Title: ACT-R/S:%20Extending%20ACT-R%20to%20make%20big%20predictions
1ACT-R/S Extending ACT-R to make big predictions
- Christian Schunn, Tony Harrison,
- Xioahui Kong, Lelyn Saner,
- Melanie Shoup, Mike Knepp,
- University of Pittsburgh
- Combine functional analysis
- Computational level (Marr) Knowledge level
(Newell) Rational level (Anderson) - with neuroscience understanding
- most elaborated about gross structure
- to build a spatial cognitive architecture for
problem solving
3Need for 3 Systems
- Computational Considerations
- Some tasks need to ignore size, orientation,
location - Some tasks need highly metric 3D part reps
4Need for 3 Systems
- Computational Considerations
- Some tasks need to ignore size, orientation,
location - Some tasks need highly metric 3D part reps
- Some tasks need relative 3D locations of blob
5ACT-R/S Three Visiospatial Systems
Traditional what system
Traditional where system
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9Allocentric vs. egocentric representations
- All ACT-R/S representations are inherently
egocentric representations - gt Allocentric view points must be inferred
(computed) - Q
- What about data suggestive of allocentric
10Configural System
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- Pyramidal cells in rodent hippocampus (CA1/CA3)
- Fires maximally w/r rodents location -
regardless of orientation - Span many modalities (aural, olfactory, visual,
haptic vestibular) - Stable across time
- Plot cell-firing rate across space
13Place-cells(the not-so pretty picture)
- Cell firing within a rat is also correlated with
- Goal (Shapiro Eichenbaum, 1999)
- Direction of travel (OKeefe, 1999)
- Duration in the environment (Ludvig, 1999)
- Relative configuration of landmarks (Tanila,
Shapiro Eichenbaum, 1997 Fenton, Csizmadia,
Muller, 2000)
from Burgess, Jackson, Hartley OKeefe 2000
14ACT-R/S and Place-cells
15Egocentric RepresentationAllocentric
16Foraging Model
- Virtual rat searching for food
- Square environment with each wall as a landmark
(obstacle free) - When no food is available, rat free roams or
returns to previously successful location - Food is placed semi-randomly to force rat to
cover the entire environment multiple times - Record activation across time and space for
preselected configural-relationships - (Add Guasssian noise)
17Single-Chunk Recording
Stable fields are a function of regularities
in the learned attending pattern.
Multiple passes through same region will
reactivate configural relation chunk.
Multi-modal peaks likewise influenced by goal
(same landmarks, different order).
18What about humans?
- Small scale orientation and navigation data
typically reports egocentric representations - Diwadkar McNamara, 1997 Roskos-Ewoldsen,
McNamara, Shelton, Carr, 1998 Shelton
McNamara, 1997 - One famous counter-example
- Mou McNamara, 2002
19Mou McNamara (2002)
- Subjects study a view of objects from 315 deg.
- Study it as if from intrinsic axis (0 deg)
- A-B
- C-D-E
- F-G
- Testing asks subjects to imagine
- Standing at X
- Look at Y
- Point to Z
- Plot pointing error as function of imagined
heading (X-Y) - 0, 90, 180, 270 much lower error!
315º View position
20Zero parameter egocentric prediction
- The hierarchical task analysis of training and
testing - But extra boost from encoding configuration
chunks (egocentric vectors as in ACT-R/S) - Count number of times any specific chunk will be
accessed - Compute probability of successful retrieval of
chunks (location, facing, pointing), using basic
ACT-R chunk learning and retrieval functions,
default parameters, delay of 10 minutes
21Modeling Frames of Reference
- Zero parameter prediction
- Playing with noise parameter(s) and retrieval
threshold (?) improve absolute fit (RMSE) - All (reasonable) parameter values produce similar
qualitative fit
22More data
- Having mats on the floor which emphasize
allocentric frame of reference - No effect (as predicted)
- Square vs. round room
- No effect (as predicted)
- Training order from ego vs. allocentric
orientation - Big effect (as predicted)
23Training Order
Mou McNamara (2002) Exp 2