Introductory Material - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introductory Material


Introductory Material Review of Discrete Structures up to Lattices Overview Sets Operations on Sets Cartesian Products and Relations Order relations Lower and upper ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introductory Material

Introductory Material
  • Review of Discrete Structures up to Lattices

  • Sets
  • Operations on Sets
  • Cartesian Products and Relations
  • Order relations
  • Lower and upper bounds
  • Lattices.

  • Will not define set.
  • However, everybody (I hope) knows what a set is.
  • Described by listing the elements or a common
  • Examples
  • Set of people in a room.
  • 1,3,4,5,7
  • Set of animals in a zoo.
  • xx is integer and 3x4 is prime
  • etc

Relations between sets
  • Let A and B be two sets.
  • If every element of A is an element of B we say
    that A is a subset of B and write A?B
  • If A is a subset of B and B is a subset of A,
    then AB
  • There is a special set Ø which does not contain
    any elements. It is a subset of every set.

Operations on Sets
  • Let A and B be two sets. The union or join of A
    and B, A?B is the collection which contains all
    the elements from both A and B.
  • Let A and B be two sets. The intersection or meet
    of A and B, AnB is those elements which are in
    both A and B. It is perfectly OK for there not to
    be any such sets are called disjoint.
  • Let A and B be two sets. The set difference, A-B
    is the collection of those elements of A which
    are not in B.

Cartesian Product and Relations
  • Let A, B be two sets. The Cartesian Product of A
    and B is a collection of all pairs where the
    first element in the couple belongs to A and the
    second to B.
  • AB (a,b), a ? A, b ? B
  • Of special interest is the case AB.
  • A relation on a set A is ANY subset R ? AA

Properties in Relations
  • There are some relations that are more
    interesting than others, because they satisfy
    certain properties. For example
  • Reflexive For all x in A, xRx.
  • Transitive For all x,y, z in A, if xRy and yRz,
    then xRz.

Order Relations
  • A (partial) order relation is a relation which is
    reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric
  • For any x,y in A if xRy and yRx then xy.
  • Examples order between numbers, containment
    between sets, divisibility between positive
    numbers, etc.
  • A set with a partial order is called a partially
    ordered set.
  • A partial order which satisfies, for any a,b
    either aRb or bRa, is called total.

Lower and Upper Bounds
  • Let A be a set with a partial order R. Given two
    elements a,b of A, a lower bound l of a and b is
    an element satisfying lRa and lRb.
  • If among all the lower bounds of a and b there is
    one that is bigger than all the others, that
    element is called the greatest lower bound of a
    and b.
  • We can similarly define least upper bound.
  • Sometimes, the glb is called the meet and the
    lub is called the join of the two elements.

  • A lattice is a partially ordered set in which any
    two elements have a glb and lub.
  • A lattice is complete if every subset has a glb
    and an lub.
  • Note that any finite lattice is complete.
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