Title: Franklin County Assessor
1Franklin County Assessors Office
Why Annual Revaluation
- Steve Marks
- Franklin County Assessor
2- Mid-Columbia news Franklin County assessors to
re-evaluate properties every year Published
Monday, December 31st, 2007 - JOE CHAPMAN HERALD STAFF WRITER
- Franklin County residents will begin seeing their
properties reassessed by the county assessor's
office every year starting in 2008. - The frequency will be a change from the
assessor's previous schedule of re-evaluating a
quarter of the properties once every four years. - "It promotes uniformity for all taxpayers so you
don't have one area of taxpayers paying on a
value that's different from another area of
taxpayers," said Franklin County Assessor Steve
Marks. - While some may cringe at the thought of annual
reassessments, Marks said the upside is that the
changes in value should be less abrupt. - For instance, instead of a property value staying
flat for three years, then going up 40 percent in
the fourth year, it may increase 10 percent each
of the four years. - Adjusting values annually makes the value changes
more predictable for residents, Marks said. - "That's one of the big issues in a lot of the
property tax initiatives that go around People
want predictability in property tax," he said. - John Gurtisen, who lives in the 2600 block of
West Margaret Street in Pasco, said he wouldn't
have any complaints about annual reassessments.
He expects to see increases in his property
values because of the improvements he has made,
he said. - This year, he spent 10,000 installing a new
roof, fence and shed. - Even on a four-year schedule, the assessor's
office typically would re-evaluate properties the
same year improvements were made, Marks said. - Gary Hart, a farmer outside of Connell, said his
concern is that the assessor's office wouldn't be
as quick to lower values in a downturn as it
would be to increase them. Crop values are
factored into farmland values in Franklin County,
and the crop prices can be especially volatile,
Hart pointed out. - Marks said his office would be just as responsive
to downturns as increases. - "Whatever the market says, we'll respond. And if
it goes down, we'll go down," he said. - Benton County residents already have had their
properties reassessed annually for more than a
decade. In all, 18 Washington counties are on
annual reassessments, and 19 reassess values once
every four years.
3What is the Assessors job?
- Washington State law requires that Assessors
- Assess all real and personal property in the
county at 100 of true and fair market value in
money, unless specifically exempted by law - Fair market value or true value is the amount
that a willing and unobligated buyer is willing
to pay a willing and unobligated seller
- The listing of all taxable real and personal
property within the geographic boundaries of
Franklin County are within the offices
jurisdiction, including property within
incorporated cities.
5Real Property
- Includes land, improvements to land, structures
and certain equipment fixed to structures - Assessor values property using one or more of the
following methods - Market or sales comparison
- Cost Approach
- Income
6Personal Property
- The primary characteristic of personal property
is mobility - Personal property includes furnishings, machinery
and equipment, fixtures, supplies and tools - Most personal property owned by individuals is
specifically exempt. - If these items are used in a business, personal
property tax applies
7What else is the Assessors office responsible
- Administration of exemption programs such as
senior citizen and non-profit - Administration of special programs
- Open Space
- (Farm Agricultural, Open Space, and General)
- Historical Restoration
- Administration of levy process
8History of Significant Changesin the Property
Tax System
- Revaluation Act of 1955
- property reval cycle established at a 4-year
interval - 1971 WAC 458-07-015
- Legislation allowing annual updates without
physical inspection if appropriate statistical
data is available
9History - continued
- 1982 Additional law changes
- Allowed counties with an annual reval plan to
lengthen the period between physical inspections
from once every 4 years to at least once every 6
years - 1995 2008 Advances in technology
- Franklin County Assessor Office switched from a
paper environment to a PC environment and
implemented CAMA systems and other technology
that will allow us to change from a 4-year reval
cycle to an annual cycle.
10????Annual Revaluation????
11Previous Assessment Cycle
- 4-year Reval Cycle 2004 2007
- County divided into 4 areas
- Each area inspected and revalued once every 4
years - Results in different levels of assessed values
- Distribution of some tax levies are not at the
same level
13Annual RevalFrequently Asked Questions
- Why is Franklin County changing from the 4-year
reval cycle to an annual cycle? - How will it impact the property owners and tax
payers of Franklin County? - How will it affect my individual property?
14More Questions
- Does an annual reval mean more taxes for Franklin
County? - Will an annual reval help any taxing districts
collect more tax? - When will this change occur?
15- Why is Franklin County changing from the 4-year
reval cycle to an annual cycle? - How will it impact the property owners and tax
payers of Franklin County? - How will it affect my individual property?
16Benefits of an Annual Reval
- Uniformity
- All property is closer to market value
- Level of assessment
- Tax burden distributed more equitably
- Predictability
- Helps taxpayers and taxing districts
- All property is assessed every year at market
value - Particularly important if market values begin to
decline - Assessed values are not fixed for 4 years
18Level of Assessment
- Tax burden is distributed more equitably
- Particularly important for county-wide levies
such as the - state school levy
- county levies
- other levies that cross area boundaries
- Large increases in assessed values that result
from a 4-year cycle are - difficult for taxpayers to accept
- misunderstood (30-35 increase in A/V must equal
30-35 increase in taxes) - result in the area that has just been revalued
carrying a larger share of some taxes than the
other 3 areas
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22Annual RevalStill Subject to Tax Limits
- Statutory Rate Limit
- Limits regular levy of each taxing district
- 5.90 Limit
- Aggregate regular levy rate of all senior and
junior taxing districts cannot exceed 5.90
23Annual RevalStill Subject to Tax Limits
- 1 Constitutional Limit
- State Constitution limits the regular (non-voted)
combined tax rate to 1 or (10 per 1,000) of
A/V - Initiative 747
- Taxing districts regular levy limited to 101 of
highest levy since 1985, plus amounts
attributable to new construction. Prior to I-747
this was 106
24Iniative 747
- I-747 limited the amount a taxing district may
levy, but did not affect assessed values - Some taxing districts may have banked levy
capacity that allows them to increase their
budgets more than 1 - Voter approved special levies are not affected by
the 5.90 limit, 1 limit and I-747
25Does an annual reval mean more taxes for Franklin
- No.
- Franklin County will not receive more property
taxes by changing to an annual reval - The levy rate will decrease as a result of the
assessed value increasing
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27Will an annual reval help any taxing districts
collect more tax?
- Possibly. If a district is at its statutory
limit - For example A Fire District is at their limit of
1.50 and as a result cannot increase their
budget by the 1 allowed by I-747 and the
districts value increases enough to lower their
rate to less than 1.50, it would allow the
district to ask for the additional 1 they would
not have received without the new assessment.
28Annual Reval A goal we have been working towards
- Standards, Accountability Reorganization
- Improving our level of accuracy on property
characteristics. - Improving our review process
- Using technology
- GIS (Geographic information system)
- Computerized mapping
- Color Aerial photos
- CAMA (Computer assisted mass appraisal)
- Laptop/Tablet computers for field appraisers
29Annual Reval Plan
- Starting in 2008 - revaluation will be done
annually - 1/6 of property in the county will be physically
inspected and updated to market value - All property that is not physically inspected
must be statistically updated annually - New 2008 assessed value used to calculate taxes
owing in 2009
31Historical Information
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