Population Ecology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Population Ecology


Population Ecology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Population Ecology

Population Ecology
Population Ecology
  • Populations in Space and Time
  • Types of Ecological Interactions
  • Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • Population Fluctuations
  • Variations in Species Ranges
  • Managing Populations
  • Regional and Global Processes Influence Local
    Population Dynamics

Populations in Space and Time
  • The individuals of a species with a given area
    constitute a population.
  • The distribution of the ages of individuals in a
    population and the way those individuals are
    distributed over the environment describe the
    population structure.
  • Ecologists study population structure at
    different spatial scales, ranging from local
    subpopulations to entire species.
  • The number of individuals of a species per unit
    of area (or volume) is its population density.

Populations in Space and Time
  • Ecologists are interested in population densities
    because dense populations often exert strong
    influences on their own members as well as on
    populations of other species.
  • Density of terrestrial organisms is measured as
    number of individuals per unit area.
  • Density of aquatic organisms is measured as
    individuals per unit volume.
  • For some species such as plants, the biomass or
    percentage of ground covered may be a more useful
    measure of density than the number of individuals.

Populations in Space and Time
  • The structure of a population changes continually
    because of demographic eventsbirths, deaths,
    immigration, and emigration.
  • Population dynamics is the change in population
    density through time and space.
  • Demography is the study of birth, death, and
    movement rates that give rise to population

Populations in Space and Time
  • Population dynamics can be represented by
  • N1 N0 B D I E
  • N1 number of individuals at time 1
  • N0 number of individuals at time 0
  • B number of individuals born between time 0 and
    time 1
  • D number of individuals that died between time
    0 and time 1
  • I number of individuals that immigrated
  • E number of individuals that emigrated

Populations in Space and Time
  • Life table information can be used to predict
    future trends in populations.
  • A cohort is a group of individuals that were born
    at the same time.
  • A life table can be constructed by determining
    the number of individuals in a cohort that are
    still alive at specific times (the survivorship)
    and the number of offspring they produced in each
    time interval.

Table 54.1 Life Table of the 1978 Cohort of the
Cactus Finch on Isla Daphne (Part 1)
Table 54.1 Life Table of the 1978 Cohort of the
Cactus Finch on Isla Daphne (Part 2)
Populations in Space and Time
  • The life table for a cohort of the cactus finch
    on Isla Daphne in the Galápagos archipelago shows
    that mortality rates were initially high, leveled
    off, and again increased as the birds aged.
  • Mortality rate also fluctuated through the years
    because survival depends upon seed production,
    and seed production is correlated with rainfall.

Populations in Space and Time
  • Survivorship curves in many populations fall into
    one of three patterns.
  • In some populations (e.g., humans in the U.S.),
    most individuals survive for most of their
    potential life span and die at about the same
  • In some (e.g., songbirds), the probability of
    surviving over the life span is the same once
    individuals are a few months old.
  • In species that produce a large number of
    offspring and provide little parental care, high
    death rates for the young are followed by high
    survival rates during the middle of the life

Figure 54.1 Survivorship Curves (Part 1)
Figure 54.1 Survivorship Curves (Part 2)
Populations in Space and Time
  • The age distribution of individuals in a
    population reveals much about the recent history
    of births and deaths.
  • For example, in the U.S., population size
    increased during the baby boom of the 1950s and
    again during the baby boom echo of the 1980s.
  • Life tables can help us to understand why
    population densities change over time and to
    determine which groups should be the focus of
    efforts to save rare species.

Figure 54.2 Age Distributions Change over Time
Types of Ecological Interactions
  • Species interactions fall into several
  • If both participants benefit from an interaction,
    the interaction is a mutualism (/ interaction).
  • An example of mutualism is the association
    between plants and soil fungi called mycorrhizae,
    or between plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
  • Corals gain most of their energy from
    photosynthetic protists. The protists get
    nutrients when the corals digest animals.
  • Termites have protists in their gut that digest
    cellulose they provide the protists, in turn,
    with nutrients.

Types of Ecological Interactions
  • If one participant benefits but the other is
    unaffected, the interaction is a commensalism
    (/0 interaction).
  • Cattle egrets forage for insects near large
    mammals, and the movements of the large animal
    flush out insects, which the birds eat. The
    mammal does not gain or lose anything from this

Figure 54.3 Commensalism Benefits One Partner
Types of Ecological Interactions
  • If one participant is harmed but the other is
    unaffected, the interaction is an amensalism (0/
  • Trees and branches falling from trees damage
    smaller plants beneath them this is an example
    of amensalism.

Types of Ecological Interactions
  • One organism may benefit itself while harming
    another organism these interactions are called
    predatorprey and parasitehost interactions (/
  • If two organisms use the same resources and those
    resources are insufficient for their combined
    needs, they are in competition (/ interaction).

Table 54.2 Types of Ecological Interactions
Factors Influencing Population Densities
  • Species that use abundant resources often reach
    higher population densities than species that use
    scarce resources.
  • Species with small individuals generally reach
    higher population densities than species with
    large individuals.
  • This relationship can be demonstrated by a
    logarithmic plot of population density against
    body size for a variety of mammals worldwide.

Figure 54.4 Population Density Decreases as Body
Size Increases
Factors Influencing Population Densities
  • Newly introduced species often reach high
    population densities.
  • An example is species introduced into a region
    where their normal predators and diseases are
  • Zebra mussels whose larvae were carried from
    Europe in the ballast water of ships now occupy
    much of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River
  • Complex social organizations (e.g., ants,
    termites, humans) may facilitate high densities.

Figure 54.5 Introduced Zebra Mussels Have Spread
Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • If a single bacterium were allowed to grow and
    reproduce in an unlimited environment, explosive
    population growth would result.
  • Within a month, the bacterial colony would weigh
    as much as the visible universe and would be
    expanding outward at the speed of light.
  • But while populations do fluctuate in density,
    even the most dramatic fluctuations are less than
    what is theoretically possible.

Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • All populations have the potential for explosive
    growth because, as the number of individuals in
    the population increases, the number of new
    individuals added per unit of time accelerates,
    even if the rate per capita of population
    increase remains constant.
  • If births and deaths occur continuously and at
    constant rates, a graph of the population size
    over time forms a J-shaped curve that describes a
    form of explosive growth called exponential

Figure 54.6 Exponential Population Growth (Part
Figure 54.6 Exponential Population Growth (Part
Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • Exponential growth can be represented
  • DN/Dt (b d)N
  • DN the change in number of individuals
  • Dt the change in time
  • b the average per capita birth rate (includes
  • d the average per capita death rate (includes

Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • The difference between per capita birth rate (b)
    and per capita death rate (d) is the net
    reproductive rate (r).
  • When conditions are optimal, r is at its highest
    value (rmax), called the intrinsic rate of
  • rmax is characteristic for a species.
  • The equation for population growth can be written
  • D/Dt rmaxN

Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • For limited time periods, some populations may
    grow at rates close to rmax.
  • Real populations do not grow exponentially for
    long because of environmental limitations.
  • Environmental limitations include food, nest
    sites, shelter, disease, and predation.
  • The carrying capacity of an environment (K) is
    the maximum number of individuals of a species it
    can support.
  • Natural population growth more closely resembles
    an S-shaped curve.

Figure 54.7 Logistic Population Growth
Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • The mathematical representation of this type of
    growth (logistic growth) is
  • DN/Dt r(K N)/KN
  • The equation for logistic growth indicates that
    the populations growth slows as it approaches
    its carrying capacity (K).
  • Population growth stops when N K.

Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • Per capita birth and death rates usually
    fluctuate in response to population density that
    is, they are density-dependent.
  • As a population increases in size, it may deplete
    its food supply, reducing the amount of food each
    individual gets. Poor nutrition may increase
    death rates and decrease birth rates.
  • If predators are able to capture a larger
    proportion of the prey when prey density
    increases, the per capita death rate of the prey
  • Diseases, which may increase death rates, spread
    more easily in dense populations than in sparse

Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • Factors that affect birth and death rates in a
    population independent of its density are said to
    be density-independent.
  • For example, a severely cold winter may kill
    large numbers of a population regardless of its

Fluctuations in Population Densities
  • Fluctuations in population density are determined
    by all the factors acting on it.
  • In a population of song sparrows, death rates are
    high during very cold winters regardless of
    population density (density-independent).
  • However, the larger the number of breeding males
    (density-dependent), the larger the number that
    fail to gain territories and have little chance
    of reproducing.
  • The larger the number of breeding females, the
    fewer offspring each female fledges. The more
    birds alive in the autumn, the poorer are the
    chances that juveniles born that year will
    survive the winter.

Figure 54.8 Regulation of an Island Population
of Song Sparrows (Part 1)
Figure 54.8 Regulation of an Island Population
of Song Sparrows (Part 2)
Population Fluctuations
  • A comparison between the cactus finch and the
    south polar skua shows that some populations
    fluctuate widely and others fluctuate remarkably
  • Species with long-lived individuals that have low
    reproductive rates typically have more stable
    populations than species with short-lived
    individuals and high reproductive rates.
  • Small, short-lived individuals generally are more
    vulnerable to environmental changes.

Figure 54.9 Population Sizes May Be Stable or
Highly Variable
Population Fluctuations
  • Episodic reproduction can generate fluctuations.
  • In Lake Erie, 1944 was such an excellent year for
    reproduction of whitefish that they dominated
    catches in the lake for several years.
  • Most of the black cherry trees in a Wisconsin
    forest in 1971 had become established between 30
    and 40 years earlier.

Figure 54.10 Individuals Born During Years of
Good Reproduction May Dominate Populations (1)
Figure 54.10 Individuals Born During Years of
Good Reproduction May Dominate Populations (2)
Population Fluctuations
  • Densities of populations that depend on limited
    resources fluctuate more than those that use a
    greater variety of resources.
  • The cactus finch populations fluctuate with the
    annual production of seeds that they eat.
  • Many northern coniferous trees reproduce
    synchronously and episodically. There are years
    of massive production and years with little seed
    production. Populations of birds and mammals
    that depend on the seeds fluctuate also.

Population Fluctuations
  • Predatorprey interactions generate fluctuations
    because predator population growth lags behind
    growth in prey and the two populations oscillate.
  • When prey is scarce, its predator is scarce.
  • When prey becomes plentiful again, the predator
    population will increase in a staggered fashion.

Population Fluctuations
  • Changes in population density among small mammals
    and their predators living at high latitudes are
    the best-known examples of predatorprey
  • Experiments with Canada lynx and snowshoe hares
    revealed that the oscillating cycle of their
    populations was driven by both predation and food
    supply for the hares.

Figure 54.11 Hare and Lynx Populations Cycle in
Nature (Part 1)
Figure 54.11 Hare and Lynx Populations Cycle in
Nature (Part 2)
Figure 54.12 Prey Population Cycles May Have
Multiple Causes (Part 1)
Figure 54.12 Prey Population Cycles May Have
Multiple Causes (Part 2)
Population Fluctuations
  • Subpopulations are found when suitable habitat
    occurs in separated patches.
  • Each subpopulation has a probability of birth
    (colonization) and death (extinction).
  • Subpopulations are more prone to extinction since
    they are typically smaller than the population as
    a whole and more vulnerable to local
  • If individuals frequently move between
    subpopulations, immigrants may prevent declining
    subpopulations from becoming extinct, a process
    known as the rescue effect.

Population Fluctuations
  • The bay checkerspot butterfly provides an example
    of the dynamics of a divided population.
  • The larvae of this butterfly feed on only a few
    species of annual plants in a small area of
    California the largest patch supports thousands
    of butterflies.
  • During drought years, most plants die early in
    the spring, and several subpopulations on small
    patches become extinct.
  • The largest patch then disperses individuals to
    recolonize the smaller patches.

Figure 54.13 Subpopulation Dynamics
Population Fluctuations
  • In experiments with springtails and mites,
    scientists created isolated patches of the
    animals habitat.
  • The number of species present declined 40 (rarer
    species declined more than common ones), showing
    that small, isolated populations are more likely
    to become extinct than larger ones.

Figure 54.14 Narrow Barriers Suffice to Separate
Arthropod Subpopulations (Part 1)
Population Fluctuations
  • In a second experiment, similar patches were
    connected by corridors of moss that were either
    intact or disrupted by a small barrier.
  • Patches connected by unbroken corridors contained
    more species a year later than the discontinuous
    corridors, showing that even a small barrier was
    enough to reduce the rescue effect.

Figure 54.14 Narrow Barriers Suffice to Separate
Arthropod Subpopulations (Part 2)
Variations in Species Ranges
  • Factors contributing to variation in geographic
    ranges of species include speciation processes,
    dispersal abilities, and interactions with other
  • Speciation processes influence range sizes
  • A species that arises by polyploidy inevitably
    begins with a very small range.
  • Species that arise through founder events also
    have small ranges.
  • Species that arise via allopatric speciation
    begin with large ranges.
  • As a species declines toward extinction, the
    range shrinks until it vanishes.

Figure 54.15 The Last Refuge
Variations in Species Ranges
  • Dispersal abilities restrict geographic ranges.
  • As the experiments with arthropods in moss
    patches show, even small barriers may prevent
    some species from colonizing an area.
  • Therefore, the absence of many species from an
    area may be due simply to failure to get there.

Variations in Species Ranges
  • Predators may eliminate their prey in some places
    but not in others.
  • In ponds on islands in Lake Superior, chorus
    frogs are found in only some of the habitats that
    seem suitable for them.
  • The tadpoles have three major predators
    salamander larvae, dragonfly nymphs, and dytiscid
  • Experiments indicated that dragonfly nymphs were
    able to eat all sizes of tadpole and when these
    nymphs were present, the pond lacked tadpoles.

Figure 54.16 Predators Exclude Prey from Some
Habitats (Part 1)
Figure 54.16 Predators Exclude Prey from Some
Habitats (Part 2)
Variations in Species Ranges
  • Competition may restrict species ranges.
  • Two species of barnacles live on North Atlantic
    seashores, but as adults, one species lives
    higher in the intertidal zone than the other,
    with little overlap between the two (a phenomenon
    called intertidal zonation).
  • If one of the species is removed experimentally,
    the vertical range of the other species becomes
  • The higher-zone barnacle outcompetes the other
    because it is more hardy when exposed to air in
    the lower zone, the other barnacle is able to
    smother or crush higher-zone intruders.

Figure 54.17 Competition Restricts the
Intertidal Ranges of Barnacles
Variations in Species Ranges
  • Plants and sessile animals compete for space
    mobile animals compete for food.
  • In order to control scale insects in Southern
    California, a parasitic wasp species was
  • The first wasp introduced failed to control the
    insect scales.
  • Then a second wasp with a higher reproductive
    rate was introduced.
  • The second wasp displaced the first wasp within a

Managing Populations
  • A general principle of population dynamics is
    that the total number of births and the growth
    rates of individuals tend to be highest when a
    population is well below its carrying capacity.
  • If we wish to maximize the number of individuals
    that can be harvested from a population, that
    population should be managed so that its
    population is far below its carrying capacity.
  • Hunting seasons are established with this
    objective in mind.

Managing Populations
  • Populations with high reproductive capacities can
    sustain their growth despite a high rate of
  • Fish are an example of a population with high
    reproductive capacity.
  • Many fish populations can be harvested heavily
    for many years because only a modest number of
    females must survive to reproductive age to
    produce the eggs needed to maintain the
  • However, any specieseven those with high
    reproductive capacitycan be overharvested.

Managing Populations
  • The whaling industry engaged in excessive
    harvests that almost caused the extinction of
    blue whales.
  • Management of whale populations is difficult
    because they reproduce at a low rate.
  • Since whales are distributed worldwide, their
    management is dependent on cooperative action by
    all whaling nations (which is difficult to

Figure 54.18 Overexploitation of Whales (Part 1)
Figure 54.18 Overexploitation of Whales (Part 2)
Managing Populations
  • To reduce the size of populations of undesirable
    species, removal of resources is more effective
    than large-scale killing.
  • By removing resources, the species will have a
    reduced carrying capacity and therefore lower
  • Killing large numbers of the species would simply
    reduce them to a population size that grows more
    rapidly to reach its carrying capacity.
  • Conversely, if a rare species is to be preserved,
    the most important step usually is to provide it
    with suitable habitat.

Managing Populations
  • Humans have introduced many species to new
    habitats outside their native ranges.
  • Natural predators or environmental factors that
    keep the introduced species in check in its
    native surroundings are often absent, and
    population explosions can occur.
  • Opuntia cactus was introduced into Australia and
    became a pest in grazing land. A moth whose
    larvae eat Opuntia was then introduced as a
    method of biological control.

Figure 54.19 Biological Control of a Pest
Managing Populations
  • For many thousands of years, Earths carrying
    capacity for humans was set at a low level by
    food and water supplies and by disease.
  • The domestication of plants and animals, improved
    agriculture, mining, use of fossil fuels, and
    modern medicine have contributed to a staggering
    increase in human population.
  • Earths carrying capacity is currently limited by
    its ability to absorb the by-products of fossil
    fuel consumption (especially CO2), by water
    availability, and by whether we are willing to
    cause the extinction of millions of other species
    to accommodate our use of Earths resources.

Figure 54.20 Human Population Growth
Regional and Global ProcessesInfluence Local
Population Dynamics
  • Local population dynamics are often influenced
    both by local events and by and remote events.
  • From 1950 1980, populations of three species of
    birds in England changed dramatically.
  • The population of wood pigeons increased because
    of the widespread cultivation of oilseed rape, a
    food source.
  • Garden warblers declined to two pairs because of
    a severe drought in their wintering grounds in
    West Africa.
  • The population of blue tits increased because of
    local events an end to the cutting of trees and
    therefore a greater availability of nesting sites.

Figure 54.21 Populations May Be Influenced by
Remote Events
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