New Protocols for Asymmetric Communication Channels - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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New Protocols for Asymmetric Communication Channels


New Protocols for Asymmetric Communication Channels Presented by Nick Farnan 11-11-08 Setup: Client needs to send server an n-length bit string x The communication ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: New Protocols for Asymmetric Communication Channels

New Protocols for Asymmetric Communication
  • Presented by Nick Farnan
  • 11-11-08

Asymmetric Communications
  • Setup
  • Client needs to send server an n-length bit
    string x
  • The communication channel to send from server to
    client has much greater bandwidth than the one
    from client to server
  • The server knows D, the distribution of
    probabilities of receiving any give n-length bit
    string from the client (Note that the client has
    no knowledge of D)?

Asymmetric Communications
  • In his A Mathematical Theory of Communication,
    Shannon provided a limit to the amount of
    lossless compression of any communication with
    Shannon entropy
  • Entropy is defined to be a measure of uncertainty
    in a random variable (in this case a bit string)?
  • A repeating string (i.e. 00000...) has minimal
    entropy as it is completely predictable, while a
    random bit string (could be any bit string of
    length n with equal probability) has maximum

Asymmetric Communications
  • From this, we can draw the conclusion that the
    absolute minimum expected number of bits that the
    client will have to send to the server to
    describe x to the server is the entropy of x,

Asymmetric Communications
  • Consider a list of all n length bit string
    ordered from least to greatest
  • Let F(x) be the sum of D(y) for all y lt x
  • Let F'(x) F(x) 1/2(D(x))?
  • Given a real number v in the range (0, 1, a bit
    string y is considered to be a v-split string if
    it is the largest n bit string such that F'(y) lt

Asymmetric Communications
Split-String Algorithm
Split-String Algorithm
  • By using split strings, the server can do a sort
    of binary search through the space of n bit
    strings to determine the string x that the client
    wishes to send.

  • Fact F'(x) is the midpoint of the interval
    (F(x), F(x) D(x))?
  • After m rounds, given that D(x) gt 2(1-m), and
    that F'(x) is contained within (um, vm), at the
    end of the current round, y x z, and hence
    the string has been discovered!
  • Hence, if it takes at most m1 rounds to discover
    the string being sent, the client m1 bits
    indicating which side of the split string the x
    falls on

  • Now, asm1 ceil(lg(1/D(x)))1 lt
  • The expected number of rounds can be bounded by
    the sum over all x ofD(x) (lg(1/D(x))
    2sum(D(x) lg(1/D(x))) 2H(D) 2
  • A constant factor from optimal!

Asymmetric Communication Protocols via Hotlink
  • Presented by Nick Farnan
  • 11-11-08

The Hotlinking Problem
  • Proposed for the Web to make particular pages on
    a site more accessible
  • Given a rooted tree where each leaf has a
    probability attached to it (let D be the
    distribution of these probabilities), the
    Hotlinking problem moves subtrees up the tree
    closer to to the root in order to minimize the
    cost of the tree as a whole.

The Hotlinking Problem
  • Definitions
  • c(u) is the sum of all of the probabilities of
    the leaves of the subtree rooted at node u, this
    is the cost of u
  • c(u, v) where u is the parent of v, is c(v), this
    is the cost of edge u-v
  • d(u, T) is the length of the path from the root
    of T to u
  • c(T) is the sum of the costs of all the edges in
    tree T
  • L(T) is the set of leaves of T

The Hotlinking Problem
  • Adoption
  • A node u can adopt one of its decedents (w) by
    removing w from it's parents list of children and
    adding it instead to u's list of children

The Hotlinking Problem
  • A k-hotlink-assignment of T is obtained by
    performing up to k adoptions (where k is some
    integer) at the root of T, creating T1, and the
    further find a k-hotlink-assignment for each
    subtree of T1 that is a child of the root.
  • This problem has been show to be generalized as
    at each node u, adopt a its descendants until all
    descendants of u are either leaves or have a cost
    lt (2/(k2)) c(u)?

The Hotlinking Problem
  • The resulting tree will have a cost of at most
    (H/(lg(k 2) 1)) 1, where H is the
    entropy of D, the distribution of the leaves

Hotlinking in Asymmetric Communications
  • Let T be a complete binary tree with 2n leaves
    (where n is the length of the string being sent
    from client to server) and a label on each edge
    such that all edges leading to left children have
    the label 0 and all the right are labeled 1
  • Each vertex is then labeled with its path from
    the root (i.e. going left, right then left from
    the root would lead to a node labelled 010)?

Hotlinking in Asymmetric Communications
  • Both client and server maintain r1 and r2 where
    r1r2 is the string r that the client wishes to
  • Initially, r1 is set to empty and the server does
    not know r2
  • Find T', the k-hotlink-assignment of T
  • For each round of the protocol, the server
    considers all of the children (w) of node u in T
    whose label is r1, and send to the client all l
    where l is label(w) - r1

Hotlinking in Asymmetric Communications
  • The client then replies with the index in the
    last server message of the longest l that is a
    prefix of r2
  • The client then removes l from the beginning of
    r2, and both client and server add l to r1
  • If r1 n, the server outputs r1 and the
    communication terminates

Hotlinking in Asymmetric Communications
  • The client can then be expected to send
    c(T') ceil(lg(k 2))?
  • Given that c(T') (H/(lg(k 2) 1)) 1, the
    client can then be expected to send
    ceil(lg(k2)) bits
  • setting e (ceil(lg(k2))/(lg(k2)-1)) 1, and
    ce ceil(lg(k2)), then, a protocol where
    client is expected to send (1e)H ce bits is
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