Romeo and Juliet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Romeo and Juliet


Romeo and Juliet Act Overviews Prologue Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
  • Act Overviews

  • Two households, both alike in dignity,
  • In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
  • From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
  • Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
  • From forth the fatal loins of these two foes,
  • A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
  • Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
  • Doth with their death bury their parents strife.

  • The fearful passage of their death-marked love,
  • And the continuance of their parents rage,
  • Which, but their childrens end, naught could
  • Is now the two hours traffic of our stage,
  • The which if you with patient ears attend,
  • What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to

  • Two similar families fight because of old
    problems, when two children of the families fall
    in love and kill themselves, ultimately because
    they cannot be together. Their deaths cause the
    two families to make up.
  • Their story is going to take about two hours of
    your time, and they will try to explain it to you.

Act I, Scene I
  • Sampson and Gregory, Capulet servants, fight with
    Abram and Balthasar, Montague servants.
  • Benvolio comes along and break it up.
  • Tybalt comes in and causes a ruckus again.
  • Prince comes by and tells them if they fight in
    the streets again theyll be put to death. Your
    lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.
  • Later Romeo admits to Benvolio that hes in
    love with Rosaline.

Act I, Scene II
  • Lord Capulet discusses with Count Paris the
    possibility of Paris marrying Juliet.
  • Capulet sends a servant out to deliver
    invitations to his party, and the servant stops
    in the street and asks Romeo (chance happening)
    if he can read the invitations to him.
  • Romeo and friends plot to go to the party so
    Romeo can meet up w/ Rosaline.

Act I, Scene III
  • Nurse and Juliet talk about Juliets happiness.
  • Lady Capulet discusses with Juliet the prospect
    of marrying Paris and asks her to check him out
    at the party.
  • Juliet feels she is too young to marry.
  • Nurse - loving and compassionate - only wanting
    Juliet to do what will make her happy
  • Mother - only cares that Juliet marry someone
    important who can take care of her and not
    disgrace the family.

Act I, Scene IV
  • Romeo and friends are dressed up for the
    masquerade ball. They will not be easily
    identified b/c of their masks or costumes.
  • Romeo is overwhelmed with sadness at his love
    struck condition, while Mercutio tries to cheer
    him up.
  • Romeos lines foreshadow some negative thing
    waiting to happen.
  • The guys go to the Capulets party.

Act I, Scene V Quotes
  • Who said the following quotes and what do they
  • Is she a Capulet? 0 dear account, my life is my
    foes debt.
  • "My only love sprung from my only hate Too early
    seen unknown and known too late."

Act I, Scene V
  • Tybalt talks to Capulet about Romeo being at the
    party and Capulet tells him not to worry about it
    b/c Romeo isnt harming anyone. Tybalt becomes
    outraged, but Capulet doesnt want anything to
    ruin his party.
  • Romeo spots Juliet across the room its love at
    first sight. Before they depart for the evening
    they kiss.
  • Then they discover their families are rivals.

Act II, Scene 1-2The Balcony Scene
  • Mercutio and Benvolio think Romeo is still in
    love with Rosaline, and they make fun of his
    lovesick condition.
  • Romeo returns to the Capulet home in hopes of
    seeing Juliet again.
  • R and J profess their love to one another and
    decide to marry.

Act II, Scene 3
  • Romeo goes to see Friar Laurence.
  • Romeo tells the friar that he is in love with
    Juliet, an the friar is amazed that Romeo has
    forgotten about Rosaline so easily and suggests
    that he may be acting in haste.
  • The friar agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet in
    hopes that the marriage might end the feud
    between the families.

Act II, Scene 4
  • Romeo meets Benvolio and Mercutio in the street
    he is excited and happy.
  • The nurse comes along and gives Romeo a msg from
  • Romeo tells her that Juliet should meet him at
    Friar Laurences cell for their secret marriage

WOAH!!! Theyre getting married already?!?!
Didnt they meet yesterday???
Act II, Scene 5
  • The nurse goes back to Juliet, who is anxious for
    Romeos message, but the nurse jokes around and
    talks A LOT before passing Juliet the message.

Act II, Scene 6
  • Romeo and Juliet get married.

Act III, Scene 1
  • Benvolio and Mercutio run into Tybalt in the
    street. Benvolio tries to keep the peace, but
    Tybalt and Mercutio want to fight.
  • Romeo enters the scene and tries to avoid
    fighting with Tybalt b/c they are now family,
    although Tybalt doesnt know.
  • Mercutio and Tybalt fight, and Mercutio is slain
    by Tybalt.

  • Mercutio dies, and hes a little angry.
  • A plague o both your houses!/They have made
    worms meat of me.
  • Romeo kills Tybalt and, realizing what hes done,
    runs off to seek protection.
  • The Prince arrives on scene and declares that if
    Romeo does not leave Verona immediately, he will
    be killed.
  • And for that offense/Immediately we do exile him

Act III, Scene 2
  • Juliet is impatiently waiting for Romeo to come
    to her window when the Nurse brings the terrible
    news of her cousins (Tybalts) death.
  • Juliet is torn about how she feels. Shes a
    little angry that Romeo killed her cousin but
    also a little angry that her cousin would have
    killed her husband had he not acted first.

Act III, Scene 3
  • Romeo has sought refuge in Friar Laurences cell.
  • Laurence advises him to go see his wife and then
    leave for Mantua in the morning, where he will
    stay until the time is right to make the marriage
    publicly known.

Act III, Scene 4
  • Paris visits the Capulets to discuss the subject
    of him marrying Juliet, and even after all that
    has transpired in the past day (Tybalts death),
    Capulet decides Juliet should marry Paris on
    Thursday, three days away.

Act III, Scene 5
  • Romeo has spent the night with Juliet and leaves
    for Mantua in the morning.
  • Lady Capulet comes in to tell Juliet about the
    arranged marriage.
  • Juliet says she will never marry Paris, and this
    angers her parents.
  • get thee to church a Thursday/Or never after
    look me in the face.
  • Juliet begs her parents to postpone the wedding.
    She asks the nurse for advice, and the nurse
    tells her to accept her parents decision. She
    heads to the Friars cell to ask his advice.

Act IV, Scene 1
  • Juliet goes to see the Friar and is distraught
    when she sees Paris there making wedding
  • Juliet tells the Friar that if he does not have a
    plan to solve her problems she will kill herself.
  • The Friar explains the following plan to Juliet
  • She will drink a potion that will put her in a
    deathlike coma.
  • When she wakes up two days later in the family
    tomb, Romeo will be waiting for her, and they
    will escape to Mantua together.

Act IV, Scene 2-5
  • (2) Capulet is making wedding plans and is so
    relieved when Juliet comes home and apologizes
    that he moves the wedding up to Wednesday.
  • (3) Although Juliet is scared, she drinks the
  • (4) Its the next morning, wedding time, and
    everyone is preparing.
  • (5) Juliet is discovered dead, and her body is
    carried to the family tomb.

Act V, Scene 1
  • In Mantua, Balthasar, Romeos servant, comes from
    Verona to tell him that Juliet is dead, and since
    Romeo hasnt heard from the Friar, he presumes
    this is true.
  • He decides he will die next to Juliet and sets
    out to find some poison.

Act V, Scene 2
  • Friar Laurences messenger says he was unable to
    deliver the letter to Romeo.
  • Friar Laurence goes to find Juliet so he can be
    there when she wakes up, as he hopes to hide her
    somewhere until Romeo arrives.

Act V, Scene 3
  • Characters
  • Paris
  • Page
  • Romeo
  • Balthasar
  • Friar Laurence
  • Juliet
  • Chief Watchman
  • Second Watchman
  • Third Watchman
  • Capulet
  • Lady Capulet
  • Prince
  • Montague

Act 5, Scene 3 - Overview
  • Paris comes to the tomb at night to lay flowers
    on Juliets grave.
  • Romeo enters and Paris hides at first but then
    comes out and challenges Romeo, who tells him
  • Good gentle youth, tempt not a desprate man
    Put not another sin upon my head/By urging me to

  • Romeo kills Paris.
  • He drinks his poison and dies.
  • Friar Laurence comes in just as Juliet is waking.
    The Friar lets her know that her husband and her
    husband to be are both dead and he will try to
    get her into a sisterhood of nuns to keep her
    safe. She tells him to go away.
  • Juliet kisses Romeos lips in hopes of getting a
    little bit of poison to kill herself.
  • drunk all, and left no friendly drop/To help me
    after? I will kiss thy lips.
  • There is no poison so she takes Romeos dagger
    and stabs herself.

  • Many people enter the tomb and are confused.
    Montague says that his wife died of grief at
    their sons exile.
  • Friar Laurence explains all.
  • Capulet and Montague finally realize that their
    children have died for nothing and they join
    hands and put their differences aside.
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