System Software - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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System Software


System Software System software refers to the files and programs that make up your computer's operating system. System files include libraries of functions, system ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: System Software

System Software
  • System software refers to the files and programs
    that make up your computer's operating system.
  • System files include libraries of functions,
    system services, drivers for printers and other
    hardware, system preferences, and other
    configuration files.
  • The programs that are part of the system software
    include assemblers, compilers, file management
    tools, system utilities, and debuggers.

System Software
  • Unlike application programs, however, system
    software is not meant to be run by the end user.
  • For example, while you might use your Web browser
    every day, you probably don't have much use for
    an assembler program (unless, of course, you are
    a computer programmer).

System Software
  • Since system software runs at the most basic
    level of your computer, it is called "low-level"
  • It generates the user interface and allows the
    operating system to interact with the hardware.
  • Fortunately, you don't have to worry about what
    the system software is doing since it just runs
    in the background. It's nice to think you are
    working at a "high-level" anyway.

  • Even the most experienced software programmers
    usually don't get it right on their first try.
  • Certain errors, often called bugs, can occur in
    programs, causing them to not function as the
    programmer expected.
  • Sometimes these errors are easy to fix, while
    some bugs are very difficult to trace. This is
    especially true for large programs that consist
    of several thousand lines of code.

  • Fortunately, there are programs called debuggers
    that help software developers find and eliminate
    bugs while they are writing programs.
  • A debugger tells the programmer what types of
    errors it finds and often marks the exact lines
    of code where the bugs are found.
  • Debuggers also allow programmers to run a program
    step by step so that they can determine exactly
    when and why a program crashes.
  • Advanced debuggers provide detailed information
    about threads and memory being used by the
    program during each step of execution.

Operating System
  • Also known as an "OS," this is the software that
    communicates with computer hardware on the most
    basic level.
  • Without an operating system, no software programs
    can run. The OS is what allocates memory,
    processes tasks, accesses disks and peripherials,
    and serves as the user interface.

Operating System
  • With an operating system, like Windows, the Mac
    OS, or Linux, developers can write code using a
    standard programming interface (known as an API).
  • Without an operating system, programmers would
    have to write about ten times as much code to get
    the same results.
  • Of course, some computer geniuses have to program
    the operating system itself.

  • An application, or application program, is a
    software program that runs on your computer. Web
    browsers, e-mail programs, word processors,
    games, and utilities are all applications.
  • The word "application" is used because each
    program has a specific application for the user.
  • For example, a word processor can help a student
    create a research paper, while a video game can
    prevent that same student from getting the paper

  • In contrast, system software consists of programs
    that run in the background, enabling applications
    to run.
  • These programs include assemblers, compilers,
    file management tools, and the operating system
  • Applications are said to run on top of the system
    software, since the system software is made of of
    "low-level" programs.
  • While system software is automatically installed
    with the operating system, you can choose which
    applications you want to install and run on your

  • These have two functions
  • to check whether the submitted program is a legal
  • to translate it into a lower level language e.g.
    machine code (which is usually called the object
  • The object program produced is usually
    interpreted by the hardware. Any process that
    does this, hardware or software, is called an
    interpreter. It simulates the execution of a
    program rather than translating the user's
    program into machine instructions.

  • An example of this is the UNIX system Pascal
    compiler. pc translates the Pascal program into
    intermediate code in a file called e.out. The
    program em1 is the interpreter, reading from
    e.out and interpreting it.
  • One advantage of interpretation is that the
    author of an interpreter has more control over
    the execution of the user's program than the
    author of a compiler (e.g. checks for overflow).

  • One disadvantage is that the time taken to
    interpret a program can be much greater than the
    time taken to execute it under normal techniques.

(No Transcript)
  • These are programs which translate from assembly
    language. Both assemblers and compilers are
  • Assembly language is the mnemonic representation
    of binary machine code which allows you to use
    names for locations and instructions.

  • An assembler translating a program to binary has
    four tasks
  • Replace symbolic addresses e.g. LOOP, by numeric
  • Replace symbolic operation code by machine
    operation codes.
  • Reserve storage for the instructions and data.
    Each instruction and each piece of data counts as
    one word of memory and addresses are usually
    assigned from 0.
  • Translate constants into their machine

  • A simpler assembler must keep track of how many
    words we have generated so far (kept in the
    Instruction Location Counter). We need a table
    listing instructions and their opcodes (the
    opcode table).
  • The program is read twice by a two-pass

  • On the first pass we read all the variables and
    labels and put them into the Symbol Table (items
    in the label column take up no memory but are
    recorded in the symbol table using the address of
    the command next to them).
  • On the second pass, label gaps are filled from
    the table by replacing the label name with the

  • Possible errors while assembling the program
    include missing operand, illegal operation,
    missing definition (e.g. JMP LOOP where LOOP was
    never defined.
  • This is detected at the end of the first pass) or
    multiple definition (two locations called LOOP).

  • An assembler could be written in binary, which is
  • Alternatively an assembler could be written to
    run on machine B but generating code which runs
    on machine A (this is referred to as cross
  • To get a true assembler on machine A, you write
    the Pascal version in the assembly language of A,
    run it through the cross-assembler on B and
    transfer it to A (called bootstrapping).

  • In constructing a one-pass assembler, we still
    have the problem of forward references.
  • A forward reference is where a statement in the
    program contains a jump to a statement later on
    which the compiler hasn't met yet.

  • There are two common solutions
  • Put the object code directly in memory. If you
    come across a forward reference, note the
    location, leave it blank and come back and fill
    it in when it is defined. This also saves loading
    the program into memory at a later stage. There
    are problems
  • Addressing space occupied by the assembler
  • If the program is large there may not be enough
    space for both program and assembler.
  • It does not permit separate translation (where
    the program is developed in sections, each being
    translated and then joined using a link-loader
    program. This technique, assembling the code and
    leaving it in memory is called Assemble and Go).
  • It does not permit separate translation (where
    the program is developed in sections, each being
    translated and then joined using a link-loader
    program. This technique, assembling the code and
    leaving it in memory is called Assemble and Go).

  • There are two common solutions
  • Noting where forward references occur and where
    they are defined and putting this in the object
    code. The link-loader (usually written in
    assembly language) picks this up and fills in the
    locations (not all link loaders do this).
  • Two-pass assemblers are more common, although
    slower. On the first pass, the assembler makes a
    note of all the addresses referred to by labels.
    On the second pass, the addresses are written
    into the assembled code.

Link Loaders
  • The link loader derives standard routines (read,
    write, sin etc.) from libraries. The user can
    create his own personal libraries. The functions
    of a link-loader are
  • It may have to tie up forward references.
  • It manages libraries (stored in a special form
    to speed up the search).
  • It allocates space in memory for routines
    (forming its own memory map).
  • It resolves links, calling coroutines,
    procedures etc.

Link Loaders
  • It relocates code. Translators always allocate
    addresses from 0. Routines are not always loaded
    at address 0, so some changes are made to make
    jumps and references to data correct. Usually
    this means adding the starting address (allocated
    by the link-loader) to the address given by the
    translator. The translator marks all addresses
    needing relocating.

Link Loaders
  • A bootstrap loader activates when the computer is
    switched on. Every morning when the computer is
    switched on, the RAM is vacant.
  • The ROM contains a program which reads in from
    disk a more sophisticated loader, which loads the
    operating system which then executes.

  • The different options are
  • "Compile and Go", which is similar to Assemble
    and Go. The compiler reads the source file,
    checks it, translates it into machine code and
    puts it in memory.
  • The advantages of this are
  • It is relatively fast (there is no output to a
    file which is relatively slow).
  • The program is executable directly after

  • The disadvantages are
  • There is no link-loader (faster, but can't use
    any precompiled subroutines).
  • It lacks portability as absolute binary is
    being produced.
  • If the program is to be run again, it must be
    translated again (we can overcome this by also
    writing it out to a file which can be reloaded).
  • This is often used in educational establishments
    where execution time is less important that
    compilation time.

  • The different options are
  • "Translate and Interpret" (for example, pc/em1).
    In this case, the compiler reads the source file,
    translates it to intermediate code (in the case
    of pc this is called e.out), which is read by the
    interpreter which simulates the execution of the
  • The advantages of this are
  • It's fairly portable.
  • It's reasonably fast in translation.
  • The main disadvantage is that the program
    executes relatively slow.

  • The different options are
  • Translate into assembly language. The source
    file is read by the compiler and translated to
    assembly language, read by an assembler and
    passed to the link-loader which produces the
    object code.
  • The advantages of this are
  • It produces absolute binary so execution is
  • It accesses a link-loader so we can use
    pre-compiled routines.
  • It is relatively portable.
  • The main disadvantage is that it is slow to

  • The different options are
  • Translate directly into link-loader format (used
    by most compilers). The compiler reads the source
    and gives out link-loader format, which is read
    by the link-loader producing object code.
  • The advantages of this are
  • It can access libraries.
  • The execution is fast.
  • The translation is relatively fast.
  • The main disadvantage is that it isn't very

  • The different options are
  • Interactive translation, such as BASIC. There are
    three types of this
  • The more efficient type (usually done on larger
    machines). Each line of the program is translated
    separately into intermediate code.
  • The less efficient type (usual on micros). A line
    is typed in, put straight in the file which is
    interpreted. It is relatively slow.
  • The highly efficient type. The translator
    translates each line to absolute binary. After
    RUN is typed, we have direct execution.

Linking and Loading
  • Most programs are divided into separate parts,
    each of which is translated separately and linked
    by the link-loader to produce the load module.
    When the translator runs, it assigns 'virtual'
    addresses to the routines starting with 0.
    Therefore each of the object codes have internal
    references from 0.
  • The linker's task is to combine these.

Linking and Loading
  • It constructs a table of all object modules and
    their lengths.
  • Based on this table, it assigns a load address to
    each object module.
  • It finds all the instructions that contain a
    memory address and to each adds a relocation
    constant equal to the starting address of the
    module in which it is contained.
  • It finds all references to procedures and other
    modules in which it is contained.
  • It finds all references to procedures and other
    modules and inserts the appropriate address.

Dynamic Link-loading. Structure of an object
  • Usually contains six parts identification, entry
    point table, external reference table, machine
    instructions and constants, relocation directory
    and the end of the module.
  • The machine instructions are the part of the
    module which are the user's program.
  • The next part (the directory) is the table
    showing the addresses of the routines to be
    built-in (produced by the linker).

Dynamic Link-loading. Structure of an object
  • The compiled program with its virtual (from 0)
    addresses may be mapped into memory at any of
    several stages
  • On program execution.
  • When the program is written (some micros)
  • When the program is linked but before it is
    loaded (slightly more flexile than the previous
  • At load time.
  • When a base register is loaded (see below).
  • 6. When the program is compiled.

Dynamic Link-loading. Structure of an object
  • Options 1 and 5 provide protection against
    accidental jumps to other parts of memory.
  • A base register in the CPU is one loaded with the
    offset of the program.
  • There is also a limit register holding the offset
    of the end of the program. The PDP 11
    implementation is similar to this having eight
    hardware memory management registers.

  • A compiler is a program that translates a source
    program written in some high-level programming
    language (such as Java) into machine code for
    some computer architecture (such as the Intel
    Pentium architecture).
  • The generated machine code can be later executed
    many times against different data each time.

  • An interpreter reads an executable source program
    written in a high-level programming language as
    well as data for this program, and it runs the
    program against the data to produce some results.
    One example is the Unix shell interpreter, which
    runs operating system commands interactively.
  • Note that both interpreters and compilers (like
    any other program) are written in some high-level
    programming language (which may be different from
    the language they accept) and they are translated
    into machine code.

  • What is the Challenge?
  • Many variations
  • many programming languages
  • many programming paradigms
  • many computer architectures
  • many operating systems

  • Qualities of a compiler (in order of importance)
  • the compiler itself must be bug-free
  • it must generate correct machine code
  • the generated machine code must run fast
  • the compiler itself must run fast (compilation
    time must be proportional to program size)
  • the compiler must be portable (ie, modular,
    supporting separate compilation)
  • it must print good diagnostics and error messages
  • the generated code must work well with existing
  • must have consistent and predictable optimization.

  • A typical real-world compiler usually has
    multiple phases. This increases the compiler's
    portability and simplifies retargeting. The front
    end consists of the following phases
  • scanning a scanner groups input characters into
  • parsing a parser recognizes sequences of tokens
    according to some grammar and generates Abstract
    Syntax Trees (ASTs)
  • Semantic analysis performs type checking (ie,
    checking whether the variables, functions etc in
    the source program are used consistently with
    their definitions and with the language
    semantics) and translates ASTs into Irs
  • optimization optimizes Irs.

  • The back end consists of the following phases
  • instruction selection maps IRs into assembly
  • code optimization optimizes the assembly code
    using control-flow and data-flow analyses,
    register allocation, etc
  • code emission generates machine code from
    assembly code.

  • The generated machine code is written in an
    object file. This file is not executable since it
    may refer to external symbols (such as system
    calls). The operating system provides the
    following utilities to execute the code
  • linking A linker takes several object files and
    libraries as input and produces one executable
    object file. It retrieves from the input files
    (and puts them together in the executable object
    file) the code of all the referenced
    functions/procedures and it resolves all external
    references to real addresses. The libraries
    include the operating sytem libraries, the
    language-specific libraries, and, maybe,
    user-created libraries.
  • loading A loader loads an executable object file
    into memory, initializes the registers, heap,
    data, etc and starts the execution of the program.

Lexical Analysis
  • The lexical analyzer is responsible for
  • Reading in a stream of input characters
  • Produces as output a sequence of tokens
  • Upon get-next-token request from the parser, the

Lexical Analysis
  • A scanner groups input characters into tokens.
    For example, if the input is
  • x x(b1)
  • then the scanner generates the following sequence
    of tokens
  • id(x) id(x) (id(b) num(1))
  • where id(x) indicates the identifier with name x
    (a program variable in this case) and num(1)
    indicates the integer 1.
  • Each time the parser needs a token, it sends a
    request to the scanner. Then, the scanner reads
    as many characters from the input stream as it is
    necessary to construct a single token.

Lexical Analysis
  • The scanner may report an error during scanning
    (eg, when it finds an end-of-file in the middle
    of a string).
  • Otherwise, when a single token is formed, the
    scanner is suspended and returns the token to the
  • The parser will repeatedly call the scanner to
    read all the tokens from the input stream or
    until an error is detected (such as a syntax
  • Tokens are typically represented by numbers. For
    example, the token may be assigned number 35.

Lexical Analysis
  • Some tokens require some extra information.
  • For example, an identifier is a token (so it is
    represented by some number) but it is also
    associated with a string that holds the
    identifier name.
  • For example, the token id(x) is associated with
    the string, "x". Similarly, the token num(1) is
    associated with the number, 1.

Lexical Analysis
  • Tokens are specified by patterns, called regular
  • For example, the regular expression
    a-za-zA-Z0-9 recognizes all identifiers with
    at least one alphanumeric letter whose first
    letter is lower-case alphabetic.

  • Context-free Grammars
  • Consider the following input string
  • x2y
  • When scanned by a scanner, it produces the
    following stream of tokens
  • id(x) num(2) id(y)

  • Predictive Parsing
  • The goal of predictive parsing is to construct a
    top-down parser that never backtracks. To do so,
    we must transform a grammar in two ways
  • eliminate left recursion, and
  • 2. perform left factoring.
  • These rules eliminate most common causes for
    backtracking although they do not guarantee a
    completely backtrack-free parsing

  • Bottom-up Parsing
  • The basic idea of a bottom-up parser is that we
    use grammar productions in the opposite way (from
    right to left).
  • Like for predictive parsing with tables, here too
    we use a stack to push symbols.
  • If the first few symbols at the top of the stack
    match the rhs of some rule, then we pop out these
    symbols from the stack and we push the lhs
    (left-hand-side) of the rule. This is called a

Semantic Analysis
  • Abstract Syntax
  • The basic idea of a bottom-up parser is that we
    use grammar productions in the opposite way (from
    right to left).
  • Like for predictive parsing with tables, here too
    we use a stack to push symbols.
  • If the first few symbols at the top of the stack
    match the rhs of some rule, then we pop out these
    symbols from the stack and we push the lhs
    (left-hand-side) of the rule. This is called a

Lexical Analysis
  • The lexical analyzer is responsible for
  • Reading in a stream of input characters
  • Produces as output a sequence of tokens
  • Upon get-next-token request from the parser, the
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