Title: The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
1The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
- An Exploration of Theme
- Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Suspicion
- Created by
Ms. Ariel Warden
2What does Rod Serling mean when he says
- The tools of conquest do not necessarily come
with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are
weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes,
prejudices-to be found only in the minds of
men.For the record, prejudices can kill, and
suspicion can destroy, and the thoughtless,
frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout
all of its own for the children...the children
yet unborn. -
3What is a STEREOTYPE?
- A stereotype is a too-simple and therefore
distorted image of a group of people. -
- What stereotypes do you have?
4person with glasses
A Honor Roll
5What is a PREJUDICE?
- A prejudice is a preconceived NEGATIVE notion
about a person, simply based on a characteristic
or their belonging to a certain group. - Prejudices typically lead to some type of action
towards that person, whether it is a comment,
exclusion, or violence.
6- How are stereotypes and prejudices related?
- What prejudices do you have?
7What do you think of him?
8- What damages have prejudices caused throughout
history? -
- Lets look at a few examples
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10How did the Nazis gain control?
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12- Why were the Germans pleased with Hitler and
the Nazis? -
13Why do you think most people did nothing to stop
the Nazis?
14- What prejudices did the Nazis have?
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16Has the US ever been involved in systematic,
acceptable prejudice?List as many instances as
you can.
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18- Why were the Japanese Americans sent to
internment camps? - How were the internment camps similar to Nazi
concentration camp? - How were they different?
- Is it OK to take away citizens freedoms in order
to protect others? Is it acceptable to do this
simply because there is a possibility that they
may cause harm to others? (Ultimately, which is
more important freedom or safety?)
YES or NO?
20Has there ever been a Holocaust in the United
Poll Everywhere
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22Is all this prejudice in our PAST?
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27- Why do these teenagers embrace white power?
- Do you think they should be allowed to share
their racist views? Why or why not? - What would you do if you met these teenagers or
other kids like them? Explain. - (5 minutes)
28- Is it ok to be prejudice if you dont act out on
it? - Have stereotypes or prejudice ever influenced how
you have acted? - (2 minutes)
29Who are these men?
Timothy Mcveigh Okalahoma City bomber
Dr.Jumaa Khalfan BelhoulMedical doctor
Do you think of them differently NOW?
30- They came first for the Communists, And I didnt
speak up because I wasnt a Communist - And then they came for the trade unionists, And I
didnt speak up because I wasnt a trade
unionist - And then they came for the Jews, And I didnt
speak up because I wasnt a Jew - And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that
time there was no one left to speak up." - --Pastor Martin Niemöller