Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate


Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate Pieter Botha Deputy Chief Inspector on Mines Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate

Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate Pieter
Botha Deputy Chief Inspector on Mines
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
  1. Purpose
  2. Strategic Objectives
  3. Organogram
  4. Budget
  5. Challenges
  6. Time Study
  7. Output Targets

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
To regulate and promote health and safety in the
mining industry to the highest standards in the
world, thereby improving the quality of life of
those employed in industry and those affected by
the industrys activities.
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
  • Staff Complement

    Technical Staff
    197 Admin Staff 50

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
MHSI Strategic Objectives
  • Accidents investigations
  • Reportable accidents
  • Inquiries
  • Every fatal accident
  • Section 72 (1) Remedial Steps
  • Submit report to Director Public Prosecutions

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Enforcement of MHS Act
  • Section 54 Rectify and/or stop section or
  • Section 55 Comply with Act regulations
  • Administrative fine

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Promotion of HS in the Sector
  • Mine Health and Safety Summit
  • Conference, seminars, exhibition
  • Regional Summits, stakeholder meetings
  • Newsletters, newsflash
  • Award Schemes

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
HR and Organisational Development
  • MHSI Review project outcomes
  • PMA Consulting
  • Inspectors Academy _at_ Wits University
  • Training Programme for Engineers

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
MHS Council
  • National targets for 2013
  • Occupational Health
  • Elimination of silicosis
  • Elimination of noise induced hearing loss
  • Occupational Safety
  • Gold sector to improve by 50
  • Coal, Platinum and other improve by 20

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
  • Nine thrust areas
  • Research Programme for 2004/05

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
  • 2004/05 - 5 Senior Insp. Hygiene
  • 2005/06 4 Senior Insp. Hygiene 5 Medicine
  • 2006/07 4 Senior Insp. Medicine


PROGRAMMES 2004/05 2004/05 2005/06 2005/06 2006/07
PROMOTION OF MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH 99 633 8,8 108 368 7,7 116 751
CURRENT PAYMENTS 95301 103772 111874
Compensation employees 70539 76997 83254
Use of goods end services Admin,Kloppersbos, legal fees 24762 26775 28620
Current transfers Subs. (Council) 3992 4237 4496
Cap. Transfers subsidies - - -

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
  • Shortage of Inspectors
  • Complement 197/Vacancies 39
  • Impact of illegal mining
  • High incidence of health and safety

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Work Load
Inspections Audits Stat. Inspections Meetings 4000 Audits 8000 Inspections
Batho Pele Permits Complaints Examinations Applications Exemptions Medical data
Inquiries/ Investigations Serious Accidents Complaints Incidents
Planning Research accidents Trends Time Working place Day of the week Seriousness Inspection/audit frequency Hotspots
Small scale mining Assist with plans Technical Advice Legal guidance Liaise with M.Dev.
  • Time available (8,5x20) 170 hours
  • Lunch and Tea (1,25x20) 25 hours
  • Leave (26x8)/12) 17,33
  • Productive Time 127,67 hours
  • Meetings (0,5x20) 10 hours
  • Travel (2000km_at_80k/h) 25 hours

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
  • Admin work (40 of 82.67) 33 hours
  • Time available for visits 49 hours
  • No of inspections (49/6) 8 Inspections

Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Comprehensive policy and legislative framework to support the Mine Health and Safety Act National policy and legislative framework to reduce workplace injury and disease. Completed Completed by March 2005
Implementation of appropriate strategy to address current occupational health and safety concerns (in major commodity areas) Regular assessment of implementation and appropriateness of strategy Annual strategy update by all chief directorates by March 2005, and monthly assessment thereafter Annual strategy update by all chief directorates by March 2006 and monthly assessment thereafter Annual strategy update by all chief directorates by March 2007, and monthly assessment thereafter
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Mining Qualifications Authority outputs to support health and safety, human resource development, and transformation of the mining sector Alignment between inspectorate's capacity and strategy through restructuring and relocations. Alignment between MQA outputs, the Mining Charter and the legislative programme of the inspectorate Ongoing. Report to be finalised by October 2005 Alignment completed March 2005 Ongoing. Monitor implementation Ongoing. Monitor implementation
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Improved health and safety in the mining sector Improvement in fatality and injury rates to meet industry targets. Improved health and safety in the mining sector Gold sector Platinum, coal and other mine sector Zero rates of fatalities and injuries by 2013 5 decrease per annum on 2003 base 2 decrease per annum on 2003 base Zero rates of fatalities and injuries. Milestone 2013 5 decrease per annum on previous year    2 decrease per annum on previous year Zero rates of fatalities and injuries. Milestone 2013 5 decrease per annum on previous year    2 decrease per annumon previous year
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Degree of improvement in occupational health silicosis determine meaningful industry targets Date for silicosis to be eliminated Completed by June 2004 To be achieved by 2013. Monitor progress March 2005   Monitor progress. March 2006 To be achieved by 2013. Monitor progress March 2006 Monitor progress March 2007 To be achieved by 2013. Monitor progress March 2007
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Degree of reduction in noise induced hearing loss determine meaningful industry targets Date for noise induced hearing loss to be eliminated Completed by June 2004 To be achieved by 2013. Monitor progress March 2005   Monitor progress. March 2006 To be achieved by 2013. Monitor progress March 2006 Monitor progress March 2007 To be achieved by 2013. Monitor progress March 2007
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Regular monitoring of mines to assess effective occupational health and safety management systems, and plans to address concerns and hotspots Monthly monitoring and assessment of occupational health and safety systems, and implementation of remedial action plans as required To be achieved by 2013 Monthly monitoring and assessment of occupational health and safety systems, and implementation of remedial action plans as required Monitor progess. March 2006. To be achieved by 2013 Monthly monitoring and assessment of occupational health and safety systems, and implementation of remedial action plans as required. Monitor progress March 2007. To be achieved by 2013
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Number of planned inspections and audits completed, depending on available capacity Target 80 of mines 80 of planned inspections/audits as per regional capacity Target 80 of mines 80 of planned inspections/audits as per regional capacity Target 80 of mines 80 of planned inspections/audits as per regional capacity
Specified time for reports on accidents and incidents to be released Within 3 months of occurrence Within 3 months of occurrence Within 3 months of occurrence
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Occupational health and safety information and statistics Percentage of mining industry data on the occupational health data systems 80 by March 2005 Ongoing Ongoing
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
Objective Output Measure/Indicator Target Date 2004/05 Target Date 2005/06 Target Date 2006/07
Design research programme for technical support on identified issues in the mining sector. Programme to address occupational health and safety concerns approved and funding secured Communicate research results Annual research programme by April 2005 At least 4 workshops on research results by March 2005 Annual research programme by April 2006 At least 4 workshops on research results by March 2006 Annual research programme by April 2007 At least 4 workshops on research results by March 2007
Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
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Minerals and Energy for Development and Prosperity
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