Title: The University of South Africa
1Employment Equity Profile of Unisa Staff
Presented to Staff Assembly 27 March
2008 Associate Professor George
Subotzky Executive Director, Department of
Information Strategic Analysis
2Purpose of Profile
- Background document for Employment Equity Plan
- Provides detailed examination of staff profile
- Aim is to identify over- and under-representation
regarding race, gender and disability in key
areas of Unisas occupational structure - This quantitative analysis complements the
quantitative analysis of barriers and obstacles
to employment equity - Together, overall purpose is to inform and guide
strategies interventions to improve employment
3Factors shaping the profile
- Institutional Context
- Merger HR issues restructuring, conditions of
service, placements, VSP ER, resignations - Higher Education Institution
- Parallel academic administrative occupational
structure - South African Institution
- Racially divided social structure gendered
division of labour reproduced within - ODL Institution
- Temporary staff tutors admin
- Huge support staff Production, despatch, UCC,
ICT - Impact of HIV/AIDS
- Market Forces
- Under- and over-representation measured against
- External reference points
- National demographics race and gender
- Economically active population race and gender
- Internal reference points
- Total Staff
- Permanent Staff
- Academic staff
- Profile vs staff mobility figures
5Structure of the Profile
- Overview of Unisa Staff Complement
- Current Staff
- Vacancies
- Staff Profile by
- Race
- Gender
- Race Gender
- Disability
- Personnel Categories
- Post Grade
- Age
- Academic Staff Profile By
- Rank
- Highest Qualifications
- Profile of reasons for leaving Unisa
- Sources
- HEMIS information 2004-7
- Stats SA
- Views
- Snapshot
- Trends
- Data integrity issues
7Overview of Unisa Staff, 2007
Type of Appointment Type of Appointment 2007 2007
Type of Appointment Type of Appointment HC
Permanent Full-Time 3 980 41,0
Part-Time 66 0,7
Permanent Total Permanent Total 4 046 41,7
Temporary Full-Time 518 5,3
Part-Time 5 147 53,0
Temporary Total Temporary Total 5 665 58,3
Total Total 9 711 100,0
8Current Vacancies by Portfolio and College
Portfolio College No
Office of the VC Office of the VC 36 2,48
Registrar Registrar 175 12,04
VC Operations VC Operations 219 15,07
VC SPP VC SPP 24 1,65
VP Academic Research CAES 15 1,03
VP Academic Research CEMS 186 12,80
VP Academic Research CHS 162 11,15
VP Academic Research CL 66 4,54
VP Academic Research CSE 14 0,96
VP Academic Research CSET 31 2,13
VP Academic Research Undesignated 149 10,25
Subtotal 623 42,88
VP Finance Estates VP Finance Estates 119 8,19
VP LS VP LS 252 17,34
Undesignated Undesignated 5 0,34
Total Total 1 453 100,00
9Permanent and Temporary Staff by Race, 2007
10Permanent and Temporary Staff by Gender, 2007
11Proportion of Race/Gender Groups of Permanent and
Temporary Staff, 2007
12Permanent and Temporary Staff by Race Gender,
13Permanent Disabled Staff by Race and Gender, 2007
Disabled Race African Indian White Total No
Disabled Gender No No No Total No
Fully Female 3 10 13
Male 4 5 14 23
Fully Total 7 5 24 36
Partially Female 1 1
Male 1 1
Partially Total 1 1 2
Total 8 5 25 38
14Permanent Staff by Personnel Categories and Race,
15Total Staff by Personnel Categories and Gender,
16Post Grades by Race, 2007
17Permanent Academic Staff by Rank and Race, 2007
18Permanent Academic Staff by Rank and Gender, 2007
19Selected Highest University-type Qualifications
among Permanent Academic Staff by Race, 2007
20Selected Highest University-type Qualifications
among Permanent Academic Staff by Race, 2007
21Total Staff by Age Groups, 2004 and 2007
22Total Staff by Age Group and Race, 2007
23White Staff by Personnel Categories Age Groups,
2004 and 2007
Personnel Category 25 34 25 34 35 44 35 44 45 54 45 54 55 64 55 64 Total No Total
Personnel Category No No No No Total No Total
Exec/Mngt 1 0,9 19 17,1 51 45,9 40 36,0 111 100,0
Instruct./Research 80 8,6 215 23,1 368 39,6 265 28,5 930 100,0
Spec.Support 27 7,2 108 28,7 142 37,8 99 26,3 376 100,0
Technical 10 11,8 27 31,8 33 38,8 15 17,6 85 100,0
Non-Prof Admin 75 13,6 124 22,4 205 37,1 146 26,4 553 100,0
Crafts/Trades 3 3,8 27 33,8 35 43,8 15 18,8 80 100,0
Service 1 11,1 3 33,3 4 44,4 1 11,1 9 100,0
Total 197 9,2 523 24,4 838 39,1 581 27,1 2 144 100,0
24Reasons for Staff Leaving Unisa, 2007
- Findings suggest that effective employment equity
planning should rest on the two key strategies - 1. Recruitment
- Several combined opportunities for improving EE
profile - 1 453 vacancies
- Potential retirees (esp white male)
- Future vacancies routine turnover of staff
- Overall Target African women
- Detailed Targets Specific areas of
- 2. Retention, succession planning, mentoring,
accelerated promotion, training and development
systematically and purposefullyGrowing our own
timber - Retention Range of measures incl differentiated
COS (?) - Succession planning essential to offset a sudden
and damaging haemorrhage of institutional
capacity - Mentoring (draft proposals published last week)
- Incentives accountability (KPAs performance)
- Training and development (especially young)
staff from the designated groups -
- Overall Targets African males new recruits
- Detailed Targets Specific areas of
27Thank you