Title: Push
1Push Pull Factors of Immigration
- Grade 9 Geography
- Lester B Pearson
2What factors cause people to immigrate?
- There are two reasons why people decided to leave
their homelands or areas where they live. - These reasons are called the PUSH and PULL
3Push Factor
- People leave their homelands because there are
several factors that pushes them out of the
4 5 - poverty in Greece, Poland, China
- needs a job to make money
- Libya, Somalia, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Iraq,
Palestine, Afghanistan
- dont want you or family to die, or thrown in
jail, or torture
- climate change leads to drought, heat waves,
hurricanes, floods, earthquakes
- Somalia, New Orleans (Katrina), Japan
(tsunami), Haiti (earthquake)
6Pull Factor
- People leave their homelands because there are
several factors about their new country that
pulls them to immigrate to that new country.
7(No Transcript)
8- health care, housing, recreation, education
- new country has better social opportunities
- job opportunities
- Ontario for construction high tech.
- -Alberta, due to oil gas resource
- can practice your own religion beliefs
- Canada has human rights code