Title: Frankenstein 1
1Frankenstein 1
- Dominance of the new realism
- Repression of the Gothic
- The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
3Dominance of the new realism
- WSs re-positioning of the novel through a
re-gendering of the genre of fiction in W - The triumph of realism over romance
- Emergence of Waverley as a new type of realist
hero moderate, ordinary, pragmatic - . . . the ardent, fiery, and impetuous character
of the unfortunate Chief of Glennaquoich was
finely contrasted with the contemplative,
fanciful, and enthusiastic expression of his
happier friend (W, vol. 3, ch. 24)
4Dominance of the new realism
- WS a style of novel has arisen, within the last
fifteen or twenty years, differing from the
former in the points upon which the interest
hinges neither alarming our cred-ulity nor
amusing our imagination by wild variety of
incident (Quarterly Review (1816)) - CRgtMPgtW ( the Waverley Novels) the new novel
of realist consciousness
5Dominance of the new realism
- Dominance of the new realism trans-formation of
the field of fiction from its formerly wild
state - What becomes of the non-realist forms of fiction
from this period? - Dominance of realism subordination of other
more popular fictional forms - See the case of the Gothic . . .
6Repression of the Gothic
- The origins of Gothic fiction Horace Walpole,
The Castle of Otranto (1764 subtitled A Gothic
Story in 1765) - Popularity of Gothic fiction in the late 18C
e.g. Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udoplpho
(1794) (as referenced on the opening page of W) - Cf. JAs spoof Gothic novel, Northanger Abbey
(written 1798-1803, published 1818)
7Repression of the Gothic
- A decline in influence and authority of an 18C
age of reason comes to be marked by the new
popularity of the Gothic itself a wild
amalgam of the supernatural, the uncanny, the
irrational in the late 1700s - The newly popular Gothic is then attacked in the
name of realism through the early 19C (e.g.
Gothic satire in WS and JA)
8Repression of the Gothic
- At once popular but attacked and repress-ed the
Gothic represents the repressed underside of
bourgeois consciousness - See Terry Lovell, Consuming Fiction (1987), p. 55
- See also David Punter, The Literature of Terror
9Repression of the Gothic
- After the realist triumph symbolized by the
success of MP and W in 1814 it is non-realist
works of fiction such as Frank-enstein (1818) and
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a
Justified Sinner (1824) that come to represent
the repress-ed underside of realist or
bourgeois con-sciousness
10Repression of the Gothic
- The above a sketch of the dynamics of the
Romantic novel a whole class struggle of
fictional forms, or dominant realism vs.
repressed Gothic
11The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- F as a non-realist work of fiction a wild
amal-gam of forms - . . . an epistolary novel (Waltons letters) a
fictional journal (Frankensteins account of his
experiments) a Gothic fantasy (Frankensteins
creation of his monster) a Bildungsroman (an
account of the monsters growth and
develop-ment), etc. finally, an epistolary
novel again (Waltons letters)
12The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- All in all, F appears a remarkably hybrid novel
the very symbol of this hybridity is the monster
itself as an assemblage of different body parts - In this sense, Frankensteins monster emerges as
the symbol of the wide di-versity of fictional
forms (supernatural tales, romances, travel
narratives) held under the sway of a hegemonic
13The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- The symbolic diversity and hybridity of
Frank-ensteins collectivized monster is what
makes the monster truly monstrous in the eyes of
bour-geois realist consciousness see F.
Moretti, Signs Taken for Wonders (1983), pp.
83-108 - Consider the significance of the contemporary
reception of MSs novel . . . - F receives remarkably strong criticism in the
14The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- John Wilson Croker in the Quarterly Review (Jan.
1818) a tissue of horrible and disgusting
absurdity. . . . it Frankenstein inculcates no
lesson of conduct, manners or morality it cannot
mend and will not even amuse its readers un-less
their taste has been deplorably vitiated - See also Miranda Seymour, Mary Shelley (2000) p.
196 on the novels hostile reception . . .
15The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- MS The Edinburgh Magazine (March) conceded
moments of beauty and a certain fascination in
the subject. . . . The Monthly Review (April)
curtly dismissed an uncouth work, void of any
moral or phil-osophical conclusion - See further back-handed praise from Blackwoods
Magazine when, in 1823, MSs identity as author
is revealed . . .
16The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- Blackwoods Magazine (1823) For a man it
Frankenstein was excellent, but for a woman it
was wonderful - Finally, see the allusion to F in a review of
MSs 1826 novel The Last Man, in The Literary
Magnet (1826) . . . another Raw-head-and-bloody-
bones i.e. the novel is as badly made as is
Frankensteins monster - (A useful summary available at http//www.
17The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- The fact that F should be strongly criticized
whilst being popular with the general reader
suggests there may be something symptomatic about
the novels reception - In terms of the contemporary reviews
(deplor-ably vitiated, etc.), the strong
criticism seems a symptom of the monstrousness
of F having thus been perceived as a subversive
threat . . .
18The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- . . . a subversive threat to everything that is
res-pectable, rational and moderate about realism
in its current position of dominance within the
field of fiction - . . . Frankensteins monster neither subject nor
object but abject a fragmented body created
from chaos . . . - The very phrase deplorably vitiated (as well as
others) suggests an anxiety about the threat-ened
status of realism on the part of the critical
19The subversiveness of Frankenstein
- MS threatens a return of the repressed with her
work of fiction about Bourgeois Man (Victor
Frankenstein) inadvertently making a monster out
of his use of science and reason - No wonder the respectable, rational,
moderate classes of realism should feel
threatened by this monstrous novel!
20Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- Victors account of his experiments a narrative
of science, repression, and death - The more heavily Victor becomes involved with his
scientific experiments, so the more forcefully he
is obliged to repress his family ties and
connections, and this results in his creation
of death rather than life (i.e. the monster as
eventually a mur-derous figure)
21Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- Victor points the moral to his own story Learn
from me . . . how dangerous is the acquirement of
knowledge, and how much happier that man is who
believes his native town to be the world, than he
who aspires to become greater than his nature
will allow (ch. 4) - Victors dream of Elizabeth (ch. 5) thus serves
as MSs way of staging a return of the repressed
in order to expose the deathly repressiveness of
modern science
22Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- Curiously, Victor has remarkably little to say
about what happens when he gives life to his
creation . . . - He tells, rather, of the dream he has in his
ex-hausted state immediately afterwards - . . . I thought I saw Elizabeth, in the bloom of
health, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt.
Del-ighted and surprised, I embraced her but as
I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they
became livid with the hue of death . . .
23Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- . . . her features appeared to change, and I
thought that I held the corpse of my dead mother
in my arms a shroud enveloped her form, and I
saw the graveworms crawling in the folds of the
flannel (ch.5) - (Incidentally, MSs description of Victors dream
thought to be inspired by Henry Fuselis
paint-ing, The Nightmare (1781), recently on show
at Tate Britains Gothic Nightmares exhibition)
24(No Transcript)
25Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- The dream itself an expression of the
repress-ed in Victors life family ties and
connections symbolized by first Elizabeth then
the dead mother coming back to the surface - Symbolically, it is a whole realm of human
feel-ing that has to be repressed in order for
Victor to become a man of science - On the man of science, see further Genevieve
Lloyd, The Man of Reason Male and Female in
Western Philosophy (2nd ed., 1993)
26Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- See also Mary Jacobus, Reading Woman (1986), p.
96 Freuds remark that the scientific
motivation might be said to serve as a pretext
for the unconscious erotic one could stand as
the epigraph not only to Freuds own researches
but to all scientific quests for the origins of
life - MS brings the dream of Elizabeth and the dead
mother into Victors narrative of science,
repression, and death in order to make the
silences in the text speak of that precious realm
of human feeling that is otherwise lost to the
world of science, reason, and knowledge
27Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- The sign of this fateful return of the re-pressed
occurring in MSs novel is pre-cisely
Frankensteins inability to speak of that which,
wrongly, he cares most dearly about, namely his
act of giving life to his own creation - Ch. 5 the dream of Elizabeth, etc. presents
us with an extremely revealing gap, silence, or
fissure in the text at issue
28Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- More than that, F reveals how it is often the
case that a literary text is more in-teresting
for what it does not say than what it actually
says (cf. the silences in CR, MP, and W) - Perhaps the best account of the relation-ship
between speech and silence in lit-erary works is
Pierre Macherey, A Theory of Literary Production
29Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- PM . . . in order to say anything, there are
other things which must not be said. . . . Speech
eventually has nothing more to tell us we
investigate the silence, for it is the silence
that is doing the speaking. . . . What is
important in the work is what it does not say
(pp. 85-87)
30Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- Reading a work for its silence rather than its
speech a radically alternative app-roach to the
study of literary texts - In this regard, reading MSs F for its
struc-tural silences instead of its constitutive
speech is what helps to bring out what is
alternative in this sense, subversive about
this particular novel in the struggle of the
Gothic against realism
31Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein
- F is a novel which investigates what it is that
realism (i.e. science, reason, knowledge)
cannot say about itself in order to expose the
limits of its own self-understanding - MSs novel claims to speak the self-understanding
of modern science, namely that within a whole
realm of precious human feeling science is death