1- Excellence is the gradual result of always
wanting to do better.
2What is Race to the Top?
- Grant that Archbold applied for to help
financially support the educational initiatives
of HB 1 - There are four goals (assurance areas)
- Assurance Area ATransformation Team and
Communication - Assurance Area BStandards and Assessments
- Assurance Area CUsing Data to Improve
Instruction - Assurance Area DGreat Teachers and Leader
- These efforts are to occur over a 4-year period.
3Alignment between Race to the Top and Ohio House
Bill 1
RTTT- Assurance Area B HOUSE BILL 1
Develop and adopt a common set of K-12 standards (B1) Adopt new statewide academic standards for all grades in English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies
Jointly develop common, high quality assessments with other states (B2) Develop assessments that align with the new standards and a new high school assessment system to replace the Ohio Graduation Test
Support the statewide transition to and implementation of internationally benchmarked K-12 standards and high-quality assessments (B3) Adopt the model curricula reflecting revised standards Develop college and career ready standards aligned to 21st Century Skills
4ODE Projects and Activities for Race to the Top
Assurance B3
Projects Resources and Activities
Provide curriculum resources to support teachers (B3) Implement standards rollout Develop curricular and instructional support Align of high school exit and higher education entry requirements
Strengthen assessment leadership (B3) Develop aligned formative assessments Develop performance based assessments Implement kindergarten readiness assessment
5- Change is inevitable,
- except from vending machines
6ArchboldNew Standards Information
- Information from ODE and NwOESC
7Standards Revision
- Not later than June 30, 2010the state board of
education shall adopt statewide academic
standards with emphasis on coherence, focus, and
rigor for each of grades kindergarten through
twelve in English language arts, mathematics,
science, and social studies. - ORC 3301.079(A)(1)
8Standards Must Reflect
- College and career readiness
- Content and skills
- Coherence, focus, rigor
- Alignment to model curriculum
9Stakeholder NeedsJune 2009
- Improvement needed or critical in all areas!
10Standards Adoption June 2010
English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social
Common Core Standards
State Standards
Model Curriculum March 30, 2011
11(No Transcript)
12Why Technology is important
- Technology integration in the new standards
- Student will be taking the tests online
- Students will be expected to form certain tasks
with technology integration - Excel Spreadsheets
- Word Process with formatting
- Online (hyperlink) sources
- Search for credible resources
13Crosswalk to 2002 Standards
14Finding the crosswalks
15Why a Model Curriculum?
- the state board shall adopt a model
curriculumThe model curriculum shall be aligned
with the standards, to ensure that the academic
content and skills specified for each grade level
are taught to students, and shall demonstrate
vertical articulation and emphasize coherence,
focus, and rigor. - ORC 3301.079(B)
16What is the Model Curriculum?
- A web-based tool, aligned to the standards,
that - Presents information specific to the content area
by grade level, grade band and course - Provides curricular and instructional guidance
- Includes instructional strategies and resources
- Informs assessment development
17Model Curriculum Components
- Content Elaborations
- In-depth information about what should be
taught - Applies to all content areas
- Expectations for Learning
- Recommendations for how students may demonstrate
their learning - Applies only to science and social studies
18Model Curriculum Example
Inquiry-based learning
21st Century Skills
Global Connections
19Model Curriculum Timeline
20New Assessments
- The state board of education shall develop
achievement tests aligned with the academic
standards and model curriculum for each of the
subject areas and grade levels required by
section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code. - ORC 3301-13-01 (C)(1)
21Ohios New Assessments HB1
- K-8
- Combine reading and writing into a single English
language arts assessment - Establish 3 performance levels (instead of 5)
- High School
- Nationally standardized test
- Series of end-of-course exams
- Senior Project
22Common Core Assessment Consortia
- Both PARCC SMARTER Balanced consortia have
- Interim and summative components
- High school tests End-of-course vs. End-of-year
- Rapid reporting system to inform instruction
- Teachers involved in developing and scoring tests
- Transition
- Teacher Professional Development
- Local Curriculum Revision
- Test Development
- 2011 - 2014
State Board Adopts Standards June 2010
State Board Adopts Model Curriculum March 2011
Transition Complete June 2014
24Begin with the end in mind
- Create new curriculum maps
- Consider and prepare for changes based on those
maps - Write objectives to match maps and standards
- Begin creating common, formative assessments for
the objectives
25What happens NEXT?
- Meetings to look at your content standards more
in-depth - K-4 will be grade level meetings, 5-12 will be
department meetings - Create new maps based on the new curriculum
- Begin with the end in mind
- Work towards adding new pieces to the maps
- Including Formative assessments and resources
26- Even if you are on the right track, you will get
run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers