Title: 02.12. 14. In Search of Fundamental Symmetries
1 02.12. 14. In Search of Fundamental Symmetries
- Broken symmetry in nonrelativistic physics and
Theory of Polarons - A.V.Tulub
2Broken symmetry in non relativistic physics
- 1. Electronic structure calculations
- 2. Molecular structure.
- 3. Translational invariance.
- 4. Polaron theory.
3Polarons Theory.
Pekar broken symmetry solution arise from the
wave function structure
4Translational invariance
- 1. S.V. Tyablikov. An Adiabatic Form of
perturbation Theory in the Problem of the
interaction of a particle with a Quantum Field.
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6Holstein Hamiltonian
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- 1 . N. I. Kashirina.Application of Quantum Field
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- Weak or intermediate coupling should be
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9 1 . N. I. Kashirina.Application of Quantum
Field Theory Methods to the Development
of the translation invariant Polaron and
Bipolaron Theory. Ukr.J.Phys.2014,V.59, P.2071.
2. V.D.Lakhno. Large radius Holstein polaron and
the problem of spontaneous symmetry
breaking. Progress in Theoretical and
Experimental Physics.2014 ( Japan).
10Theory of Polarons.
(1) -
Elimination of electron coordinates -
(2) -
Were is the mass of a polaron?
Self interaction field.
11Scattering. The mean free path
The ground state wave function
Scattering amplitude
Resonance structure of the
scattering amplitude depends on the
value of the coupling constant. Max. value of the
coupling constant.
12Numerical value. Polaron energy as the function
of coupling constant.
- Try function f of the coupling constant.
- F -NV exp(-k2/2a2)
N. I. Kashirina.Application of Quantum Field
Theory Methods to the Development of the
translation invariant Polaron and Bipolaron
Theory.Ukr.J.Phys.2014,V.59, ?11, P.2071.
13Instead of an electron an atom. Symmetry
breaking. Difference between left and right
polarization in He-Ne laser.
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- Symmetry Braking in a molecular structure.
- Fe(2) molecule in a free space and in the
embedding. Superconductivity arise primarily from
a from magnetic coupling, involving the ground as
well the excited states. - Ground and excited spin states of the molecular
cluster Fe(2)Si(18). - CI method.
16Fe(2)Si(18). Ferromagnetic coupling. Ground
state.Total spin S4.
- r(Fe1Si14)3.027, r(Fe1Si17)3.029,r(Fe1Si15)2.5
78, r(Fe1Si18)2.578,r(Fe1Si16)2.591,
r(Fe2Si13)2.645 - q(Fe1)1.749, q(Fe2)0.889,q(Si14)0.306,
q(Si17)0.308,q(Si15)-0.432, q(Si18)-0.433,q(S
i16)-0.422, q(Si19)-0.420,q(Si8)-0.003,
q(Si5)-0.002,q(Si3)-0.284, q(Si6)-0.282,q(Si4
)-0.298, q(Si7)-0.300,q(Si20)0.162,
q(Si11)0.163,q(Si9)-0.175, q(Si12)-0.176,q(Si
10)-0.175, q(Si13)-0.174
17?????? ??????????? ???? Watson - Crick
18?arge transfer in DNA.
D.Porath et al, Nature, 403, (2000), 635
19ATP molecule in interaction with Mg(H(2)O(6)
Grignard-type problem
21??????????? ???????????
22Crossing of the different singlet and triplet PES
in the case Mg ATP interaction. Coherence.
23Grignard reaction. Singlet and triplet crossing.
24????????? ?? ????????Acknowledgements