Title: DIURETICS%20Part%201
- Prof. Hanan Hagar
- Pharmacology Department
2- Diuretics
- Are drugs that increase renal excretion of
sodium and water resulting in increase in urine
volume. - Most diuretics act by interfere with the normal
sodium handling by the kidney.
3- Sites of action for diuretics
- Target molecules for diuretics are specific
membrane transport proteins in renal tubular
epithelial cells (transporters).
4Classification of diuretics
- Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
- Loop Diuretics
- Thiazides
- Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
- Osmotic Diuretics
- Nephron is the unit of the kidney
- It is classified structurally and functionally
into different zones - Glomerulus
- Proximal convoluted tubule
- Descending loop of Henle
- Ascending loop of Henle
- Distal convoluted tubule
- Collecting duct
- Kidney is responsible for regulation of fluids
and electrolytes. - Kidney do its function through three processes
- Glomerular filtration
- Passive tubular re-absorption
- Active tubular secretion
8Regulation of fluids and electrolytes
9Sites for solutions and water transport along the
10- Glomerular filtration
- 16-20 of blood entering the kidney is filtered
- Filtrate contains water, glucose, amino acids,
sodium bicarbonates, organic solutes and
electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride).
11- Proximal convoluted tubules
- Responsible for re-absorption of
- all glucose, amino acids
- organic solutes
- electrolytes as
- sodium chloride (NaCl)(66 of Na)
- sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3,85)
- Potassium (K, 66 )
12- Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
- HCO3- is reabsorbed by action of enzyme carbonic
anhydrase (luminal membrane of proximal tubular
cells). - Water (passively following salts to maintain
osmolarity in tubular fluids (60). - PCT is the site of organic acids or bases
secretory systems
13carbonic anhydrase
Luminal membrane
Basolateral membrane
14organic acids or bases secretory systems
- Organic base secretory system responsible for
secretion of bases into luminal fluid e.g.
choline and creatinine - Organic acid secretory system responsible for
secretion of acids into luminal tubular fluid
e.g. uric acid, NSAIDs, antibiotics and
15- Descending loop of Henle
- In thin descending loop of Henle
- water is re-absorbed by osmotic
- forces in hypertonic medullary
- interstitium (counter current
- mechanism)
16(No Transcript)
17- Ascending loop of Henle
- Is impermeable to water
- In thick ascending loop of Henle (TAL) is
responsible for active re-absorption of Na, K and
Cl (25-30 Na) via transport system in luminal
membrane called Na/ K / 2Cl- co-transporter - TAL is called the diluting segment
- Ca and Mg enter the interstitial fluid via
paracellular pathway
18Ascending loop of Henle
19- Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
- Is impermeable to water
- Responsible for active re-absorption of NaCl
(10) via transport system Na/Cl transporter in
luminal membrane - Ca2 actively reabsorbed via apical Ca channel
and Na/Ca2 exchanger in basolateral membrane
20Distal convoluted tubules (DCT)
21- Collecting tubule
- Principal cells are responsible for
re-absorption of Na (in exchange for K via
Na/K-ATPase) and water - Aldosterone receptors located in the principle
cells influence Na re-absorption and K secretion - Intercalated cells affect H secretion
- Water re-absorption (anti-diuretic hormone, ADH).
24Sodium Excretion Regulation
Nephron Segment Filtered Na reabsorbed Na Transporter
Proximal CT 60-70 Na- H transporter
Ascending Loop of Henle 20-30 Na-K-2Cl- transporter
Distal CT 5-10 Na-Cl- transporter
Cortical Collecting Tubules 5 Aldosterone Na channel ADH
25Site of action of diuretics
Diuretics transporter Function segment
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Na/H transporter, Carbonic anhydrase enzyme Re-absorption of 66 Na, K, Ca, Mg, 100 glucose and amino acids 85 NaHCO3 Proximal convoluted tubules
None Acid base transporter Secretion and re-absorption of organic acids and bases Proximal Straight Tubules
Loop diuretics Na/K/2Cl transporter Active reabsorption 25 Na, K, Cl Secondary reabsorption Ca, Mg Thick ascending loop
Thiazide diuretics Na and Cl cotransporter Active tubular reabsorption of 5Na, Cl, Ca Distal convoluted tubules
K-sparing diuretics Na channels K H transporter Na reabsorption K H secretion Collecting tubules
26 27Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
- Acetazolamide dorzolamide
- Mechanism of action
- Inhibits carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzyme in PCT
thus interferes with NaHCO3 re-absorption and
causes diuresis. - CA is required for reversible reaction, in which
CO2 H2O ? H2CO3
Basolateral membrane
Luminal membrane
29(No Transcript)
30Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
31- Pharmacological actions
- ? urinary excretion of bicarbonate, sodium,
potassium alkaline diuresis - Metabolic acidosis.
- ? urinary phosphate excretion.
- Weak diuretics.
- Decreases after several days (self-limiting as
the blood bicarbonate falls).
32Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
33- Pharmacokinetics
- given orally once a day.
- Onset of action is rapid (30 min).
- Duration of action (12 h).
- Excreted by active secretion in proximal
convoluted tubules forming alkaline urine
34- Therapeutic uses
- Open angle glaucoma (? IOP by reducing aqueous
humor formation via blocking carbonic anhydrase
in ciliary body of eye). - As prophylactic therapy, in acute mountain
sickness (to decrease CSF and pH of brain).
35- Therapeutic uses
- Urinary alkalinization to enhance renal excretion
of acidic substances (uric acid and cysteine in
cystinuria). - Epilepsy (decrease cerebrospinal fluid, CSF).
- Hyperphosphatemia
- Metabolic alkalosis
36- Adverse effects
- Hypokalemia (potassium loss).
- Metabolic acidosis.
- Renal stone formation (calcium phosphate stones).
- Hypersensitivity reactions
37- Dorzolamide
- Is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
- Used topically for treatment of increased
intraocular pressure in open-angle glaucoma. - no diuretic or systemic side effects (Why?).
38LOOP DIURETICSHigh Ceiling diuretics
- The most efficacious diuretics
- Efficacy High 25-30 natriuresis
- Drugs as
- Furosemide - torsemide
- Bumetanide - Ethcrynic acid
- Mechanism
- inhibit Na / K / 2 Cl- co-transporter in the
luminal membrane of the thick ascending loop of
Henle (TAL). - inhibit Ca and Mg re-absorption.
- Given orally or I. V.
- Has fast onset of action (suitable for emergency)
- Have short duration of action.
- Excreted by active tubular secretion of weak
acids into urine (compete with uric acid for
renal secretory system).
41Ascending loop of Henle
42Ascending loop of Henle
43Pharmacological effects
- ? urinary excretion of Na , K, Ca and Mg
- ? urine volume
- ? renal blood flow.
44- Uses
- are drug of choice for emergency situations as
- Acute pulmonary edema
- Edema associated with heart failure, nephrotic
syndrome - Acute hyperkalaemia.
- Acute hypercalcemia
45Adverse effects
- Hypokalemia (dietary K supplementation or
K-sparing diuretics). - Metabolic alkalosis.
- Acute Hypovolemia, postural hypotension
46Adverse effects
- Hyponatraemia.
- Hypomagnesaemia
- Hyperuricemia (increase gouty attack).
- Ototoxicity (risk increased if combined with
aminoglycosides) - Allergic reactions