Title: Student Achievement Model
1Student Achievement Model
Port Hope
Huron County Rural Schools
Elkton-Pigeon-Bay Port
North Huron
Bad Axe
Harbor Beach
Huron Intermediate School District Our
Story May 4, 2010
Cass City
2Student Achievement Model
- Purpose
- Improve student achievement
- Method
- Build capacity in local districts by
- maximizing leadership potential of
- Teacher Leaders
3SAM is an RtI Model
- Strong core programs
- Early intervention
- Research-based practices
- Data-based decision making
- A continuum of instructional support
4Critical Components of SAM
- Structured teams
- Training
- Teacher Leaders
- Administrators
- Collaboration general and special education
5SAM Structure
- SAM Steering Committee and Leadership Team
- SAM Training Teams
- LEA Teams
- District Team
- Building Team
- Department/Grade-Level Team
- Teacher Leader training 2006-2007
- Universal Screening Kindergarten through Algebra
7Universal (Benchmark) Screening
- For ALL students
- Focus on essential, important skills
- Instructionally relevant
- Efficient to administer
- Sensitive to change in skill performance
- Measure fluency of performance
8Math Measures Used in SAM
Measure Source Time
Tests of Early Numeracy (TEN) Grades K-1 4 measures AIMSweb 1 min. each individually administered
Mixed Computation Grades 1-6 AIMSweb 2 4 min. paper/pencil
Algebra Measures Grade 6 Algebra 1 AAIMS Iowa State University 5 7 min. paper/pencil
9Tests of Early Numeracy Grades K 1
- Oral Counting
- Number Identification
- Quantity Discrimination
- Missing Number
Quantity Discrimination (QDM)
10Mixed Computation Grades 1-6
- Whole number computation Grades
- 1-5 (M-CBM)
- Rational computation Grade 6 (custom)
- M-COMP new August, 2010
Rational Computation Measure
11Algebra Basic Skills Grades 6-7
12Algebra FoundationsGrades 7, 8, and Algebra I
13Content Analysis (Multiple Choice)Grade 8 and
Algebra I
14Math Assessment Sources
- AIMSweb
- http//www.aimsweb.com
- Project AAIMS Algebra Assessment and
Instruction Meeting Standards - http//www.ci.hs.iastate.edu/aaims/homepage.html
- Others Math DIBELS, Easy CBM, Edcheckup, Yearly
Progress Pro
15Progress Monitoring / RtI Websites
- Research Institute on Progress Monitoring
- http//www.progressmonitoring.net/
- National Center on Student Progress Monitoring
- http//studentprogress.org/
- National Center on Response to Intervention
- http//www.rti4success.org/
16Local School, Grade 6, Math Fluency
17Local School, K Missing Number Fall to Spring
- Implemented PALS Math in addition to core
curriculum - Percent of Kindergarteners at Tier 1 increased
from 5 in the Fall to 81 in the Spring
18Local Elementary BuildingMath Fluency
- Implemented PALS Math
- Purchased updated math curriculum
- Provided focused math fact practice consistently
across grades - Spring 2007 33 at Tier 1
- Spring 2009 73 at Tier 1
19Local SchoolGrade 8 Algebra Foundations
Went from 25 Tier 1 in Fall to 100 Tier 1
in Spring ALL Tier 3 and Tier 2 students in Fall
moved up a level by Winter
20Progress Monitoring Every Strategic and
Intensive Student
21Finding Research-Based Resources
What Works Clearinghouse - ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc
22Math Supplements and Interventions
- PALS Math, K-6 (Vanderbilt University)
- Michigan Mathematics Program Improvement Project
(MMPI), Grades 2-8 - (www.michiganmathematics.org)
- Number Worlds, Pre-K-8 (SRA)
- Connecting Math Concepts, K-8 (SRA)
- Corrective Math, Grades 3-adult (SRA)
- Odyssey, K-8, High School (Compass Learning)
- Cognitive Tutor (Carnegie Learning)
23Next Steps in Mathematics
- Continue benchmark screening
- Broaden approach to assessment
- Continue PD and resource identification
- Maintain curriculum alignment
- sammath.wikispaces.com
24SAM Literacy Writing and Reading
25Writing Next
- Effective Elements to Improve Writing Achievement
for Grades 4 - 12 (Graham and Perin) - Strategies
- Summarization
- Collaborative Writing
- Specific Product Goals
- Word Processing
- Sentence Combining
- Need for DIRECT INSTRUCTION (modeling pacing
increased engagement scope and sequence
systematic review of skills routines for
responding and asking questions providing
specific and consistent feedback)
- Prewriting
- Inquiry Activities
- Process Writing Approach
- Study of Models
- Writing for Content Learning
2690-90-90 Schools on Writing
- Multiple opportunities for improvement
- Emphasis on NON-FICTION writing
- Collaborative scoring of student work
- Value of feedback
- Impact of time
- Value every adult in the system
- Cross-disciplinary integration
27Essential Components for Literacy
- Direct, Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
- Word Meanings and Independent Strategies
- Direct and Explicit Comprehension Strategy
Instruction - Active Participation
- Multiple Strategies
- Writing
- Across disciplines, using self-regulation
- Aids comprehension
28Essential Components, Continued
- Motivation and Engagement
- Reading Instruction
- ALL students will benefit from some reading
instruction (word-level work) - SOME students need intensive reading instruction
- Include decoding and fluency, vocabulary,
background knowledge, and comprehension
strategies - Instruction will vary across content areas
29Universal Screening in Literacy
- Letter copying in Kindergarten
- Correct writing sequences Grades 1-12
- DIBELS for Reading
30Local School Grade 5 Writing Fluency
31Grades 9-12 Writing, All SAM
32Local Elementary BuildingWriting Fluency
- In the district, only 77 of students were in
the green - Two retired writing teachers were hired last year
to give extra writing support - Common planning time for teachers was created
- All teachers were trained in Step Up to Writing
- Scores improved 12
33K Phoneme Segmentation Jan. to MayBEFORE Tier 1
34Same teacher following yearAFTER Tier 1 Changes
35Tier 1
- Step Up to Writing
- K-12, cross-disciplinary
- Local Trainers
- Implementation Plans
- Strategies
- Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD)
- Cover, Copy, Compare
36Tiers 2 and 3
- Tier 1 Programs and Strategies, with...
- Reduced group size
- Increased instructional time, frequency,
intensity - Specific Intervention Programs and Strategies
- REWARDS Writing
- Expressive Writing 1 and 2
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Sentence combining strategies
Direct, explicit Instruction
37Reading Supplements and Interventions
- Road to the Code
- Stepping Stones
- Ladders to Literacy
- Sound Partners
- Phonics for Reading
- REWARDS (and Plus)
- Read Naturally
- Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction
38Next Steps for Literacy
- Update HISD Literacy Guiding Document
- Continue Step Up to Writing implementation
- Train teacher leaders in adolescent literacy
- Research additional interventions for reading and
writing - Research alternate early writing measure
- Implement additional diagnostic measures
- Incorporate Common Core Standards
39SAM - What Wed Do the Same
- Train and support administrators
- Structure local teams (district, building,
grade/department) - Engage HISD teams in deep, ongoing study
- Facilitate systematic data review process
40SAM - What Wed Do Differently
- Carefully select Teacher Leaders
- Frontload in-depth training for administrators
- Gather systematic input from locals
- Provide appropriate support for worker bees
- More clearly define roles and expectations up
41How Life Has Changed
- Students write and learn more
- More interaction between General Education and
Special Education - Local administrator discussions more targeted
toward student achievement - HISD staff have broader (and deeper) knowledge
base - Teachers are more effective (strategies and use
of time)
42- Change takes time if a magic wand existed, we
would have already used it
43For More Information . . .
- www.hisd.k12.mi.us
- Click Student Achievement Model at left
- Janet Richards
- janet_at_hisd.k12.mi.us
- Peggy Randall
- pegann_at_hisd.k12.mi.us
- Jennifer Trusock
- jtrusock_at_hisd.k12.mi.us