Title: Transit Tracks: Finding Extrasolar Planets a science
1Transit TracksFinding Extrasolar Planetsa
science math activity
5Whats this?
6 A transit of Venus across the Sun takes
place when the planet Venus passes directly
between the Sun and Earth, so that Venus blocks a
small spot of the Suns disk. Since the Sun is
over 100 times larger in diameter than Venus, the
spot is very small indeed.
7 Account of Jeremiah Horrocks observations of
the transit of Venus
8Imagine you have a light sensor aimed a lamp.
What would the transit of a book look like if
you made a graph of brightness vs time?
9Like this?
10What would the transit of a planet look like if
you made a graph brightness vs time?
11This is a light curve. How are the planets
size and orbital period shown in the light curve?
12Is there a relationship between the planets
period (time for one orbit)and its distance
from its star?
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14Keplers 3rd Law
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19Kepler 4-b
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21Planets Size Deducing the Planets Radius from
Transit Data
Ap/As Z Converting to a percentage 100 (
Ap/As) Z 100 (p rp2 / p rs2) Z 100 ( rp2
/ rs2) Z rp2 / rs2 Z/100 rp2 rs2
(Z/100) rp rs/10 v Z
area of a circle p r2
The Sun is about 100 times the radius of the
Earth. rsun 100 rearth Substituting rp
100 rearth/10 ( v Z ) rp 10 rearth ( v Z
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23Planet Name Period indays Orbital Distance Brightness Drop v Z Radius 10 v Z
Kepler 4b
HAT-P 7b
HAT-P 11b
Mystery b
Mystery c
TrES 2-b
Kepler 5b
Kepler 6b
Kepler 7b
Kepler 8b
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27( By permission Sternwarte Kremsmünster)
A guy whos thought a lot about planets More
information kepler.nasa.gov