Title: Harmonic Analysis
1Harmonic Analysis
2Chapter Overview
- In this chapter, performing harmonic analyses in
Simulation will be covered - It is assumed that the user has already covered
Chapter 4 Linear Static Structural Analysis and
Chapter 5 Free Vibration Analysis prior to this
chapter. - The following will be covered in this chapter
- Setting Up Harmonic Analyses
- Harmonic Solution Methods
- Damping
- Reviewing Results
- The capabilities described in this section are
generally applicable to ANSYS Professional
licenses and above. - Exceptions will be noted accordingly
3Background on Harmonic Analysis
- A harmonic analysis is used to determine the
response of the structure under a steady-state
sinusoidal (harmonic) loading at a given
frequency. - A harmonic, or frequency-response, analysis
considers loading at one frequency only. Loads
may be out-of-phase with one another, but the
excitation is at a known frequency. This
procedure is not used for an arbitrary transient
load. - One should always run a free vibration analysis
(Ch. 5) prior to a harmonic analysis to obtain an
understanding of the dynamic characteristics of
the model. - To better understand a harmonic analysis, the
general equation of motion is provided first
4Background on Harmonic Analysis
- In a harmonic analysis, the loading and response
of the structure is assumed to be harmonic
(cyclic) - The use of complex notation is an efficient
representation of the response. Since ejA is
simply (cos(A)j?sin(A)), this represents
sinusoidal motion with a phase shift, which is
present because of the imaginary (j?-1) term. - The excitation frequency W is the frequency at
which the loading occurs. A force phase shift y
may be present if different loads are excited at
different phases, and a displacement phase shift
f may exist if damping or a force phase shift is
5Background on Harmonic Analysis
- For example, consider the case on right where two
forces are acting on the structure - Both forces are excited at the same frequency W,
but Force 2 lags Force 1 by 45 degrees. This
is a force phase shift y of 45 degrees. - The way in which this is represented is via
complex notation. This, however, can be
rewritten asIn this way, a real component
F1 and an imaginary component F2 are used. - The response x is analogous to F
Model shown is from a sample SolidWorks assembly.
6Basics of Harmonic Analysis
- For a harmonic analysis, the complex response
x1 and x2 are solved for from the matrix
equationThis results in the following
assumptions - M, C, and K are constant
- Linear elastic material behavior is assumed
- Small deflection theory is used, and no
nonlinearities included - Damping C should be included. Otherwise, if
the excitation frequency W is the same as the
natural frequency w of the structure, the
response is infinite at resonance. - The loading F (and response x) is sinusoidal
at a given frequency W, although a phase shift
may be present - It is important to remember these assumptions
related to performing harmonic analyses in
7A. Harmonic Analysis Procedure
- The harmonic analysis procedure is very similar
to performing a linear static analysis, so not
all steps will be covered in detail. The steps
in yellow italics are specific to harmonic
analyses. - Attach Geometry
- Assign Material Properties
- Define Contact Regions (if applicable)
- Define Mesh Controls (optional)
- Include Loads and Supports
- Request Harmonic Tool Results
- Set Harmonic Analysis Options
- Solve the Model
- Review Results
8 Geometry
- Any type of geometry may be present in a harmonic
analysis - Solid bodies, surface bodies, line bodies, and
any combination thereof may be used - Recall that, for line bodies, stresses and
strains are not available as output - A Point Mass may be present, although only
acceleration loads affect a Point Mass
9 Material Properties
- In a harmonic analysis, Youngs Modulus,
Poissons Ratio, and Mass Density are required
input - All other material properties can be specified
but are not used in a harmonic analysis - As will be shown later, damping is not specified
as a material property but as a global property
10 Contact Regions
- Contact regions are available in modal analysis.
However, since this is a purely linear analysis,
contact behavior will differ for the nonlinear
contact types, as shown below - The contact behavior is similar to free vibration
analyses (Ch. 5), where nonlinear contact
behavior will reduce to its linear counterparts
since harmonic simulations are linear. - It is generally recommended, however, not to use
a nonlinear contact type in a harmonic analysis
11 Loads and Supports
- Structural loads and supports may also be used in
harmonic analyses with the following exceptions - Thermal loads are not supported
- Rotational Velocity is not supported
- The Remote Force Load is not supported
- The Pretension Bolt Load is nonlinear and cannot
be used - The Compression Only Support is nonlinear and
should not be used. If present, it behaves
similar to a Frictionless Support - Remember that all structural loads will vary
sinusoidally at the same excitation frequency
12 Loads and Supports
- A list of supported loads are shown below
- The Solution Method will be discussed in the
next section. - It is useful to note at this point that ANSYS
Professional does not support Full solution
method, so it does not support a Given
Displacement Support in a harmonic analysis. - Not all available loads support phase input.
Accelerations, Bearing Load, and Moment Load will
have a phase angle of 0. - If other loads are present, shift the phase angle
of other loads, such that the Acceleration,
Bearing, and Moment Loads will remain at a phase
angle of 0.
13 Loads and Supports
- To add a harmonic load
- Add any of the supported loads as usual.
- Under Time Type, change it from Static to
Harmonic - Enter the magnitude (or components, if
available) - Phase input, if available, can be input
- If only real F1 and imaginary F2 components of
the load are known, the magnitude and phase y can
be calculated as follows
14 Loads and Supports
- The loading for two cycles may be visualized by
selecting the load, then clicking on the
Worksheet tab - The magnitude and phase angle will be accounted
for in this visual representation of the loading
15B. Solving Harmonic Analyses
- Prior to solving, request the Harmonic Tool
- Select the Solution branch and insert a
HarmonicTool from the Context toolbar - In the Details view of the Harmonic Tool, onecan
enter the Minimum and Maximum excitation
frequency range and Solution Intervals - The frequency range fmax-fmin and number of
intervals n determine the freq interval DW - Simulation will solve n frequencies,starting
from WDW.
In the example above, with a frequency range of 0
10,000 Hz at 10 intervals, this means that
Simulation will solve for 10 excitation
frequencies of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000,
6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, and 10000 Hz.
16 Solution Methods
- There are two solution methods available in ANSYS
Structural and above. Both methods have their
advantages and shortcomings, so these will be
discussed next - The Mode Superposition method is the default
solution option and is available for ANSYS
Professional and above - The Full method is available for ANSYS Structural
and above - Under the Details view of the Harmonic Tool, the
Solution Method can be toggled between the two
options (if available). - The Details view of the Solution branchshould
not be used, as it has no effecton the analysis.
17 Mode Superposition Method
- The Mode Superposition method solves the harmonic
equation in modal coordinates - Recall that the equation for harmonic analysis is
as follows - For linear systems, one can express the
displacements x as a linear combination of mode
shapes fi where yi are modal coordinates
(coefficient) for this relation. - For example, one can perform a modal analysis to
determine the natural frequencies wi and
corresponding mode shapes fi. - One can see that as more modes n are included,
the approximation for x becomes more accurate.
18 Mode Superposition Method
- The preceding discussion is meant to provide
background information about the Mode
Superposition method. From this, there are three
important points to remember - 1. Because of the fact that modal coordinates are
used, a harmonic solution using the Mode
Superposition method will automatically perform a
modal analysis first - Simulation will automatically determine the
number of modes n necessary for an accurate
solution - Although a free vibration analysis is performed
first, the harmonic analysis portion is very
quick and efficient. Hence, the Mode
Superposition method is usually much faster
overall than the Full method.
19 Mode Superposition Method
- Since a free vibration analysis is performed,
Simulation will know what the natural frequencies
of the structure are - In a harmonic analysis, the peak response will
correspond with the natural frequencies of the
structure. Since the natural frequencies are
known, Simulation can cluster the results near
the natural frequencies instead of using evenly
spaced results.
20 Mode Superposition Method
- 3. Due to the nature of the Mode Superposition
method, Given Displacement Supports are not
allowed - Nonzero prescribed displacements are not possible
because the solution is done with modal
coordinates - This was mentioned earlier during the discussion
on loads and supports
21 Full Method
- The Full method is an alternate way of solving
harmonic analyses - Recall the harmonic analysis equation
- In the Full method, this matrix equation is
solved for directly in nodal coordinates,
analogous to a linear static analysis except that
complex numbers are used
22 Full Method
- This results in several differences compared with
the Mode Superposition method - 1. For each frequency, the Full method must
factorize Kc. - In the Mode Superposition method, a simpler set
of uncoupled equations is solved for. In the
Full method, a more complex, coupled matrix KC
must be factorized. - Because of this, the Full method tends to be more
computationally expensive than the Mode
Superposition method - 2. Given Displacement Support is available
- Because x is solved for directly, imposed
displacements are permitted. This allows for the
use of Given Displacement Supports.
23 Full Method
- 3. The Full method does not use modal information
- Unlike the Mode Superposition method, the Full
method does not rely on mode shapes and natural
frequencies - No free vibration analysis is internally
performed - The solution of xC is exact
- No approximation of the response x to mode
shapes is used - However, because modal information is not present
to Simulation during a solution, no clustering of
results is possible. Only evenly-spaced
intervals is permitted.
24C. Damping Input
- The harmonic equation has a damping matrix C
- It was noted earlier that damping is specified as
a global property - For ANSYS Professional license, only a constant
damping ratio x is available for input - For ANSYS Structural licenses and above, either a
constant damping ratio x or beta damping value
can be input - Note that if both constant damping andbeta
damping are input, the effects willbe cumulative - Either damping option can be used witheither
solution method (full or modesuperposition)
25 Background on Damping
- Damping results in energy loss in a dynamic
system. - The effect damping has on the response is to
shift the natural frequencies and to lower the
peak response - Damping is present in many forms in any
structural system - Damping is a complex phenomena due to various
effects. The mathematical representation of
damping, however, is quite simple. Viscous
damping will be considered here - The viscous damping force Fdamp is proportional
to velocitywhere c is the damping constant - There is a value of c called critical damping ccr
where no oscillations will take place - The damping ratio x is the ratio of actual
damping c over critical damping ccr.
26 Constant Damping Ratio
- The constant damping ratio input in Simulation
means that the value of x will be constant over
the entire frequency range. - The value of x will be used directly in Mode
Superposition method - The constant damping ratio x is unitless
- In the Full method, the damping ratio x is not
directly used. This will be converted internally
to an appropriate value for C
27 Beta Damping
- Another way to model damping is to assume that
damping value c is proportional to the stiffness
k by a constant b - This is related back to the damping ratio
xOne can see from this equation that, with
beta damping, the effect of damping increases
linearly with frequency - Unlike the constant damping ratio, beta damping
increases with increasing frequency - Beta damping tends to damp out the effect of
higher frequencies - Beta damping is in units of time
28 Beta Damping
- There are two methods of input of beta damping
- Beta damping value can be directly input
- A damping ratio and frequency can be input, and
the corresponding beta damping value will be
calculated by Simulation, per the equation on the
previous slide
29 Damping Relationships
- There are some other measures of damping commonly
used. Note that these are usually for single
degree of freedom systems, so extrapolating it
for use in multi-DOF systems (such as FEA) should
be done with caution! - The quality factor Qi is 1/(2xi)
- The loss factor hi is the inverse of Q or 2xi
- The logarithmic decrement di can be approximated
for light damping cases as 2pxi - The half-power bandwidth Dwi can be approximated
for lightly damped structures as 2wixi - Remember that these measures of damping are
simplified and for single DOF systems. - If the user understands the physical structures
response over a frequency range as well as the
difference between constant damping ratio and
beta damping, then damping can be modeled
appropriately in Simulation
30D. Request Harmonic Tool Results
- Results can then be requested from Harmonic Tool
branch - Three types of results are available
- Contour results of components of stresses,
strains, or displacements for surfaces, parts,
and/or assemblies at a specified frequency and
phase angle - Frequency response plots of minimum, maximum, or
average components of stresses, strains,
displacements, or acceleration at selected
vertices, edges, or surfaces. - Phase response plots of minimum, maximum, or
average components of stresses, strains, or
displacements at a specified frequency - Unlike a linear static analysis, results must be
requested before initiating a solution.
Otherwise, if other results are requested after a
solution is completed, another solution must be
31 Request Harmonic Tool Results
- Request any of the available results under the
Harmonic Tool branch - Be sure to scope results on entities of interest
- For edges and surfaces, specify whetheraverage,
minimum, or maximum valuewill be reported - Enter any other applicable input
- If results are requested between solved-for
frequency ranges, linear interpolation will be
used to calculate the response - For example, if Simulation solves frequencies
from 100 to 1000 Hz at 100 Hz intervals, and the
user requests a result for 333 Hz, this will be
linearly interpolated from results at 300 and 400
32 Request Harmonic Tool Results
- Simulation assumes that the response is harmonic
(sinusoidal). - Derived quantities such as equivalent/principal
stresses or total deformation may not be harmonic
if the components are not in-phase, so these
results are not available. - No Convergence is available on Harmonic results
- Perform a modal analysis and perform convergence
on mode shapes which will reflect response. This
will help to ensure that the mesh is fine enough
to capture the dynamic response in a subsequent
harmonic analysis.
33 Solving the Model
- The Details view of the Solution branch is not
used in a Harmonic analysis. - Only informative status of the type ofanalysis
to be solved will be displayed - After Harmonic Analysis options have been set and
results have been requested, the solution can be
solved as usual with the Solve button
34 Contour Results
- Contour results of components of stress, strain,
or displacement are available at a given
frequency and phase angle
35 Contour Animations
- These results can be animated. Animations will
use the actual harmonic response (real and
imaginary results)
36 Frequency Response Plots
- XY Plots of components of stress, strain,
displacement, or acceleration can be requested
37 Phase Response Plots
- Comparison of phase of components of stress,
strain, or displacement with input forces can be
plotted at a given frequency
38 Requesting Results
- A harmonic solution usually requires multiple
solutions - A free vibration analysis using the Frequency
Finder should always be performed first to
determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes - Although a free vibration analysis is internally
performed with the Mode Superposition method, the
mode shapes are not available to the user to
review. Hence, a separate Environment branch
must be inserted or duplicated to add the
Frequency Finder tool. - Oftentimes, two harmonic solutions may need to be
run - A harmonic sweep of the frequency range can be
performed initially, where displacements,
stresses, etc. can be requested. This allows the
user to see the results over the entire frequency
range of interest. - After the frequencies and phases at which the
peak response(s) occur are determined, contour
results can be requested to see the overall
response of the structure at these frequencies.
39E. Workshop 10
- Workshop 10 Harmonic Analysis
- Goal
- Explore the harmonic response of the machine
frame (Frame.x_t) shown here. The frequency
response as well as stress and deformation at a
specific frequency will be determined.
40(No Transcript)