Title: Market Trends in Information Technology Investment
1Market Trends in Information Technology
5th Venture Capital Forum, Athens 16/6/2004
2Vectis Capital
Vectis Capital
- ?Management company of Venture Capital / Private
Equity Funds - ?Founded in August 2000
- ? Member of Leventis Group
- ? 1st fund under management 30 m
- ? Provider of Funds,
- Consultancy,
- Business Synergies
3Vectis Capital
Investment Model
? Adequate Management Team ? Time Horizon of 4 -
6 years
4Vectis Capital
Venture Capital Fundamentals
- ? A form of financing, which gives up some
ownership and control of the company in exchange
for capital, over a limited time frame, usually
4-6 years. - ? The exit of the venture capitalist can be an
IPO, a merger or acquisition, or a trade sale. - ? Unlike banks, which seek their return through
interest payments, venture firms look for capital
appreciation. Their payoff is how much their
original investment has increased. - ? The fundamental investment criteria of venture
capitalists boil down to these three points - ? the management team
- ? the product or service
- ? the market
5Vectis Capital
Market Trends in Information Technology
I. The Environment
- ? Increased investment appetite
- There is significant availability of capital.
Investors are more familiar with risk. - New investment structures and instruments have
emerged. - ? Global competition among Venture Capitals for
quality investments - Sustainable technology attracts the best
6Vectis Capital
Market Trends in Information Technology
I. The Environment
? Globalisation in Investments Exits Venture
Capitals from different continents are
co-investing. Exits as IPOs or trade sales can
take part in any place of the world. We see more
and more Transatlantic and cross-European
investment as well as exit deals. ? For
Greece Funding Emergence of Incubators,
Technology Parks etc. Deals Emergence of
Academic and Research Institutes spin offs.
7Vectis Capital
Market Trends in Information Technology
II. The Trend
Major target are Products/Services ? With
global market potential ? A hot example
Business Efficiency/Effectiveness
Increased Sales
Increased Productivity
Cost Savings
Customer Profitability
8Vectis Capital
Business Efficiency/Effectiveness
Software Areas that will excel
- Business Intelligence Systems
- to monitor and manage individual transactions
and business processes in real-time. - e.g. SECURITY can generate alerts when an
important event occurs or when there is a
departure from expected behaviour
- Business Integration Technologies
- Long-running processes for business-to-business
integration - e.g. ON LINE TRANSACTIONS Business Exchanges
- Supply Chain Execution/Planning
- real-time information about order status,
inventory levels, as well as other supply chain
events such as deliveries, warehousing, shipments
and production. - e.g. FOOD INDUSTRY from ingredients to full
recall of products
9Vectis Capital
Case Study in Supply Chain Execution
? Excellent Market Potential ? Internationally
Competitive Product ? Strong Management Team with
International Experience
10Vectis Capital
Logistics Vision TM
? Excellent Market Potential
The Supply Chain Software Market
11Vectis Capital
Logistics Vision TM
? Internationally Competitive Product
- One of the few 100 Microsoft .NET Supply Chain
Execution suite available worldwide today. - Based on open and de-facto standards supporting
the two most popular RDBMS systems, Oracle and
Microsoft SQL server. - Multilingual Easily upgradeable, based on the
latest release control techniques. - Already projects abroad
12Vectis Capital
Logistics VisionTM
13Vectis Capital
Logistics VisionTM
IV. Front Line Automation
V. Inventory Optimisation