Care and release of microbat pups by Kathryn Davis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Care and release of microbat pups by Kathryn Davis


Care and release of microbat pups by Kathryn Davis Feeding and care of juveniles Potential survival of orphan pups Feeding un-weaned orphan pups Feeding orphan pups ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Care and release of microbat pups by Kathryn Davis

Care and release of microbat pups by
Kathryn Davis
  • Feeding and care of juveniles
  • Potential survival of orphan pups
  • Feeding un-weaned orphan pups
  • Feeding orphan pups during weaning
  • Feeding weaned orphan pups
  • Release of juveniles
  • Learning to catch insects on the wing
  • Juvenile crèche surrogate mothers
  • Flying practice stage 1, 2, and 3
  • Soft release

Potential survival of orphaned microbat pups
  • 1. Most pups should be fully furred within 7
    to 10 days, already being weaned
  • 2. If a microbat pup is un-furred it must be
    treated as un-weaned
  • 3. If a pup is furred, but smaller than an
    adult of that species try it on milk solution
  • 4. Pups must be kept warm (not hot) at all
  • However, if a pup remains un-furred for more
    than 5 days, it may
  • have been rejected by its mother due to a
    congenital problem. The
  • pup may appear healthy playing, and eating
    well. Such pups may
  • last more than three weeks, before dying

Food for un-weaned orphan pups (less than 10
days old) (Feed volumes and frequency are
  • Food source Use either
  • Di-Vetelact adding 1 to 2 drops un-thickened
    fresh cream for richness,
  • Wambaroo adding a little more water for volume
    (or some other suitable milk)
  • 1. I use a dropper (contains 1mL)
    offering 1 to 3 drops at a time (1 drop
  • 2. The pup shows when, and how it
    wants to be fed, usually wanting to play
  • during feeds.
  • 3. Volumes of feed can be estimated from
    above with a total of approx 1mL
  • per feed (every 4 to 6 hours).

Feeding orphaned pups during weaning
  • Feeding orphaned pups calcium (Ca) during
  • Offer milk solution as above, plus, soft worms
    dipped in milk powder!
  • This step is vital to maintain calcium (Ca) for
    bone strength.
  • Milk powder should also be given to any
    captive mother to supplement
  • calcium (Ca) offered in her milk

Feeding weaned pups
  • 1. Continue to add milk powder to food either
    in same dish
  • as solid food, or in a separate dish.
  • 2. Most microbats (juveniles and adults) eagerly
    accept milk
  • powder with food.
  • 3. Milk powder maintains protein, vitamin, and
    mineral balance.
  • 4. Solid food options moths, mealworms, egg
    custard, uncooked mince
  • rolled with raw egg, crickets, other local
    clean insects.

Release of juvenilesLearning to catch insects
on the wing
  • 1. If the juveniles mother is present and is
    releasable then the
  • juvenile quickly learns from her to catch
    insects on the wing
  • 2. Orphans may learn to catch insects on the
    wing, on their own,
  • since there is a high innate component
    involved in this behaviour
  • 3. If a captive female gives birth, she may
    adopt other juveniles
  • during flying lessons for her own pups

Juvenile crèche
  • 1. Most microbat pups (captive born or orphaned)
    survive long-term
  • when fed high calcium supplements during,
    and after weaning
  • 2. Orphaned pups may be adopted by
    short-term captive mothers,
  • even if from a different species
  • 3. Potentially releasable juveniles and adults,
    irrespective of species,
  • fly together, and even co-habitat each
    others tank so long as it is their
  • choice. You cannot mix species, or have more
    than one male in a tank
  • IF THE LID IS KEPT ON. They must be free to

Flying lesson Stage 1 Circular flight path
Mother leads and continues flying whilst
juveniles stop for rests before resuming
Flying lesson Stage 2 Figure of 8
flight-path1. Juveniles able to fly for longer
periods.2. Juveniles and mother take turns at
Flying lesson Stage 3 Random direction around
obstaclesMother still shows some control as
leader, choosing path through branches
Soft release
  1. Juvenile microbats form loose social groups
    within a crèche
  2. Release programs may involve adult and juvenile
    social groups
  3. Both adults and juveniles should be micro-chipped
    with tiny chip inserted under tummy before
    release (Dr Teri Bellamy willing to obtain and
    insert microchips)
  4. At release, each bat may be placed in a
    familiar unsealed bag, placed in a typical
    microbat tank on a table under cover, at release
  5. Leave tank closed until late at night. Open top,
    covering loosely with familiar cloth and allow
    microbats to self-release. Provide food and water
    support for at least a week.
  6. Micro-chipping would provide scientific data
    regarding survival and migration of released
    microbats (adults and juveniles)
  7. Carers would need to check for a micro-chip upon
    microbats coming into care

Adult microbats brought into care. What are the
  1. Adult females from April-June are most likely
  2. If a female is unable to be released within a few
    days, what are the options?
  3. Release during cool to cold nights? Not an option
    if insects are not available
  4. Euthanasia? Rarely, this would result in 3 deaths
    (mum and usual 2 pups)
  5. Allow female to give birth in care and release
    all 3 (if mum is releasable) during spring All
    must be housed in appropriately sized flight
  6. To maintain healthy mums and bubs add milk powder
    as choice of food, with solids
  7. Continue milk powder for mums and pups after
  8. Orphaned pups can be taught to fly and catch
    insects on the wing by a mum of different species
    so long as the room is large enough and the
    choice to bond is that of both mum and bubs
  9. All may be released together using a
    soft-release program

  • 1. There should be microbat juvenile release
    programs similar to that of Flying-fox juveniles
  • If carers are unable to keep adult females
    brought into care PLEASE consider passing them on
    to someone able, and willing, to care for them
  • There is NO evidence that keeping a microbat for
    longer than a few weeks will result in imprinting
    (Mormopterus are stubborn and lazy despite length
    in care)
  • Care for microbats and Flying-foxes should be
    parallel dont release either in adverse
    conditions. Both respond to personal care without
    hindering release
  • Even microbat mothers with one wing missing may
    successfully give birth and look after her pups
    to release stage without adverse effects

Future research
  1. Use of cameras to record juvenile flight
  2. Sonagrams of mother and pups during development,
    using Anabat detector
  3. Radio-tracking of released microbats to confirm
    success of rehabilitation programs
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