Remember - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Remember Water can be a liquid or a solid or a gas. Solids, liquids and gases have different properties. Matter has three forms: solid, liquid and gas. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Remember

  • Water can be a liquid or a solid or a gas.
  • Solids, liquids and gases have different
  • Matter has three forms solid, liquid and gas.

First Activity Whats the Matter?Write Yes or
No in each box
Property Solid Liquid
Assumes the shape of its container
Can be formed into a sphere
Whats the Matter? Activity
  • Cornstarch (1/4 cup)
  • Water (1/8 cup)
  • Craft stick
  • Measuring cup
  • Ziplocs
  • Mix ingredients together in the ziploc bag using
    the stick.Stir quickly until the material is

Questions for Whats the Matter?
  • Does the material look like a solid or liquid ?
  • Poke your finger into the material. Does it
    behave like a solid or liquid? Why?
  • Take a spoonful of the material in your hand and
    roll it into a ball. How did it behave?
  • Now place the ball on the desk. How did it
  • Pick it up again and hold it for a few minutes.
    Do you observe any changes that demonstrate the
    presence of a gas?
  • Is this material a solid, liquid or gas?

Key Concepts
  • Solids have a fixed shape and volume
  • Liquids have a fixed volume but no fixed shape.
  • Gases have neither a fixed volume or shape.

  • In all 3 of these phases, the matter is in the
    form of atoms, molecules or ions.
  • In solids, they are closely packed and at
    relatively fixed positions.
  • In liquids, they are closely packed, but not in
    fixed positions.
  • In gases, they are widely spaced and not in fixed

Particle motion
  • The states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) depend
    on molecular motion.
  • In solids the atoms are closely locked in
    position and can only vibrate.
  • In liquids, the atoms and molecules are more
    loosely connected and can collide with and move
    past one another.
  • In gases, the atoms and molecules are free to
    move independently, colliding frequently.

Particle Motion
  • How do we know how much the atoms or molecules
  • In solids, the vibration of the particles in the
    lattice can be measured by sending in beams of
    light of specific energies
  • In liquids,the movement of the particles is
    responsible for its ability to flow and to
    dissolve other substances
  • In gases, the motion of the particles and their
    collisions with the walls of the container
    creates gas pressure

Phases of Matter (cont.)
  • Are there really 3 phases of matter?
  • If so, then what phase is the matter in the Sun?
    How about the stuff inside fluorescent light
    bulbs? Or fire?
  • Most everything in the Universe that is luminous
    is plasma -a fourth phase of matter, in which the
    atoms are ionized, or disassociated. Plasma is a
    common subject in physics, but is not studied in
    chemistry (or in the standards.)

  • Solid phase of matter that has fixed volume and
  • Liquid phase of matter with fixed volume but no
    fixed shape
  • Gas phase of matter with neither fixed volume
    nor shape
  • Note that all of these words have different
    meanings in colloquial English

  • What are other meanings for the word solid?
  • Note that gas is often used as slang for
    gasoline, which is a liquid, and has nothing to
    do with the usage of the word in this case.
  • Why are some types of financial accounts referred
    to as liquid?

  • Fill in the table below with common items.
  • Indicate whether the item is in the form of
    solid, liquid or gas.
  • Draw a picture of each item.
  • Examples could include water, ice, steam.
  • Item Phase Drawing

Break Something to think about
  • We are familiar with the effects that an increase
    in temperature has on melting solid ice to form
    liquid water, or heating water to create water
    vapor (steam)
  • Are there other ways to change phases? For
    example, can you melt ice without changing the

Standard Connections
  • Students know water can be a liquid or a solid
    and can be made to change back and forth from one
    form to the other (K)
  • Students know the properties of substances can
    change when they are .. cooled or heated (1)
  • Students know evaporation and melting are changes
    that occur when objects are heated (3)
  • How do we define temperature?
  • What are phase changes?

Defining temperature
  • A thermometer consists of a chamber or bulb of
    liquid with a long narrow tube attached. When the
    liquid inside becomes hotter, it expands and
    moves up the tube. When it cools, it contracts
    and moves back down. The level of the liquid can
    therefore be used as a measure of the temperature
    of an object.

Galileos thermoscope c. 1597
Defining temperature
  • Given beaker of water, thermometer, hot plate
  • Heat a beaker of water with a thermometer in it.
  • Record the temperature every 30 seconds, until it
    has been boiling at least 3 minutes.
  • Graph the temperature vs. time from your data.

Questions for the Temperature activity
  • Where on your graph does the water start to boil?
  • Does the temperature of the water change in the
    same way before it has begun to boil and after?
  • Explain how you can tell from your graph.
  • How do we calibrate a thermometer?
  • Write an operational definition for temperature.

Key concepts
  • On the Celsius scale, the boiling point of water
    is defined as 100o C, while the freezing point is
    defined as 0o C.
  • You can use these two fixed points to define a
    temperature scale, and to calibrate a
  • Water changes phase from liquid to gas form when
    it boils.

Phase Changes
  • There is a complicated relationship between
    temperature and pressure that describes the
    phases of matter for a substance.
  • This relationship is summarised in a phase
  • For example, the boiling point of water is 100o C
    at one atmosphere pressure, but increases as the
    pressure increases.

Phase Changes
Phase Changes
Phase Changes
  • Boiling can occur at much lower temperatures than
    100o C if the pressure is also much lower than
    1 atm.
  • Boiling therefore does not necessarily mean hot
    instead, it refers to the process of changing
    liquid to gas
  • Along the boiling point line, water vapor and
    liquid water can both exist
  • Heat is needed in order for the phase to change
    from liquid to gas

Phase Changes
  • The heat required to boil (1 g of) water (without
    changing its temperature) is called its heat of
  • Along the melting point line, ice and liquid
    water can both exist
  • Heat is required in order to melt ice to liquid
  • The heat required to melt (1 g of) water (without
    changing its temperature) is called its latent
    heat of fusion
  • At the triple point, all 3 phases of water can

Lunch puzzler
  • Consider a figure skater.
  • How does the phase diagram for water help you to
    understand what happens when the skater presses
    her blades on the ice?
  • In other words, how does ice skating work?

Standard Connections
  • Students know metals have properties in common,
    such as highthermal conductivity (5)
  • Students know heat flows in solids by conduction
  • How can we measure thermal conductivity?
  • What is the difference between temperature and

Third activity Thermal Conductivity
  • Given blocks of plastic, wood and aluminum that
    have been sitting out in the classroom for a
  • Measure the temperature of each with a
    thermometer. Do not hold them while making the
    measurements leave them on the table
  • Place the inside of your wrist against each
    object. How do they feel?

Third activity Thermal Conductivity
  • According to your operational definition, do the
    two blocks have the same temperature?
  • Is it possible for two objects to feel different
    to the touch and yet have the same temperature?
  • Does the feeling of hotness or coldness give a
    reliable indication of the temperature of an
  • What is happening to make the objects feel

Fourth activity Math connections
  • It takes one calorie of heat to raise the
    temperature of 1 g of water by 1o C. This is
    known as the specific heat of water
  • The heat of vaporization (of 1 g) of water (at
    100o C) is 540 calories. (This is how much it
    energy it takes to turn 1 g of water into 1 g of
    steam, without changing its temperature.) Before
    and after vaporization, the water and steam
    remain at 100o C.

Fourth activity Math connections
  • The heat of fusion (of 1 g) of water (at 0o C) is
    80 calories. (This is how much it energy it takes
    to melt 1 g of ice into 1 g of water, without
    changing temperature.) Before and after melting,
    the water and ice remain at 0o C.
  • How much heat does it take to melt 10 g of ice,
    heat the resulting water up to 100o C, and then
    boil the water until 1 g has turned into steam?

Fourth activity Math connections
Standard Connections
  • Students know water left in an open container
    evaporates, but water in a closed container does
    not (K)
  • Students know evaporation and melting are changes
    that occur when objects are heated (3)
  • Students know physical processes include freezing
    and boiling in which a material changes form with
    no chemical reaction (8)
  • What is happening when water evaporates?
  • What is the difference between evaporation and

Key concepts Evaporation
  • Evaporation occurs when some of the molecules at
    the surface of the liquid have enough energy to
    escape as gas
  • In a closed container, these molecules stay
    trapped as vapor

Key concepts Evaporation
  • One way to estimate how much energy is required
    to vaporize water at (for example) 20oC room
    temperature is
  • Vaporize 1 g of water at 100oC 540 cal
  • Cool 1 g of steam from 100oC to 20oC 40 cal (as
    you get 0.5 cal when you cool 1 g of steam by 1
  • So the total heat needed to evaporate 1 g of
    water at 20oC is about 580 cal. In other words,
    580 cal is removed from the mass of liquid for
    every gram of water that evaporates. This is why
    evaporation is a cooling process.

Evaporation vs. Boiling
  • Since the vapour particles are a gas, they can
    exert pressure on the liquid or on the walls and
    top of the container. This pressure is called the
    vapour pressure.
  • When a liquid boils, the vapor pressure is so
    large that bubbles form throughout the liquid,
    and carry the gas particles to the surface, where
    they boil off.
  • During evaporation, the vapour pressure is less
    than the air pressure, so no bubbles are formed.
    Vapour particles only leave from the surface.

Evaporation vs. Boiling
Standard Connections
  • Students know heat flows in fluids by conduction
    and convection (6)
  • Consider a pot water on an electric hot plate,
    which has been boiling steadily for some time
  • Describe all of the heat transfers taking place
    at the interfaces between the different elements
    air, water, pot, hot plate
  • What type of heat transfer is taking place at
    each interface?

Heating and Cooling
  • It is possible to keep foods quite cold without a
    refrigerator by wrapping them in a towel soaked
    in cold water. Why does this procedure work?
  • In many places, it takes weeks or months for snow
    that accumulated during the winter to melt. Why
    doesnt all of the snow melt as soon as the
    temperature climbs above 0oC?

Evaporation Melting
  • Students know evaporation and melting are changes
    that occur when objects are heated (3)
  • Is this third grade standard strictly true?
  • It requires energy to melt an object (heat of
    fusion) BUT
  • Evaporation can occur without heating an object.
    In fact, it cools an object as it removes the
    heat of vaporization.
  • Heating enhances the rate of evaporation, but it
    is not necessary.

Calories and Calories
  • We have defined a unit of heat (energy) known as
    a calorie. For example, it takes 1 calorie to
    heat 1 g of water by 1 degree C.
  • The calories that are used in discussing the
    energy content of food are usually written as
    Calories (capital C). These Calories are equal
    to1000 times the heat calorie (lower case c), so
    they are also called kilocalories (kcal).
  • How much would a 200 Cal candy bar cause a 50 kg
    persons temperature to rise (if they could not
    cool off)? Assume the person is made entirely of

  • Boiling process where heat is added to turn a
    liquid into a gas
  • Freezing process where heat is removed to turn
    a liquid into a solid
  • Melting process where heat is added to turn a
    solid into a liquid
  • Condensation process where heat is removed to
    turn a gas into a liquid

  • Evaporation surface process where a liquid
    turns into a gas, removing heat from the liquid
  • Conduction direct transfer of heat from one
    object to another
  • Convection transfer of heat by the formation of
    gas bubbles within a liquid that is unevenly

Academic Language
  • Why do we say someone that is very angry is
    boiling mad?
  • Why do we say someone who is motionless is frozen
    in place?
  • Think of other common uses of the vocabulary
    words that describe human behavior, rather than
    physical phenomena

Analogies and Student Involvement
  • Ask the students to record their Caloric intake
    for a day and make a list of what they did during
    that day (school work, activities, sports, etc.)
  • With the help of a reference book (Health book
    for example), have them compare their food
    calorie (C) intake, converted into energy (c),
    with how much energy they needed to do all the
    activities they were involved in during that day.

Vaporization Challenge
  • Which will burn more? A gram of boiling water at
    100o C that hits your skin (at a temperature of
    around 40o C) or a gram of steam at 100o C?
  • Why?
  • Explain your reasoning.

  • Materials like CO2 have phase diagrams that show
    a different relationship between pressure and
    temperature compared to water
  • At atmospheric pressure, CO2 is a solid, which
    changes directly into a gas
  • This process is called sublimation

Phase Diagram for CO2
Questions about CO2
  • Compared to 1 atm and room temperature, what type
    of conditions are necessary for CO2 to appear in
    liquid form?
  • If the temperature is held constant, what must
    happen in order for CO2 to boil ?
  • What must happen in order for CO2 to freeze?

Standard Connections
  • Students know properties of solid, liquid and
    gaseous substances, such as water (H2O) .. and
    carbon dioxide (CO2). (5)
  • What differences did you observe between water
    and carbon dioxide at room temperature?
  • What phases will these substances be in at a
    temperature of 100o C?
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