God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wade (July 1998) Obama protects a woman s right to choose an abortion (May 2004) Obama voted No ... man is made in the – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: God

Gods Viewof the Unborn
  • I am fearfully and wonderfully made
  • Psalm 13914

Abortion Today
  • Approximately 42 million abortions are performed
    each year worldwide (115,000 per day). 1.37
    million abortions are performed each year in
    America (3,700 per day). Somebody thinks abortion
    is O.K.!

Abortion Today
  • 1 of all abortions occur because of rape or
    incest 6 of abortions occur because of
    potential health problems regarding either the
    mother or child, and 93 of all abortions occur
    for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or
    inconvenient). Somebody thinks abortion is O.K.!

Abortion Today
  • Approximately 53 million babies have been aborted
    in the U.S. since the January 22, 1973 Roe v.
    Wade decision. There have been more babies
    killed in 38 years than soldiers killed in all
    the American wars in the past 235 yrs. of this
    nations' history. In more populated areas like
    Washington D.C., 1 out of 2 pregnancies ends in
    abortion. Somebody thinks abortion is O.K.!

Abortion Today
  • Often animal rights activists are exonerated and
    "pro-life" advocates are considered
    troublemakers. If you save a whale you are
    honored, if you try to save an unborn life you
    are ridiculed. If an airplane crashes and 10
    people die, it is national news, but when 1.37
    million babies are killed in one year it goes
    unmentioned. Somebody thinks abortion is O.K.!

Abortion Today
  • A Gallup Poll, conducted May 7-10, 2009 finds 51
    of Americans calling themselves "pro-life" on the
    issue of abortion and 42 "pro-choice." This is
    the first time a majority of U.S. adults have
    identified themselves as pro-life since Gallup
    began asking this question in 1995.Unfortunately,
    our nation is following the lead of the 42! A
    part of that 42 is in the White House! Somebody
    thinks abortion is O.K.!

Abortion Today
  • Obama supports Roe v. Wade (July 1998)
  • Obama protects a womans right
    to choose an abortion (May 2004)
  • Obama voted No on notifying parents of minors
    who get out-of-state abortions (July 2006)
  • Obama trusts women to make their own decisions on
    partial-birth abortion (Apr. 2007)
  • Obama voted against banning partial birth
    abortion (Oct. 2007)

Pro-Choice Arguments
  • "It is uncertain when human life begins that's a
    religious question than cannot be answered by
  • "The fetus is just a part of the pregnant women's
    body, like her tonsils or appendix.
  • "The unborn is an embryo or a fetus - just a
    simple blob of tissue, a product of conception -
    not a baby. Abortion is terminating a pregnancy,
    not killing a child."

Pro-Choice Arguments
  • "The fetus may be alive, but so are eggs and
    sperm. The fetus is a potential human being, not
    an actual one it's like a blueprint not a house,
    an acorn not an oak tree.
  • "The unborn isn't a person, with meaningful life.
    It's only inches in size, and can't even think
    it's less advanced than an animal.
  • "A fetus isn't a person until quickening or

Pro-Choice Arguments
  • "Obviously life begins at birth. That's why we
    celebrate birthdays, not conception days, and why
    we don't have funerals following miscarriages.
  • "No one can really know that human life begins
    before birth."

Gods View of the Unborn
  • God wants children to be born (Gen. 128)
  • God gives children as a heritage and reward
    (Psa. 1273-5)
  • God is the creator of all life (Psa. 11973 Acts
    1725 Heb. 129)
  • God helps in the conception of children
    (Gen.41,25 2521 2931 3022 Judg.133-5
    Ruth 413 1 Sam.12,5,6,11,20,27

Gods View of the Unborn
  • God forms the child in the womb (Job.108-12
    334 Psa.13913-16 Eccl.115 Isa. 442,24).
    Note that the personal pronouns used in these
    verses, e.g., "I," "me" and "my," point to
    personal identity or "personhood" prior to birth.
    They refer to someone, not something.

Gods View of the Unborn
  • God calls the unborn and the born by the same
    name child (Gen. 2521-22 Ex. 2122-23 Job
    33 Eccl. 115 Mt. 118,23 Lk. 124-44)
  • God teaches parents to appreciate, love, value,
    and care for their children (Prov. 226 Eph.
    61-4 Rom. 131 2 Tim. 33 Tit. 24)

Gods View of the Unborn
  • God forbids murder because the life of a human is
    in the blood (Gen. 94-6 Ex. 2013 Prov. 617
    Rom. 139 Gal. 521 Rev. 218)

Gods View of the Unborn
  • Killing an unborn child is punishable by death -
    Ex.2122-25 (cf. NIV and NKJV). Why? The status
    of the unborn child is equal to the mother.
    "Miscarriage" in NASV is a poor translation. The
    Heb. verb for "miscarriage" is shakol, not yatsa
    ("depart" or "come out"), and the Heb. noun is
    nefel ("untimely born"), not yeled ("child" or

Gods View of the Unborn
  • Murder is condemned because "life" is sacred
    ("the sanctity of life") - man is made in the
    "image of God" (Gen.126,27 96 Jas.38-10).
  • Why is there no specific law against abortion in
    the Bible? "All that was necessary to prohibit
    an abortion was the command, "You shall not
    murder" (Exodus 2013). Every Israelites knew
    that the unborn child was indeed a child.
    Therefore, miscarriage was always viewed as the
    loss of a child, and abortion as the killing of a
    child" (Randy Alcorn, 239).

Gods View vs. Mans View
  • Abortion is a denial of the plain Scriptural
    truth abortion is a denial of God's view of the
    unborn. Abortion denies that God is involved in
    development process of the unborn, that life is a
    blessing and gift from God, that God cares for
    the unborn, that God has a purpose for the
    unborn, and the unborn is a person.
  • Abortion is "the American way." We must not
    become "anti-American," but we must speak out
    against the injustice of abortion

Gods View vs. Mans View
  • Abortion has been "legal" and "lawful" according
    to our U.S. Supreme Court since January 22, 1973,
    but we must obey the voice of God, not the voice
    of men (Ac.529)
  • Abortion is "popular," but remember, "for that
    which is exalted among men is an abomination in
    the sight of God" (Lk.1615)
  • Abortion is called "pro-choice," "reproductive
    choice," and "termination of pregnancy" by man,
    but God calls it sin (Prov.617)

Gods View vs. Mans View
  • When one understands and accepts God's view of
    the unborn, respects human life, accepts that
    human life begins before birth, learns to love a
    (unborn) child and realizes that God will punish
    the murderer who sheds innocent blood, then that
    person will never become "pro-choice
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