Title: Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD)
1Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD)
2What is ETD ?
- An ETD is a document that explains the research
of a graduate student in an electronic format. It
is simultaneously suitable for machine archives
and worldwide retrieval. - Why ETD?
- Great access to research worldwide.
- Better presentation of research.
- Free publicity for your research.
- Less expense to authors and libraries.
3Why Switch to ETD Vireo ?
- Vireo is part of the TDLs ETD system for Texas
universities . - It addresses all steps of the ETD Process
(Student Submission, Grad School Management,
ETD Publication and Preservation). - Approved ETDs can be deposited in TDL Federated
Repository and UTMB Institutional Repositories
(IRs) - Open access to all manuscripts (No cost to
student, Searchable by Google) - Peace of mind that comes with preservation of
files in TDL Repositories.
4How to Submit ETD ?
5Sign in to ETD System using UTMB Credentials
6Online Submission of ETD
- Verify your personal information.
- Agree to the license.
- Enter information about your document.
- Upload main document and supplementary files.
- Confirm your information and complete the
7Student Submission Step 1 Verify your
System auto fills name, e-mail, and school
8Student Submission Step 2 License agreement
non-exclusive rights to copy, display, perform,
distribute and publish the content
9Student Submission Step 3 Document information
- Document information
- Committee chair information
- Release options (embargoes, publication to UMI)
10Student Submission Step 4 Upload Your Files
- Student may upload supplementary files in
addition to the main thesis or dissertation. - There is no restriction on file formats students
can upload.
11Student Submission Step 5 Confirm Submit
Students may check all information and return to
any previous step to make corrections.
12Student Submission Submittal Complete
13Life Cycle of ETD
14Life Cycle of ETD Continuation
15Available to the World
The ETD in the TDLs federated repository
The ETD in UTMB institutional repository