Title: Niles Singer and Juliana Ryan
1Forms of Energy!!!
Niles Singer and Juliana Ryan
Work-an object force motion
I have the potential to have energy
I am energy in motion
Potential energy- stored energy
Kinetic energy- energy of motion
Forms of Energy
Light Energy-energy you can see, Heat
Energy-energy you can feel, Sound Energy-energy
you can hear
Force- a push or pull
Energy- the ability to do work and make a change
Magnet-is an object that attracts certain other
objects to it
Magnetism-is an attractive force
Law of Magnetic Attraction- states that like
poles repel and unlike poles attract
4Light and Colors
Absorb- swallowing up
Spectrum of light-light that is separated
Refract- when light passes through a prism it
gets refracted or bent
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
Prism- a triangular prism made out of see through
glass or plastic that separates light
Reflect- to bounce back
Additive color mixing- mixing light beams because
each beam of light adds its colors to the mixture
We see certain colors because sunlight is made up
of many different colors of light.
Subtractive color mixing- taking light and
separating it into beams of color, like a prism
5Lenses and Mirrors
What do concave mirrors do when they are far away?
Makes things fuzzy
Flip the image
6What do mirrors do?
Show movies
Passes light through it
Reflect light and images
7What do convex lens do to images?
Makes things smaller
Makes things slimmer
Makes things BIGGER
11The light beams converge and cross.
12Eye convex lens
13(No Transcript)
Vibrate- means to move quickly back and forth
Sound energy- made when something causes an
object to vibrate
Frequency (pitch)- the difference between
highness and lowness
Sound waves- carries energy from one place to
Volume- the loudness of a sound
Sound waves
Technology-Anything manmade to help improve
something and solve a problem
Engineering- uses math and science to help people
solve problems
Engineering design process- Ask questions,
imagine solutions, plan and create design, and
improve it.