Title: Blank Jeopardy
Jazz Age
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
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200 pts
200 pts
200 pts
200 pts
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300 pts
300 pts
300 pts
300 pts
400 pts
400 pts
400 pts
400 pts
400 pts
500 pts
500 pts
500 pts
500 pts
500 pts
2 What is a Anarchist?
3 People who opposed all organized government
4 What is Prohibition?
5 A total ban on alcoholic drinks
6 What is a bootlegger?
7 Liquor Smugglers
8 What is Jazz?
9Music that comibed rhythms from West Africa the
10What is installment buying
11 Buying on credit
12What was Warren Hardings campaign slogan?
13Return to Normalcy
14What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
15Condemned military aggression and outlawed war
16Why did people fear anarchists?
17They did not believe in government
18Describe the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial.
19Charged with Murder and theft, little evidence,
convicted and put to death.
20What do immigration laws do?
21Limit the amount of people from a country
entering the US.
22What is the Eighteenth Amendment?
24What is a flapper? (Description)
25Women who rebelled against tradition. Make-up,
short skirts and short haircuts
26How did Henry Ford change the life of middle
class families?
27Made cars affordable, gave freedom and
28What was the John Scopes trial about?
29Teaching evolution VS. the Bible
30What did Marcus Garvey try to get African
Americans to do?
31Move Back to Africa
32Name two fads that came about in the 1920s.
33Dance Fads, flagpole sitting, Dance marathons,
34Name two sports heroes of the 1920s.
35- 1. Babe Ruth
- 2. Johnny Weismuller
- Red Grange
- Bobby Jones
- Jack Dempsey
36Where was Jazz music created?
37New Orleans
38Why did older people not like Jazz music?
39They thought it undermined morals
40Who wrote the Great Gatsby?
41F. Scott Fitzgerald
42What did industry do after the war?
43Changed from creating military goods to consumer
44What does increase supply, decrease demand mean?
45When there is too much of a product, the price
will decrease.
46What did the Government do to regulate taxes?
47Taxes high in imports, and cut taxes on the
48What did economists say about the stock market?
49Prices of stocks will not continue to increase
50Why were farmers in debt?
51They grew more crops then the public could
consume and they could not pay for their equipment