
    of skin that we see and the skin that gets
    replaced constantly, but instead intermingles
    with cells in the dermis and shows through the
  • The cells of the dermis are remarkably stable, so
    the tattoo's ink will last, with minor fading and
    dispersion, for your entire life!

Body Piercing History
  • 700 A.D., the Mayans practiced ear, lip, cheek
    and Nasal Piercing
  • Prehistoric times (Aleut and Eskimo cultures of
    Alaska), lip piercing done
  • Considered sign of womanhood
  • Used stone, glass, bone, wood and ivory (later
  • 1983, USA man, first documented tongue piercing.
  • First documented case of Naval piercing done in
    20th century (although there are unverified
    claims of ancient Egyptian origin.)

Psychosocial Issues
  • Elisa Ornelas, LMSW

Medical Issues
  • Related to Hemophilia
  • Related to other Health Concerns

Hemophilia Issues (Tattooing)
  • Bleeding can be an issue
  • - Only a superficial puncture with needle, no
    risk for muscular bleeding
  • Hepatitis C HIV
  • - Is this really an issue?

Magician David Blane
Tattooing Hepatitis C
  • Editorial of Research Study done by Dr. Robert
    Haley (epidemiologist Univ. of TX Southwestern
    Medical Center at Dallas) cited in Dermatology
    Nursing, August 2001, by Rachel Franz, BSN, RN
  • Study found 1 in 9 risk of Hep C infection, in
    people who had tattoo done at comm. Parlor than
    those who didnt have tattoo.
  • 626 patients studied, 113 had tattoo. 22 w/
    tattoo had Hep C.(52 (33)of these patients who
    had acquired tattoo in comm. Parlor had Hepatitis
  • Only 3.5 of these patients without tattoo had
    Hep C. (Few tattoo assoc infections could be
    traced to injection-drug use, transfusions or
    other known risks.
  • People w/ several tattoos or complex / lg tattoos
    had increased risk of Hep C.
  • People with white, yellow, orange or red pigments
    in their tattoos were more likely to have Hep C
    than those w/ only black pigment.(char. Of tattoo
    done in commercial parlor)
  • Most importantly, commercially acquired tattoos
    accounted for more than twice as many hep C
    infections as injection-drug use. This meant
    that it may have been the largest single
    contributor to the nationwide epidemic of this
    form of hepatitis.

Tattooing Hep C cont.
  • From the CDCs Website on Hepatitis C
    Epidemiology Transmission Modes
  • Website states, No data exist in the U.S.
    indicating that persons with exposures to
    tattooing and body piercing alone are at
    increased risk of HCV infection.
  • INTERESTING, the prior study presented was from
    August 2001, and this quote was from the CDCs
    website as of January 5, 2004.

Body Piercing and Hemophilia
  • Risk of Bleeding
  • Damage to Teeth Gums
  • General Infection
  • HIV Hepatitis C risk

Body Piercing Risk of Bleeding
  • Definitely upon review of the types of
    piercings that are being done now, the one that I
    found most disturbing was that of the UVULA
    (thats right, in the throat)
  • Risk of bleeding not so large when associated
    with ear or nose piercing.
  • Risk of bleeding would likely be increased when
    you think about piercings in the tongue, uvula,
    belly button, nipples, or genitals.

Damage to teeth gums
  • Tongue piercing may be damaging to teeth and gums
  • From website they
    state that a new study showed that extended wear
    of barbell-type (most common tongue jewelry) can
    cause receding gums and chipped teeth
  • Study showed that the type of damage caused
    varied according to the length of the barbell
  • ½ of participants who had worm either long or
    short barbells for 4 or lt yrs had chipped teeth
    (short barbells more likely to cause tooth
    chipping, d/t it being easier to position between
  • Study also found receding gums, which can lead to
    tooth loss, in 35 of those who had pierced
    tongues for 4 yrs or lt and in 50 who had worn
    long-stemmed barbells for 2 yrs or lt.
    (long-stemmed barbells are more likely to reach
    and damage the gums.

General problems w/ Piercing
  • Worst case scenario, gangrene develops and your
    tongue falls off (or more vital organs)
  • Infection from body piercing common
  • Allergic reaction to metal that is used
  • 1 in 10 will have a bleeding complication
  • 1 in 15 will have a large scar or reaction at the
  • Possibility of TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME
  • Nerve damage can occur if nerve is pierced (I.e.
    eyebrow piercing or piercing to bridge of nose)

Piercings Hepatitis C
  • Cited from Bandolier Internet Journal, March
    2003, 109-2. Body Piercing Prevalence and
  • Systematic lit review of 12 studies, 3 in USA, 4
    in Italy and the remainder in Taiwan, Korea,
    Thailand and Africa (subject size from 110 to
  • 9 of the studies, including all US and Italy
    studies found body piercing to be a risk factor
  • More recent study in USA, looking at risk factors
    for acquisition of Hepatitis C(148 pts 88 men,
    60 women)

Figure 2 Associations between hepatitis C
infection and known risk behaviours
Healing Times for Piercing
  • Taken from the TDH Website (
  • Ear lobe 6 to 8 wks
  • Ear Cartilage 4 mos to 1 yr
  • Eyebrow 6 to 8 wks
  • Nostril 2 to 4 mos
  • Nasal Septum 6 to 8 mos
  • Nasal bridge 8 to 10 wks
  • Tongue 4 wks
  • Lip 2 to 3 mos
  • Nipple 3 to 6 mos
  • Naval 4 mos to 1 yr
  • Female Genitalia 4 to 10

Whats our Role?
  • Educate
  • RE risk of viral bacterial infections
  • Risk of bleeding with body piercings
  • If theyre going to have a piercing, then tell
    them to give factor first (because theyll
    probably do it anyway
  • Its their body and they can do what they want
    with it, but they have to be responsible for it
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