Title: Outline
- Statistical Modeling and Conceptualization of
Visual Patterns - S. C. Zhu, Statistical modeling and
conceptualization of visual patterns, IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 6, 1-22, 2003
2A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
- Visual patterns in natural images
- Natural images consist of an overwhelming number
of visual patterns - Generated by very diverse stochastic processes
- Comments
- Any single image normally consists of a few
recognizable/segmentable visual patterns - Scientifically, given that visual patterns are
generated by stochastic processes, shall we model
the underlying stochastic processes or model
visual patterns presented in the observations
from the stochastic processes?
3A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
4A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
- The image analysis as an image parsing problem
- Parse generic images into their constituent
patterns (according to the underlying stochastic
processes) - Perceptual grouping when applied to points,
lines, and curves processes - Image segmentation when applied to region
processes - Object recognition when applied to high level
5A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
6A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
- Required components for parsing
- Mathematical definitions and models of various
visual patterns - Definitions and models are intrinsically
recursive - Grammars (or called rules)
- Which specifies the relationships among various
patterns - Grammars should be stochastic in nature
- A parsing algorithm
7Syntactical Pattern Recognition
8A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
- Conceptualization of visual patterns
- The concept of a pattern is an abstraction of
some properties decided by certain visual
purposes - They are feature statistics computed from
- Raw signals
- Some hidden descriptions inferred from raw
signals - Mathematically, each pattern is equivalent to a
set of observable signals governed by a
statistical model
9A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
- Statistical modeling of visual patterns
- Statistical models are intrinsic representations
of visual knowledge and image regularities - Due to noise and distortion in imaging process?
- Due to noise and distortion in the underlying
generative process? - Due to transformations in the underlying
stochastic process? - Pattern theory
10A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
- Statistical modeling of visual patterns -
continued - Mathematical space for patterns and spaces
- Depends on the forms
- Parametric
- Non-parametric
- Attributed graphs
- Different models
- Descriptive models
- Bottom-up, feature-based models
- Generative models
- Hidden variables for generating images in a
top-down manner
11A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
- Learning a visual vocabulary
- Hierarchy of visual descriptions for general
visual patterns - Vocabulary of visual description
- Learning from an ensemble of natural images
- Vocabulary is far from enough
- Rich structures in physics
- Large vocabulary in speech and language
12A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
- Computational tractability
- Computational heuristics for effective inference
of visual patterns - Discriminative models
- A framework
- Discriminative probabilities are used as proposal
probabilities that drive the Markov chain search
for fast convergence and mixing - Generative models are top-down probabilities and
the hidden variables to be inferred from
posterior probabilities
13A Common Framework of Visual Knowledge
Representation cont.
- Discussion
- Images are generated by rendering 3D objects
under some external conditions - All the images from one object form a low
dimensional manifold in a high dimensional image
space - Rendering can be modeled fairly accurately
- Describing a 3D object requires a huge amount of
data - Under this setting
- A visual pattern simply corresponds to the
manifold - Descriptive model attempts to characterize the
manifold - Generative model attempts to learn the 3D objects
and the rendering
143D Model-Based Recognition
15Literature Survey
- To develop a generic vision system, regularities
in images must be modeled - The study of natural image statistics
- Ecologic influence on visual perception
- Natural images have high-order (i.e.,
non-Gaussian) structures - The histograms of Gabor-type filter responses on
natural images have high kurtosis - Histograms of gradient filters are consistent
over a range of scales
16Natural Image Statistics Example
17Analytical Probability Models for Spectral
- Transported generator model (Grenander and
Srivastava, 2000) - where
- gis are selected randomly from some generator
space G - the weigths ais are i.i.d. standard normal
- the scales ris are i.i.d. uniform on the
interval 0,L - the locations zis as samples from a 2D
homogenous Poisson process, with a uniform
intensity l, and - the parameters are assumed to be independent of
each other
18Analytical Probability Models - continued
- Define
- Model u by a scaled ?-density
19Analytical Probability Models - continued
20Analytical Probability Models - continued
21Analytical Probability Models - continued
22Analysis of Natural Image Components
- Harmonic analysis
- Decomposing various classes of functions by
different bases - Including Fourier transform, wavelet transforms,
edgelets, curvelets, and so on
23Sparse Coding
From S. C. Zhu
24Grouping of Natural Image Elements
- Gestalt laws
- Gestalt grouping laws
- Should be interpreted as heuristics rather than
deterministic laws - Nonaccidental property
26Illusion cont.
27Ambiguous Figure
28Statistical Modeling of Natural Image Patterns
29Analog from Speech Recognition
30Modeling of Natural Image Patterns
- Shape-from-X problems are fundamentally ill-posed
- Markov random field models
- Deformable templates for objects
- Inhomogeneous MRF models on graphs
31Four Categories of Statistical Models
- Descriptive models
- Constructed based on statistical descriptions of
the image ensembles - Homogeneous models
- Statistics are assumed to be the same for all
elements in the graph - Inhomogeneous models
- The elements of the underlying graph are labeled
and different features and statistics are used at
different sites
32Variants of Descriptive Models
- Casual Markov models
- By imposing a partial ordering among the vertices
of the graph, the joint probability can be
factorized as a product of conditional
probabilities - Belief propagation networks
- Pseudo-descriptive models
33Generative Models
- Use of hidden variables that can explain away
the strong dependency in observed images - This requires a vocabulary
- Grammars to generate images from hidden variables
- Note that generative models can not be separated
from descriptive models - The description of hidden variables requires
descriptive models
34Discriminative Models
- Approximation of posterior probabilities of
hidden variables based on local features - Can be seen as importance proposal probabilities
35An Example
36Problem formation
Output a probability model
Here, f(I) represents the ensemble of images in a
given domain, we shall discuss the
relationship between ensemble and probability
37Problem formation
The model p approaches the true density
38Maximum Likelihood Estimate
39Model Pursuit
1. What is W -- the family of models ? 2. How
do we augment the space W?
40Two Choices of Models
- The exponential family descriptive models
--- Characterize images by features and statistics
2. The mixture family -- generative models
--- Characterize images by hidden variables
41I Descriptive Models
- Step 1 extracting image features/statistics as
transforms -
For example histograms of Gabor
filter responses.
Other features/statistics Gabors, geometry,
Gestalt laws, faces.
42I.I Descriptive Models
Step 2 using features/statistics to constrain
the model
Two cases
- On infinite lattice Z2 --- an equivalence class.
- On any finite lattice --- a conditional
probability model.
image space on Z2
image space on lattice L
43I.I Descriptive Model on Finite Lattice
Modeling by maximum entropy
Subject to
Remark p and f have the same projected
marginal statistics.
44Minimax Entropy Learning
For a Gibbs (max. entropy) model p, this leads to
the minimax entropy principle (Zhu,Wu,
Mumford 96,97)
45FRAME Model
- FRAME model
- Filtering, random field, and maximum entropy
- A well-defined mathematical model for textures by
combining filtering and random field models
46I.I Descriptive Model on Finite Lattice
The FRAME model (Zhu, Wu, Mumford, 1996)
This includes all Markov random field models.
Remark all known exponential models are from
maxent., and maxent was proposed in Physics
(Jaynes, 1957). The nice thing is that it
provides a parametric model integrating features.
47I.I Descriptive Model on Finite Lattice
Two learning phases 1. Choose information
bearing features -- augmenting the
probability family. 2. Compute the
parameter L by MLE -- learning within
a family.
48Maximum Entropy
- Maximum entropy
- Is an important principle in statistics for
constructing a probability distribution on a set
of random variables - Suppose the available information is the
expectations of some known functions ?n(x), that
is - Let W be the set of all probability distributions
p(x) which satisfy the constraints
49Maximum Entropy cont.
- Maximum Entropy continued
- According to the maximum entropy principle, a
good choice of the probability distribution is
the one that has the maximum entropy - subject to
50Maximum Entropy cont.
- Maximum Entropy continued
- By Lagrange multipliers, the solution for p(x) is
- where
51Maximum Entropy cont.
- Maximum Entropy continued
- are determined by
the constraints - But a closed form solution is not available
general - Numerical solutions
52Maximum Entropy cont.
- Maximum Entropy continued
- The solutions are guaranteed to exist and be
unique by the following properties
53Minimax Entropy Learning (cont.)
Intuitive interpretation of minimax entropy.
54Learning A High Dimensional Density
55Toy Example I
56Toy Example II
57FRAME Model
- Texture modeling
- The features can be anything you want ?n(x)
- Histograms of filter responses are a good feature
for textures
58FRAME Model cont.
- The FRAME algorithm
- Initialization
- Input a texture image Iobs
- Select a group of K filters SKF(1), F(2), ....,
F(K) - Compute Hobs(a), a 1, ....., K
- Initialize
- Initialize Isyn as a uniform white noise image
59FRAME Model cont.
- The FRAME algorithm continued
- The algorithm
- Repeat
- calculate Hsyn(a), a1,..., K from Isyn and
use it as - Update by
- Apply Gibbs sampler to flip Isyn for w sweeps
- until
60FRAME Model cont.
61FRAME Model cont.
- Filter selection
- In practice, we want a small number of good
filters - One way to do that is to choose filters that
carry the most information - In other words, minimum entropy
62FRAME Model cont.
- Filter selection algorithm
- Initialization
63FRAME Model cont.
64Descriptive Models cont.
65Existing Texture Features
66Existing Feature Statistics
67Most General Feature Statistics
68Julesz Ensemble cont.
- Definition
- Given a set of normalized statistics on lattice ?
- a Julesz ensemble W(h) is the limit of the
following set as ? ? Z2 and H ? h under some
boundary conditions
69Julesz Ensemble cont.
- Feature selection
- A feature can be selected from a large set of
features through information gain, or the
decrease in entropy
70Example 2D Flexible Shapes
71A Random Field for 2D Shape
The neighborhood
Co-linearity, co-circularity, proximity,
parallelism, symmetry,
72A Descriptive Shape Model
Random 2D shapes sampled from a Gibbs model.
(Zhu, 1999)
73A Descriptive Shape Model
Random 2D shapes sampled from a Gibbs model.
74Example Face Modeling
75Generative Models
- Use of hidden variables that can explain away
the strong dependency in observed images - This requires a vocabulary
- Grammars to generate images from hidden variables
- Note that generative models can not be separated
from descriptive models - The description of hidden variables requires
descriptive models
76Generative Models cont.
77Philosophy of Generative Models
World structure H
78Example of Generative Model image coding
Random variables
Parameters wavelets
Assumptions 1. Overcomplete basis 2.
High kurtosis for iid a, e.g.
79A Generative Model
(Zhu and Guo, 2000)
80Example Texton map
One layer of hidden variables the texton map
81Learning with Generative Model
82Learning with Generative Model
Learning by MLE
83Stochastic Inference by DDMCMC
Goal sampling H p(H Iobs Q)
Method a symphony algorithm by data driven
Markov chain Monte
Carlo. (Zhu, Zhang and Tu 1999)
84Example of A Generative Model
An observed image
85Data Clustering
The saliency maps used as proposal probabilities
86(No Transcript)
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88A Descriptive Model for Texton Map
89Example of A Generative Model
90Data Clustering
91A Descriptive Model on Texton Map
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94Example of A Generative Model
95A Descriptive Model for Texton Map