Title: Business%20Ethics
1Business Ethics
2Employees and Business Ethics
- The specific role of employees among the various
stakeholder groups - Core ethical topics of employees rights and
duties - Ethical issues and problems faced in
business-employee relations - The duties of employees and the companys
involvement in enabling employees to live up to
their duties - The notion of corporate citizenship in relation
to employees - Basic issues and problems of managing employees
in the context of globalization - Explore the notion of corporate citizenship in
relation to employees - The implication of sustainability for workplaces
and for specific working conditions
4Ethical issues in the firm-employee relation
5Management of human resources an ethical
problem between rights and duties
- The term human resource management and its
implications have been a subject of intense
debate in business ethics - Humans treated as important and costly resource
- Consequently, employees are subject to a strict
managerial rationale of minimising costs and
maximising the efficiency of the resource
6Rhetoric and reality in HRM
Rhetoric Reality
New working patterns Part-time instead of full-time jobs
Flexibility Management can do what it wants
Empowerment Making someone else take the risk and responsibility
Training and development Manipulation
Recognizing the contribution of the individual Undermining the trade union and collective bargaining
Teamworking Reducing the individuals discretion
Based on Legge (1998)
7Rights of employees as stakeholders of the firm
8Duties of employees as stakeholders of the firm
Employee duties Issues involved
Duty to comply with labour contract Acceptable level of performance Work quality Loyalty to the firm
Duty to comply with the law Bribery
Duty to respect the employers property Working time Unauthorized use of company resources for private purposes Fraud, theft, embezzlement
- Discrimination in the business context occurs
when employees receive preferential (or less
preferential) treatment on grounds that are not
directly related to their qualifications and
performance in the job race,age,gender,religion,d
isability,nationality - Managing diversity prominent feature of
contemporary business - Institutional discrimination discrimination
deeply embedded in business
10Women in top management positionsFemale
Directors in FTSE 100 Companies 2000-2008
2000 2004 2008
Female held directorships (in of total directorships) 69 (5.8 ) 110 (9.7 ) 131 (11.7 )
Female executive directors 11 17 17
Female non-executive directors 60 93 114
Companies with 2 women directors 14 19 39
Companies with no women director 42 31 22
Source Singh, V. S. Vinnicombe. 2007 2008
11Sexual and racial harassment
- Issues of diversity might be exploited to inflict
physical, verbal, or emotional harassment - Regulation reluctant
- Blurred line between harassment on one hand and
joking on the other - Influenced by contextual factors such as
character, personality, and national culture - Companies increasingly introduced codes of
practice and diversity programmes
12Equal opportunities and affirmative action
- How should organizations respond to problems of
discrimination? - Equal opportunity programme
- Generally targeted at ensuring procedural justice
is promoted - Affirmative action (AA) programmes deliberately
attempt to target those who might be currently
under-represented in the workforce - Recruitment policies
- Fair job criteria
- Training programmes for discriminated minorities
- Promotion to senior positions
13Reverse discrimination
- In some cases, people suffer reverse
discrimination because AA policies prefer certain
minorities - Justification for reverse discrimination
- past injustices have to be paid for
- rewards such as job and pay should be allocated
fairly among all groups - Stronger forms of reverse discrimination tend to
be illegal in many European countries
14Employee privacy
- Four different types of privacy we may want to
protect - Physical privacy
- Social privacy
- Informational privacy
- Psychological privacy
15Health and drug testing
- Highly contested issue
- Two main issues
- Potential to do harm
- Level of performance
- Despite these criticisms, such tests have
increasingly come common in the US
16Electronic privacy and data protection
- Increasingly relevant as technology advances and
electronic life becomes more important - Computer as a work tool enables new forms of
surveillance - Time and pace of work
- Usage of employee time for private reasons
- E-mail and internet
- Issue of privacy in situations where data are
saved and processed electronically - Data protection
17Due process and lay-offs
- Ethical considerations in the process of
downsizing - Right to know well ahead of the actual point of
the redundancy that their job is on the line - Compensation packages employees receive when laid
18Employee participation and association
- Recognition that employees might be more than
just human resources but should also have a
certain degree of influence on their tasks, job
environments, and company goals right to
participation - Financial participation allows employee share
in the ownership or income of the corporation - Operational participation can include a number of
dimensions - Delegation
- Information
- Consultation
- Codetermination
19Evolution of trade union membership
1970 2003 Absolute change in
Australia 50.2 22.9 -27.3
Canada 31.6 28.4 -6.5
Germany 32.0 22.6 -9.5
Italy 37.0 33.7 -3.3
Japan 35.1 19.7 -15.4
Sweden 67.7 78.0 10.3
United Kingdom 44.8 29.3 -15.5
United States 23.5 12.4 -11.1
Based on Visser, 2006 45
20Working conditions
- Right to healthy and safe working conditions one
of the very first ethical concerns for employees - Dense network of health, safety and environmental
(HSE) regulation - Main issue is enforcement and implementation
- Newly emergent HSE issues relate to changing
patterns of work - Ethical issues in the context of
- Excessive working hours and presenteeism
- Flexible working patterns
21Excessive working hours and presenteeism
- Excessive work hours
- Thought to impact the employees overall state of
physical and mental health - Presenteeism
- phenomenon of being at work when you should be at
home due to illness or even just for rest and
22Flexible working patterns
- Another way of saying that management can do what
it wants? - Non-standard work relationships
- Part-time work, temporary work, self-employment
and teleworking - Less secure legal status for periphery workers
- Potential for
- Poorer working conditions
- Increased insecurity
- Lower pay
- Exclusion from training and other employment
23Fair wages
- The basis for determining fair wages is commonly
the expectations placed on the employee and their
performance towards goals - Note discussion about excessive compensation for
executives after the stock market collapse of
2008 - Problems of performance-related pay (PRP)
- Risk
- salaries and benefits become less secure
- Representation
- individualized bargaining
24Freedom of conscience and freedom of speech in
the workplace
- Normally guaranteed by governments
- Situations in business where freedom of speech
might face certain restrictions - Speaking about confidential matters related to
the firms RD, marketing or accounting plans - Usually unproblematic, since most rational
employees would find it in their own best
interests to comply with company policy - Some cases where those restrictions could be
regarded as a restriction of employees rights - Whistleblowing can involve considerable risk
25The right to work
- Fundamental entitlement of human beings
established in the Declaration of Human Rights - The right to work in a business context cannot
mean that every individual has a right to be
employed - The right to work should result in every
individual facing the same equal conditions in
exerting this right
26Employing people worldwide
- The ethical challenges of globalization
27National culture and moral values
- Different cultures will view employee rights and
responsibilities differently - This means that managers dealing with employees
overseas need to first understand the cultural
basis of morality in that country - Raises the question of whether it is fair to
treat people differently on the basis of where
they live - Relativism vs. absolutism
- Absolutism ethical principle must be applicable
everywhere - Relativism view of ethics must always be
relative to the historical, social and cultural
28The race to the bottom
- Many critics argue that MNCs play a role in
changing standards in countries - Globalisation allows corporations to have broad
range of choice of location - Developing countries compete to attract foreign
investment - Large investors tend to choose country with most
preferable conditions - Lowest level of regulation and social provision
for employee - Leads to race to the bottom in environmental
and social standards - Argument that MNEs have a duty to promote
minimally just social political institutions
where they operate if these do not exist, because
of duty to avoid harm
29Migrant labour and illegal immigration
- Growing mobility of workers is a recent
phenomenon of globalization - Typically north-south, can also be in other
regions (e.g. UAE) - Workers can also be attracted to particular
industries in areas where there is no local
labour (e.g. mining) - Numerous ethical issues here. Examples
- Migrant labour often leads to questionable social
phenomena (e.g. drug use) - Migrants are often from poor countries willing
to accept pay working conditions normally
unacceptable in host country - Migrant workers are often in a country illegally
(but a record of employment may later be the
basis for legal residency)
30The corporate citizen and employee relations
31The corporate citizen and employee relations in a
global context
- Anglo-American and European models differences
- Continental Europe takes interest of employees
into account to a greater degree than the
Anglo-American model - Co-determination
- In developing countries
- Level of regulation (or at least enforcement) is
often poor, though employee protection often
strengthens over time (e.g. Chinas 2008 Labour
Contract Law) - Corporate actions therefore often voluntary good
citizenship - Ruggies framework for responsibility in human
rights - Protect (states duty to prevent abuses)
- Respect (firms duty to respect human rights)
- Remedy (general duty to create systems to remedy
32Towards sustainable employment
33Re-humanized workplaces
- Alienation of the individual work in the era of
industrialised mass production - Brought tremendous efficiencies and material
wealth, but have also created the prospect of a
dehumanised and deskilled workplace - Attempts to re-humanize the workplace
- empowering the employee
- job enlargement
- job enrichment
- Success of such schemes contested
- Suggested that humanized approach might be more
appropriate and effective in some cultures (e.g.
Scandinavia) than others
34Wider employment
- Large numbers of unemployed people becomes the
norm in many countries due to mechanisation - This threatens
- Right to work
- Social fabric of particular communities
- New technologies herald the end of work?
(Rifkin 1995) - From sustainability perspective ensure that what
work exists is shared out more equitably
35Green jobs
- Green jobs are
- In industries making environmentally-friendly
products - Workplace organization of labour is also more
environmentally sustainable - Gained attention in late 2000s part of broader
debate on restructuring economies to be more
sustainable - Examples of specific measures
- Car-pooling
- Paperless office
- Video-conferencing rather than business travel
- Home-based teleworking
- Potential benefits are social, economic and
- Discussed the specific stake that employees hold
in their organizations - Discovered how deep the involvement of
corporations with employees rights can be - Corporate responsibility for protection and
facilitation of these rights is particularly
complex and contestable when their operations
become more globalized - Considered corporate citizenship and employee
relations in different contexts